Hello MMORPGers,
I’d like to introduce myself, and get your feedback. My name is Tony and I recently joined the Amazon.com Digital Video Games Marketing Team.
I’m an avid gamer, particularly when it comes to MMORPGs. Any of you who played DAOC on Guinevere may have played with my Skald, Ballak, who was my longest running character. I organized one of the first dragon runs on that server and have fond memories of logging in Darkness Falls until the Camelot Herald let me know that Alb had taken control so I could log back in and wreak some havoc.
I’ve played just about everything though, I loved the original EQ and sold/bought more Crush belts than I care to think about. I only recently discarded my collector’s edition Tabula Rasa box and absolutely loved my Warforged Wizard in DDO.
I’m reaching out for two reasons:
I love this community, you all have steered me (unknowingly) towards some of my favorite MMORPG experiences. I want to participate in your discussions when I am able to.
I’d like to let you all know when we have deals on MMORPGs available for download, recently we’ve had sales on Rift and Final Fantasy XI that I would love to let you all know about so you can take advantage of them.
Before I do either of those things as an official Amazon representative though, I want to make sure you, as the community, are open to that kind of posting. What I don’t want is for you all to think I’m here to just sling marketing lingo at you. Also, is it valuable for me to post a similar introduction in the General - Non MMO discussion board?
Let me know what you think, like I said, I would love to participate!
I wouldn't mind it so long as every little offer wasn't spammed. Although, MMO's are the game type I would be least likely to buy on special offer as I usually buy them at or around about release time if i'm even slightly interested.
Not sure how the staff here would look at using their forum for advertising.
Thanks for the quick feedback Kabaal. I definitely don't want you all to feel like I'm spamming every little offer as you put it, and I'm certainly happy to share awesome PC/Mac digital deals for non-MMO games (Did you know you can get Deus Ex for $34.99 right now?). I'll ask for feedback when I post stuff as well, like "is this the kind of deal you want to see from me?"
But I also think I have some fun insight to share as well. For example I was at PAX this weekend and I got to play games like Torchlight 2, Novus Aeterno (if you haven't checked it out it looks like an awesome up and coming MMORTS), and the new League of Legends build. I'd love to participate in conversations about stuff like this and let you know what I think.
As for the Mods, I emailed them and asked permission, and they encouraged me to ask you (the community) what you think.
Thanks again for taking the time to respond. Hopefully you all are as excited to have me here as I am to be here.
If i were you, i would use the site´s blog system to list all the offers that you feel are relevant to our interests, and direct the users to it with your signature.
On the topic of our personal opinion about "commercial" posting, i do not think anyone should oppose to it.
Comercial posting ( as long as it is not excessive ) can benefit the community and allow the users to discover and buy new mmorpgs that they may otherwhise have ignored/ never known of.
As long as the staff is ok with it, i am ok with it too.
I'm not intrinsically against this sort of advertisement. But it depends a lot on how it's done. A few things that I think are important:
1) Restrict the posts to where they'll be seen by the people who care. If Amazon has a great deal on FFXI, then go ahead and post it on the FFXI forums. But don't post it in the pub. Most people in the pub don't care about FFXI (or any other particular game, with perhaps the exception of WoW, if loathing counts as "caring"), and don't want this forum section buried in posts specific to one particular game.
2) Restrict it to genuinely good deals. Amazon will commonly say things like, the nominal price on this item is $50, but we'll sell it to you today for $40, and that's 20% off. Now, if Amazon is the only place in the US that you can get it for $40, then that's a good deal. But if the rest of the world is selling the same item for $30, then $40 isn't such a good deal. If your sale price isn't any cheaper than the normal price on New Egg or Steam, then lay off.
