--Every one is entitled to there opinion/beliefs. -- "So in one post you call it shady practice and accuse them for selling information, in next you tell us we are just making up conspiracy theories and in third post you complelely deny for accuing Funcom and say that it is just your opinion. Make up your mind man. " --It's right there in plain site- His/her opinion- and his/her mind seems to be made up. Why even attempt to make something of nothing?! If that is what he/she believes then that is what he/she believes.
I don't care if it is his opinion but atleast stay consistent with what you are saying. This flip flop does no one good especially when you are accussing a company for being shady without any proof. People get away with a lot in name of opinion on this forum.
"I am just quoting your previous posts to help you remember." -- You seem to try and do a lot of so called reminding. No need for it- it is posted. He/She can go back and read it any time as long as its still there.--
yes i do it because people often forget what they posted few hours back and do a complete u turn on their previous statements.
"I am not the only one but everyone read your post in same manner." --Again you attempt to speak for the crowd. Don't attempt to put words in my mouth. I can speak for my self. Also, I for one did not read it in your so called same manner. You assume that you speak for the crowd. You don't.--
Where did you come in? putting words into YOUR mouth?huh? i was talking to taus not you. But thanks for being trying to be pedantic when you are not even involved in discussion. And no in this case i do speak for the crowd, one has to just glance at the majority of replies to understand that we are all on same page.
Whtever OP wrote is in plain writing. 'Funcom is using shady business practice to sell out our private info'.
"We are not as stupid as you think we are. " -- You once again attempt to place others in your shoes with you. I can think, speak and act for my self. Also I do not find any where that he/she stated any one was stupid as you stated. It is also amazing how you seem to think you can read the minds of others. And last but not least, who are you trying to convince?--
Why do i need to convince anyone? but when OP collectively bundles up everyone and accuse them for making conspiracy theories (yeah right) i have to mention that we can read and understand what he was trying to say.
Why any one gets upset because others do not see, think or play games etc the way you choose to is just plain silly. Life is short and problematic on its own with out people getting upset/ bent out of shape over personal views and/or choices that have no effect on others gaming life and/or real life etc is just silly as well.
Support what you support for what ever reason you support it. Just let it be yoursupport.
Best wishes in the future...
I can see why you are upset because yesterday i was tryign to make you understand what F2P really means.Since you were expecting entire game (Fallen Earth) for free. Good to see that you were still holding grudge and took out free time out of your busy day to reply to me even though you were not involved in this discussion. So your line that 'people get upset and bent out of shape over personal views' seems pretty hypocritical to me. practise what you preach.
Give your opinions all you want but when you start accusing others atleast back it up with something more than just your speculations and assumptions.
Hahaha, the post above either entirely scares me, or has literally won this thread!
I almost fell from chair laughing.
I think I'm more in the scared camp, personally. Should this not be reported, its rhetorical force notwithstanding?
yeah it is scary lol but also proves that there is no such thing as privacy on internet. Focusing all your energy on Funcom is really silly as if they are the real enemy we should be scared of.... but first you should get some kind of medal for that awesome post of yours.
I felt like that if I used by actual Facebook account, the Secret World would be spamming my friends with information, polls, links, and all those other annoying game-related invites I get from my friends who play so many facebook games. I don't wish this crap upon any of them, even the ones who repeatedly send me game invites.
Not sure if anyone posted this yet but you can go in and edit the settings for the Secret War app and not allow it to post to your wall, etc.
Hahaha, the post above either entirely scares me, or has literally won this thread!
I almost fell from chair laughing.
I think I'm more in the scared camp, personally. Should this not be reported, its rhetorical force notwithstanding?
yeah it is scary lol but also proves that there is no such thing as privacy on internet. Focusing all your energy on Funcom is really silly as if they are the real enemy we should be scared of.... but first you should get some kind of medal for that awesome post of yours.
I am going to have to save that last bit for future use.
I suppose this is like the people yapping away on their cellphones and suddenly realizes that everyone sitting near them on the bus heard everything they said just now and starts yelling that it's rude to listen in on private conversations.
Yeah, privacy is a thing much like liberty, when you freely give it up you don't really deserve it anymore.
I almost fell from chair laughing.
yeah it is scary lol but also proves that there is no such thing as privacy on internet. Focusing all your energy on Funcom is really silly as if they are the real enemy we should be scared of.... but first you should get some kind of medal for that awesome post of yours.
Not sure if anyone posted this yet but you can go in and edit the settings for the Secret War app and not allow it to post to your wall, etc.
My main FB account is a dummy account. They're going to feel like idiots if they go to New York looking for a 25 year old guy named Bob.
why is everyone so afraid these days!
I am going to have to save that last bit for future use.
No, the problem is the opposite. People are telling everything about themselves on the internet all the time, privacy is a thing of the past now.
But the question is who reads all that crap, many people can't go to the toilet withot blogging or twittering about it.
Yeah, you caught me. I just read the title.
Because everyone thinks they are politicians with a lot of shady practises to show for.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
I suppose this is like the people yapping away on their cellphones and suddenly realizes that everyone sitting near them on the bus heard everything they said just now and starts yelling that it's rude to listen in on private conversations.
Yeah, privacy is a thing much like liberty, when you freely give it up you don't really deserve it anymore.