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Class changing is driving me insane....

I loved Istaria since i first got to play it.And it was only 2 years ago..and no i was not intimitated by its old looking graphs or its harsh looking UI. I loved the feeling of immersion ,backed up by the wonderful RP efforts of its small but stable playerbase.

I ve been trying to commit more time to it so i can decide whether to subscribe to its objectively high price sub.

But this class changing is driving me crazy.Anyone who has played ISTARIA knows what i'm talking about. You have gathering proffesion on and you start to gather.You get XP. Then your inventory fills up. So it's time to craft things using your gatherings.Wait! You must first go to a certain NPC trainer and change crafting class or else anything that you create won't give you xp. And there are no mounts. So there is grind and looong walks. Back and forth to trainers just for the typical change of schools. I seriously can't understand it's use. Could be  for lengthening level progression or even core software design weakness(character cannot process XP from different classes/schools).I think the first  ....

Well anyways this is a BIG reason for me NOT to subscribe and commit to Istaria...And i wanted to o bad...

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