Now, this probably isn't what your employer wants. If you go to Dell's web site and configure a computer, for example, there will be some configuration options that say "Dell Recommended". That doesn't mean it's the best hardware for you. It doesn't mean it's the best deal. It means that's what Dell wants you to buy, likely because it gives them the largest profit margin. It might well be the worst deal for the consumer. To have the forums spammed with "sale" posts in that vein would be obnoxious.
3) Consider the signal to noise ratio. Most people are here to chat about various online games. If someone who makes a lot of "good" posts occasionally posts one that says "look at this great deal I found", that doesn't bother people. If the forums had a lot of people who would start their own threads about something or other, but never look at any threads that anyone else posted, it wouldn't work so well.
If you're going to be a forum regular and 1/10 of your posts are announcing some special deal on Amazon, then go ahead. If you're going to make three posts per week announcing the weekly specials and otherwise contribute nothing, then that would be obnoxious.
Since you're an Amazon employee, maybe you should see my Amazon rant. It probably isn't your purview, but maybe you'll be able to do something about it, such as alerting someone in the company that there is a problem, and it's costing the company millions of dollars.
I mostly hang out on the hardware section of the forums. Sometimes it's to chat about this or that new product. Sometimes people come in wanting to upgrade something or buy a new computer, and I'll help them pick good parts.
For Americans, I almost invariably check New Egg and ignore Amazon. You know why? It's not that New Egg offers better deals; Amazon's prices are about as good. Rather, it's that I can find what I'm looking for on New Egg. Amazon's search function basically doesn't work. Amazon might have just as good of deals as New Egg, but if it takes me an extra hour to find them, I'm not going to bother.
Let's try a naive search. Let's say you want to buy a Radeon HD 6870. Go to New Egg and type that into the search box and you get 27 results. A majority of them are a Radeon HD 6870. There are a couple of Radeon HD 6870 X2 cards, and some prebuilt desktops that include a Radeon HD 6870. And that's all it finds.
Now go to Amazon and do the same thing. You get 627 results. Some of them are Radeon HD 6870s. Some are other video cards that a search for 6870 should not turn up. Some are prebuilt desktops that have a 6870.
Now, Amazon does let you restrict to departments, but look at what departments the naive search finds. It finds a Radeon HD 6870 in the "Tools & Home Improvement" department. It finds a Radeon HD 6850 (not 6870!) in the "Automotive" department. It finds several video cards each in the "Home & Kitchen", "Office Products", and "Everything Else" departments. Restrict the search to "Computers & Accessories", and there are a bunch of things that it completely misses, that are what you're looking for.
In contrast, New Egg will let you select Video Cards, then Radeon HD 6000 series, then Radeon HD 6870. And that will find every single 6870 on the site and nothing else. That is, New Egg's tools for restricting your search work. Amazon nominally has such tools, but they don't work.
There have been cases where I found a good deal on something on Amazon using a Google search, but flatly could not find the same item using the Amazon search tool. Now, Google is pretty good, but it's general purpose, and not tailored to Amazon's site in particular. A single-purpose search engine to find things on Amazon's site ought to be better at that single purpose than a general search engine like Google.
My example above was for a Radeon HD 6870, which is pretty easy. It's not hard to classify whether a given product is a Radeon HD 6870 or not. I guess there is a slight bit of ambiguity for the Radeon HD 6870 X2s, but that's about it.
What happens if you try to find something harder, like a good power supply? The power supplies section on New Egg turns up 24 pages of results, so somewhere from 461-480. On Amazon, it finds 1386 results. There are a lot of power supplies in the world, so so far, so good, right?
But I don't want to scroll through hundreds of power supplies trying to pick out a good one. I want to start by filtering out a bunch of junk. New Egg suggests restricting by price tag, manufacturer, nominal wattage, form factor, or 80 PLUS certification level. For most purposes, I can click "80 PLUS Bronze", sort by price, and find the most suitable options on the first or second page. For someone looking for something more high end replace "Bronze" by "Gold" and the same approach works. New Egg offers some additional options to restrict the search, some of which aren't the most sensible, but they're available.
