Not touching the subject, but thanks for this. Great comment!
Ken Fisher - Semi retired old fart Network Administrator, now working in Network Security. I don't Forum PVP. If you feel I've attacked you, it was probably by accident. When I don't understand, I ask. Such is not intended as criticism.
According to what I read and saw they are pretty apparent. I.E. it happens in casual conversation just like it would in Dragon Age 1 or 2, Mass Effect, etc. I for one don't want hit on by someone that's gay. I don't hang out where I can be hit on IRL by gays I shouldn't have to experience that in a game that I play to escape from RL. I realize gays love it, gays think everyone else should love it too, but I don't like it. I'm old fashioned. I don't hate gays, I just don't appreciate "gay content" if you catch my drift.
Don't paint us as if we were weird clingy weirdos into weird kinky stuff and on the verge of raping you. FFS.
I realize that there are some gay people that are very even keeled and kicked back, obviously such as yourself. I respect that and appreciate that alot. I respect that ALOT when someone respects my space that way. I don't blindly paint all gay people that way either. I've experienced alot of vitrol and hate from gays to straights or even people that believe in god, hate and vitrol that was unwarranted. Hence part of why I've always been uncomfortable. Also why I said I don't appreciate the gay stuff but I don't hate gays. That being said, I hope I didn't offend. I appreciate the cool and collected response.
Banegrivm Leader of the 1st Fist of Light
I love the people who come out and say oh I'm not against Gays ect. But then they sit there and say I don't wanna be around them in any shape or form...
That's kinda like my grandpa saying he doesn't "mind" me having black friends but he doesn't want to me around them... Racism still peaking it's head out in our society in this day and age is unbelieveable...
but back on topic, ti's a game. the Dev's publishers, ect ect get to decide what is / isn't in it. I haven't read anything else besides this post before this and didn't even think of same sex NPC relations in the game... Why would they even need to bring this up?
I love the people who come out and say oh I'm not against Gays ect. But then they sit there and say I don't wanna be around them in any shape or form...
That's kinda like my grandpa saying he doesn't "mind" me having black friends but he doesn't want to me around them... Racism still peaking it's head out in our society in this day and age is unbelieveable...
but back on topic, ti's a game. the Dev's publishers, ect ect get to decide what is / isn't in it. I haven't read anything else besides this post before this and didn't even think of same sex NPC relations in the game... Why would they even need to bring this up?
Sure, the dev's can do whatever they want, but it doesn't make what they're doing correct. On one hand this issue is discriminatory by not even acknowledging same-sex relationships. On the otherhand it's downright lazy for not offering the full spectrum of reasonable options.
Then there's the fact that pretty much every other MMO simply does not touch the subject. It's left entirely up to the players as to how they play thier characters orientation. This, in my opinion, is the best option of them all. Leave romance options out of the game entirely if they cannot or refuse to address all of the valid options.
I love the people who come out and say oh I'm not against Gays ect. But then they sit there and say I don't wanna be around them in any shape or form...
That's kinda like my grandpa saying he doesn't "mind" me having black friends but he doesn't want to me around them... Racism still peaking it's head out in our society in this day and age is unbelieveable...
but back on topic, ti's a game. the Dev's publishers, ect ect get to decide what is / isn't in it. I haven't read anything else besides this post before this and didn't even think of same sex NPC relations in the game... Why would they even need to bring this up?
Well I don't have anything against gay men but I wouldn't want one to marry my daughter ... er ....wait.
I find it a bit odd that they would decide against same sex relationships because they don't want controversy, but at the same time no one seems to think there is anything wrong with a male human toon shagging a Twi'lek or Wookie girl rotten.Seems a bit of a double standard.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
According to what I read and saw they are pretty apparent. I.E. it happens in casual conversation just like it would in Dragon Age 1 or 2, Mass Effect, etc. I for one don't want hit on by someone that's gay. I don't hang out where I can be hit on IRL by gays I shouldn't have to experience that in a game that I play to escape from RL. I realize gays love it, gays think everyone else should love it too, but I don't like it. I'm old fashioned. I don't hate gays, I just don't appreciate "gay content" if you catch my drift.