So let's compare that to Amazon. Amazon includes some of the same choices of things to filter by. But let's look at the suggested features to filter by. The first one is "4 pin". Every modern desktop power supply on the market has either a 4-pin or 4+4-pin processor power connector. That's a completely stupid thing to filter by.
Next is "80 plus", which restricts the search to only 184 power supplies. The problem is that this loses a lot of power supplies that are 80 PLUS certified. For example, there are 46 Corsair power supplies on the site, but only 30 that pass the 80 plus filter, even though Corsair doesn't sell any power supplies that aren't 80 PLUS certified. Among the Corsair power supplies listed is a Corsair Hydro H60 (processor cooler, not a power supply), one with a picture of some Energizer batteries, and a thin package with the title "legal exhibit indexes" on it.
Amazon also suggests restricting to "desktop" and "internal", which I'd think would describe essentially all of your power supplies, even though it filters most of them out. It also suggests filtering by "Certified", which is complete nonsense. Certified by whom, and certified to do what? If you click the whole list of features to filter by, you get some specific brand names like "Toughpower" or "Silencer", some particular nominal wattages even though most aren't listed, and a number of things that are complete nonsense. Trying to find the useful filters buried on all of that garbage is quite a chore.
If I go to New Egg's site, it only takes me a minute or so to find that the Antec High Current Gamer 520 W and the Corsair TX650 V2 are good deals today. Amazon might have better deals. But I'm not going to spend half an hour trying to track them down. If Amazon fixed their search function, they might well get a lot more business sent their way by hardware enthusiasts.
Posts can get pushed out of sight pretty quickly so it might be more effective to use mmorpg's blog feature, that way it's easier to find.
I'm definitely open to getting tips on when games are on sale. I love love love amazon but it can be easy to miss something if you don't know to look for it
I don't suppose you can share any info on when the Amazon tablets will be released? I'm eager to give amazon more of my money
We're leaving it up to you. Thus the poll.
Thanks for the feedback, and to be frank, I'll copy and paste your "rant" exactly as is and send over to the appropriate parties here. I've only been here about a month so I'm not sure what they'll do with it but I'll definitely send them along.
As for posting real deals vs. "great deals because they are 20% off" I will do my best to only offer deals that are legitimiately cheaper than anywhere else you can find them digitally at the time I post. That means I'll definitely do the research before posting to make sure that, as you said, the price isn't more expensive or the same as our competitors. For a solid example, just take a look at the Deus Ex deal I referenced earlier, that price quite a bit cheaper than anywhere else I've been able to find. If I ever post something that isn't, please let me know.
I'll definitely take your feedback about targeting as well and post deals for FF in FF forums, etc, but if we have something killer, I hope you're cool with it going up in the Pub...since some people might want to start playing the game on the cheap but not have purchased it yet.
As for my signal to noise ratio, I'll definitely be participating in more gameplay/upcoming game discussion than I will listing deals. For example, you can look for a post from me tonight descibing what I thought about Novus and Firefall at PAX.
Edit: I spoke with one of the Admins for this community earlier and he encouraged me to wait until I get more feedback from the community to start posting on other sections about games I've played. So I will wait until more people have taken the poll here to start interacting.
Does that address everything in your post? If not let me know and I'll try to be clearer.
I'm going to look into the blog feature tonight, I need to see how it works, but you're the second person who has mentioned it so hopefully it works out for me.
As for the info you asked about I legitimately have no idea. Sorry .
Very glad you're open to getting tips as to when things are on sale though!
This topic got dropped but I'm genuinely interested.