Don't paint us as if we were weird clingy weirdos into weird kinky stuff and on the verge of raping you. FFS.
I realize that there are some gay people that are very even keeled and kicked back, obviously such as yourself. I respect that and appreciate that alot. I respect that ALOT when someone respects my space that way. I don't blindly paint all gay people that way either. I've experienced alot of vitrol and hate from gays to straights or even people that believe in god, hate and vitrol that was unwarranted. Hence part of why I've always been uncomfortable. Also why I said I don't appreciate the gay stuff but I don't hate gays. That being said, I hope I didn't offend. I appreciate the cool and collected response.
{mod edit} as a game developer if they don't want gay relationships that is their decision, if it offends you, don't play their game. They are choosing not to cater to our kind, that is their decision and it could effect sales, though I'm doubting it. I just get tired of hearing everyones complaints constantly about gay rights, us complaining isn't going to change jack.
Seems like it would be easy to just leave the options in. I still can't fathom why the homophobes in the world/this thread care what other people do. Grow up.
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
...Which is why they should just remove all 'romance' aspects, period.
This is a terrible argument; a stupid rule from the ESRB prevents 5% of the population from having romance options in the story, therefore the other 95% shouldn't have them either, because the options might irritate the 5%?
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.
i wonder what daniel erickson will say to defend this decision, funnily enough i always thought he came across as being gay. does anyone elses gaydar go off when they listen to daniel erickson?
Just as in real life you cannot and will not have the perfect outcome. This is a judgment call from Bioware and its fine either way it goes. Why, because "you will not have a perfect outcome". You have ignorance online and on the streets you walk on everyday. Just turn on tv and you see people finding reasons to argue just because they are closed minded (economy, religion, etc). And please anyone that's been on WoW, or any mmo chat channel and please tell me that you haven't seen an argument break out over any political or news worthy event. People find ways to taint the gaming environment. You log on to have fun and people drag RL aspect of ignorance and or hate to you on game experience. Until you or the world changes, just enjoy what TOR does deliver.
I love the people who come out and say oh I'm not against Gays ect. But then they sit there and say I don't wanna be around them in any shape or form...
That's kinda like my grandpa saying he doesn't "mind" me having black friends but he doesn't want to me around them... Racism still peaking it's head out in our society in this day and age is unbelieveable...
but back on topic, ti's a game. the Dev's publishers, ect ect get to decide what is / isn't in it. I haven't read anything else besides this post before this and didn't even think of same sex NPC relations in the game... Why would they even need to bring this up?
Yep, I'm against it. Always have been, always will be. I don't care what anyone says. If people want to be gay, they can go be gay, doesn't mean I don't want or need to hear about it, doesn't mean I need to be hateful about it either. Oh and couponfork or whatever your name is, I got to the first line in your post and just reported and blocked you. You don't know me, and you never will.
Banegrivm Leader of the 1st Fist of Light
Seems like it would be easy to just leave the options in. I still can't fathom why the homophobes in the world/this thread care what other people do. Grow up.
I would argue that most people do not give a damn about in-game relationships period. The only relationship in-game was accidental in ME1 that my Char had.
I guess I can see why gay people would be upset about this news. I mean, I am a straight Male and I think it would suck being forced to make out with guys in a video game that I really wanted to play.
I did not have an issue with any of the other Bioware games that allowed romances to go either way.
Now if the romances are avoidable, that is another story.
Did not read the article, but probably got a lot to do with age rating. Some parents do not want their kids exposed to such material (note, not arguing against or for it). Plus, like with Star Trek, Star Wars never really handled same sex couples or you could say its accurate to the lore in this issue. Bioware can do it easily with mature titles like Dragon Age or even Mass Effect.