I have used Amazon Digital for quite a few games now. Since you're here and you're trying to assist the community, one thing I notice lacking is a specific place on Amazon where I CAN peruse what is on sale. For example, Amazon -> Digital Downloads -> Game Downloads -> Core Games (as that is what I typically look at) ... there isn't a concise list of sales. For example, Steam I can click Specials and BAM I'm there, D2D is anther where it's a dropdown and Deals. While I'm interested in reading your "blog" and spot new "deals" I WISH you could please forward to Amazon that their digital download page is VERY crowded. With everything else on Amazon I'm able to sort, filter, etc by what I'm looking for. It's VERY difficult for the digital downloads.
Example, I'm looking to grab an impulse purchase, I would SPECIFICALLY have to KNOW what I'm looking for or look at one of Amazon's recommended (which often doesn't tell me what I'd buy but more as what I'm looking at). Using your "sale" of Warhammer 40K Dawn of War 2 a few weeks ago. I had to specifically DIG for it (as I was looking for it). Ironically, I made the purchase from Amazon only to have Steam put it even cheaper up on sale but that's neither here nor there. I shouldn't have to dig through 8 pages to find something that's going to be an impulse buy. That' how A LOT of my MMORPGs are found, someone here says Well I like such-n-such so I do a quick once over, find it where I can find it cheapest and buy. But sometimes I just like to peruse what other people are playing and give it a try (It's how I found Terraria and I LOVE that game.. multiplayer and all).
Just my two cents while I have big brothers attention :-)
Just FYI. I've found preordering through Amazon to be particularly good as they typically price match to whatever the cheapest deal is. It's awesome. And since they get their own preorder goodies, that's just a whole lotta goodness heaped (and don't get me started on Prime and how awesome recieving games on launch day without having to deal with GS a-holes is)
If you don't spam it, and if you only show actual deals, then I can't see why anyone would vote no.
Thanks for the feedback Ikeda. In an attempt to be completely transparent I want to let you know that improving the browse/search/discovery experience is a critical focus for me. I'd love to set up some time to chat this weekend or next week if you have a moment.
If you do, send me a PM and we can figure out a time for us to talk so I can get some detailed feedback from you.
Either way, like I said, thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it. I've currently seen fewer than 25 votes on the poll but the written responses have been pretty positive. We have a deal rolling live tonight that I'll come back and post in the Pub and the Non-MMO forum, hopefully the community responds well.
dammit quizzy got to it before i got to post:D yah pretty much what quizzical said. basiclly i'd make a general post in the pub about what games are on sale, then post more details in individual game forums. you sound like you've been a gamer, so just keep it tasteful as you as a gamer would like to see.
Hey Tony,
Thanks for thinking of us, I know I love getting good deals from Amazon so I'd definitely be interested. I guess just like everyone else said, don't spam us and don't post crappy sales, lol.
I wonder if there's a way to be notified whenever you create a sale post so the people that are interested can find it? I'm sure the blog thing would work pretty good too.
i voted yes because i do.
I voted yes.
It's refreshing to see an actual human being from a big vendor like Amazon reaching out to the community. As a video game consumer, I'm constantly inundated with email spam and web ads from so many vendors that I've become more or less numb to these ads and their message is almost always lost on me.
I would completely support a real person from Amazon getting to know the community and our preferences and letting us know about deals we would genuinely be interested in.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
Will this deal be exclusive to Amazon ? Or will it be extended to other vendors as well ?
Because we could end up with quite a few "forum regulars" enthusiastically participating in discussion threads and then slipping in a quick "btw, did you know that you can get GAME-XYZ at our shop for $19.99 as a SPECIAL DEAL TODAY ONLY!!!"
No offence Tony, but even if each company's rep only drops one or 2 plugs a week, it will get pretty tiresome when 10 people are doing it. And I'm sure it won't just be 2 plugs a week, because that would be really inefficient.
Threads can sink out of view pretty quickly on the main discussion boards. So how are you going to make sure that your message is noticed ?
Hence I voted: NO
THE ALTERNATIVE: I would be much more comfortable with MMORPG.COM adding a special forum for these kind of posts. Even a "Hot Offers" sub-window on the main screen would be OK.