For anyone not knowing, there have been laws passed already that mandate schools partisipate and be taught about LGBT issues in history and other classes in school. There should not be anything in the way along those terms. I for one would never play a game that doesnt stand up for who I am as a person.
first of all who says bioware even had same sex relationships in the game in the first place. just because their other games did, doesnt mean they went that route in this game. Im pretty sure the decision was made by either lucas arts in the beginning or they had to meet a certain rating so wasnt able to put it in because of that.
My thing is, who cares, I dont see the big deal either way. Personally all the romance options can be cut and I wouldnt care, its a freaking video game. {mod edit}
Should be a non issue, nobody should care, its a video game, quit whining about it, and if you seriously dont like it that much just dont play the stupid game.
Im so happy there are not gonna be any gay cantinas!
If you have gay story lines, you will definately need gay cantinas and gay in game festivals.
If you want gay storylines, play SWG before it shuts down in december. They have plenty, Ewok festival of love, Life day where big hairy guys walk around with nuthn on but a bandolier and you can even wear fairy wings.
Seriously ppl, its Star Wars, not Rainbow Wars! Get over it!
According to what I read and saw they are pretty apparent. I.E. it happens in casual conversation just like it would in Dragon Age 1 or 2, Mass Effect, etc. I for one don't want hit on by someone that's gay. I don't hang out where I can be hit on IRL by gays I shouldn't have to experience that in a game that I play to escape from RL. I realize gays love it, gays think everyone else should love it too, but I don't like it. I'm old fashioned. I don't hate gays, I just don't appreciate "gay content" if you catch my drift.
Don't paint us as if we were weird clingy weirdos into weird kinky stuff and on the verge of raping you. FFS.
My Lord Exilor, count to 10 and catch your breath!
This is exactly the kind of knee-jerk reaction and drama grabbing response a lot of people (including me) are always expecting in any conversation where gays think they have been wronged.
You claim tolerance but yet you don't tolerate someone with an opposing point of view...and then you try yourself to 'paint' the other person with an opposing view as the one who has the tolerance problem.
Probably not such a long shot nowadays, to guess that there will be someone complaining and giving everyone a guilt trip, in the LEGO Online forums because they don't have enough same sex relations in their game either.
As others have expressed, I also have a kid who loves Star Wars and I don't want him exposed to same sex relationships in any game I purchase for him.
I agree wholeheartedly with LA's decision to keep it out of the game.
...Which is why they should just remove all 'romance' aspects, period.
This is a terrible argument; a stupid rule from the ESRB prevents 5% of the population from having romance options in the story, therefore the other 95% shouldn't have them either, because the options might irritate the 5%?
doesnt matter if its 5 percent or .000000000001 percent. If those people have something they need, either its being held against there will from them or it isnt.
According to what I read and saw they are pretty apparent. I.E. it happens in casual conversation just like it would in Dragon Age 1 or 2, Mass Effect, etc. I for one don't want hit on by someone that's gay. I don't hang out where I can be hit on IRL by gays I shouldn't have to experience that in a game that I play to escape from RL. I realize gays love it, gays think everyone else should love it too, but I don't like it. I'm old fashioned. I don't hate gays, I just don't appreciate "gay content" if you catch my drift.
...Which is why they should just remove all 'romance' aspects, period.
A gay person could argue they don't want to deal with those 'hetero' issues either and, to be fair, you would at LEAST have to intellectually accept the argument and deal with it.
The 'too young' argument is a bit sexist because it assumes lil kids can 'handle' hetero romance but not homo.
Why the guy who said there would be no homo content said that on record is -way-beyond me. I hope he is long fired. They could have just not included homo options and been silent about it, but now its kinda an 'issue'.
I can understand why they want to have romance arcs, since that's been pretty standard for Bioware MMOs. However, if they're really forced to be discriminatory about it, seems to me that the only decent way out from under that is to remove all NPC romance from the game. If they can't take a strong stand against this, they should at least be able to take a weak one. It's hard to believe they'd just let it go down this way.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
Seriously? This is an issue? To people on both sides: It's a FREAKING GAME!
Build a bridge and get over it.
F***ing Political Correct BullS**t!
I've had it up to here with this stuff. If they put any of our religons in there, people would be freaking out. But we MUST have gays and lesbians! You know something, other than Han and Leia and Anakin and Padme, what other time in Star Wars did you see anything resembling a relationship? It's not like it's a very prevalent part of the story.
Put the flags away because personally, here's one person who simply could care less if it's in the game or not. Just because there isn't a rainbow flag every five bloody feet doesn't mean the game is anti Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Transgender. I have nothing against said community and count many as friends, but this is TOO MUCH!
this forum makes me sick, everything in this thread sucks, and you people suck. You speak of people like there some minion dwellers that should conform to your every dying way of life. I would rather poke my eyes out slowly over the course of a year with needles as thin as hair then read any more of this non sence.
Not touching the subject, but thanks for this. Great comment!
I realize that there are some gay people that are very even keeled and kicked back, obviously such as yourself. I respect that and appreciate that alot. I respect that ALOT when someone respects my space that way. I don't blindly paint all gay people that way either. I've experienced alot of vitrol and hate from gays to straights or even people that believe in god, hate and vitrol that was unwarranted. Hence part of why I've always been uncomfortable. Also why I said I don't appreciate the gay stuff but I don't hate gays. That being said, I hope I didn't offend. I appreciate the cool and collected response.
Leader of the 1st Fist of Light
I love the people who come out and say oh I'm not against Gays ect. But then they sit there and say I don't wanna be around them in any shape or form...
That's kinda like my grandpa saying he doesn't "mind" me having black friends but he doesn't want to me around them... Racism still peaking it's head out in our society in this day and age is unbelieveable...
but back on topic, ti's a game. the Dev's publishers, ect ect get to decide what is / isn't in it. I haven't read anything else besides this post before this and didn't even think of same sex NPC relations in the game... Why would they even need to bring this up?
Sure, the dev's can do whatever they want, but it doesn't make what they're doing correct. On one hand this issue is discriminatory by not even acknowledging same-sex relationships. On the otherhand it's downright lazy for not offering the full spectrum of reasonable options.
Then there's the fact that pretty much every other MMO simply does not touch the subject. It's left entirely up to the players as to how they play thier characters orientation. This, in my opinion, is the best option of them all. Leave romance options out of the game entirely if they cannot or refuse to address all of the valid options.
Well I don't have anything against gay men but I wouldn't want one to marry my daughter ... er ....wait.
I find it a bit odd that they would decide against same sex relationships because they don't want controversy, but at the same time no one seems to think there is anything wrong with a male human toon shagging a Twi'lek or Wookie girl rotten. Seems a bit of a double standard.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
{mod edit} as a game developer if they don't want gay relationships that is their decision, if it offends you, don't play their game. They are choosing not to cater to our kind, that is their decision and it could effect sales, though I'm doubting it. I just get tired of hearing everyones complaints constantly about gay rights, us complaining isn't going to change jack.
Seems like it would be easy to just leave the options in. I still can't fathom why the homophobes in the world/this thread care what other people do. Grow up.
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
This is a terrible argument; a stupid rule from the ESRB prevents 5% of the population from having romance options in the story, therefore the other 95% shouldn't have them either, because the options might irritate the 5%?
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.
This proves that EA and LA is running the show.
i wonder what daniel erickson will say to defend this decision, funnily enough i always thought he came across as being gay. does anyone elses gaydar go off when they listen to daniel erickson?
Yep, I'm against it. Always have been, always will be. I don't care what anyone says. If people want to be gay, they can go be gay, doesn't mean I don't want or need to hear about it, doesn't mean I need to be hateful about it either. Oh and couponfork or whatever your name is, I got to the first line in your post and just reported and blocked you. You don't know me, and you never will.
Leader of the 1st Fist of Light
Im homosexual, what the hell.
I would argue that most people do not give a damn about in-game relationships period. The only relationship in-game was accidental in ME1 that my Char had.
I would be in favor removing it anyway.
I guess I can see why gay people would be upset about this news. I mean, I am a straight Male and I think it would suck being forced to make out with guys in a video game that I really wanted to play.
I did not have an issue with any of the other Bioware games that allowed romances to go either way.
Now if the romances are avoidable, that is another story.
Just sayin .
Work hard Play Harder
For anyone not knowing, there have been laws passed already that mandate schools partisipate and be taught about LGBT issues in history and other classes in school. There should not be anything in the way along those terms. I for one would never play a game that doesnt stand up for who I am as a person.
first of all who says bioware even had same sex relationships in the game in the first place. just because their other games did, doesnt mean they went that route in this game. Im pretty sure the decision was made by either lucas arts in the beginning or they had to meet a certain rating so wasnt able to put it in because of that.
My thing is, who cares, I dont see the big deal either way. Personally all the romance options can be cut and I wouldnt care, its a freaking video game. {mod edit}
Should be a non issue, nobody should care, its a video game, quit whining about it, and if you seriously dont like it that much just dont play the stupid game.
Im so happy there are not gonna be any gay cantinas!
If you have gay story lines, you will definately need gay cantinas and gay in game festivals.
If you want gay storylines, play SWG before it shuts down in december. They have plenty, Ewok festival of love, Life day where big hairy guys walk around with nuthn on but a bandolier and you can even wear fairy wings.
Seriously ppl, its Star Wars, not Rainbow Wars! Get over it!
Obviuosly is just a turn off for role playing.
I really don´t care about relationships in games...but i find trully annoying the censhorship.
In my country Spain gays can get marry just like anyone else...i find it fair & necessary.
This kind of "small" details are the ones that can make a difference in the normalization & in the education on the respect of other ppl sexuality.
-1 for Bioware.
Exilor writes:
Don't paint us as if we were weird clingy weirdos into weird kinky stuff and on the verge of raping you. FFS.
My Lord Exilor, count to 10 and catch your breath!
This is exactly the kind of knee-jerk reaction and drama grabbing response a lot of people (including me) are always expecting in any conversation where gays think they have been wronged.
You claim tolerance but yet you don't tolerate someone with an opposing point of view...and then you try yourself to 'paint' the other person with an opposing view as the one who has the tolerance problem.
Probably not such a long shot nowadays, to guess that there will be someone complaining and giving everyone a guilt trip, in the LEGO Online forums because they don't have enough same sex relations in their game either.
As others have expressed, I also have a kid who loves Star Wars and I don't want him exposed to same sex relationships in any game I purchase for him.
I agree wholeheartedly with LA's decision to keep it out of the game.
doesnt matter if its 5 percent or .000000000001 percent. If those people have something they need, either its being held against there will from them or it isnt.
I can understand why they want to have romance arcs, since that's been pretty standard for Bioware MMOs. However, if they're really forced to be discriminatory about it, seems to me that the only decent way out from under that is to remove all NPC romance from the game. If they can't take a strong stand against this, they should at least be able to take a weak one. It's hard to believe they'd just let it go down this way.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
Seriously? This is an issue? To people on both sides: It's a FREAKING GAME!
Build a bridge and get over it.
F***ing Political Correct BullS**t!
I've had it up to here with this stuff. If they put any of our religons in there, people would be freaking out. But we MUST have gays and lesbians! You know something, other than Han and Leia and Anakin and Padme, what other time in Star Wars did you see anything resembling a relationship? It's not like it's a very prevalent part of the story.
Put the flags away because personally, here's one person who simply could care less if it's in the game or not. Just because there isn't a rainbow flag every five bloody feet doesn't mean the game is anti Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Transgender. I have nothing against said community and count many as friends, but this is TOO MUCH!
this forum makes me sick, everything in this thread sucks, and you people suck. You speak of people like there some minion dwellers that should conform to your every dying way of life. I would rather poke my eyes out slowly over the course of a year with needles as thin as hair then read any more of this non sence.