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Hello MMORPG community,
We all know that Blizzard is a whore for money. Well... all companies are, but that's besides the point. Everytime a game is released, Blizzard does something to hinder making people switch over. Whether is be the release of an expansion, a huge patch, or some other little way to hinder another company.
So my question to is, What will Blizzard do?
first they still have 11 mil subs but are bleeding those.
what blizzard will do is try to update systems in new expac while keeping what they can.
they will try to churn out new updates at a faster rate and if in the end they lose more players then expected maybe go free 2 play after 7 yrs as top dog.
that and they have a new mmo titan they are developing now.
i wouldnt be suprised to see them start a wow 2 game to grab all those wow players again with new updated mechanics and lore. maybe even adding vo and story, and other things mmos are trying now.
they will use all there blizzard stash of dough and send secret spies to infiltrate and destory biowares HQ
i saw an interview where they stated they want to update there systems in wow but its more complicated then u think
what with working with whats already ther and that cata gave them a nice start but they have a ways they still wanna go.
so i dont think any of the things i mention will be because of tor but because of what is happening in wow itself .
as for there non mmos those are instant number 1 sellers so they are set there.
as for the mmo wows systems are outdated and they know it.
Nothing, SWTOR is way over hyped imo
Roll over and die.
I hope.
Stole my thread, lol
probably they will put a new mount on sale
They'll probably do the same thing they always do, try and find what is working in the idustry and integrate it into their game.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Blizzard will hope that Bioware delivers and puts up a good competition against WoW. So that they finally can say "oh shit we have to work harder on our new MMORPG to top this" rather than "oh look, a new MMORPG...oh look, it's dying already."
Seriously, 7 years is a goddamn long time already. It's not Blizzard's fault if these new games can't take down WoW. They've had 7 years to try.
Their best bet would be to reveal a large barrage of info concerning their game in development. The news surrounding the launch of SW:TOR should be formidable, but if Blizard reveals some info you can drown some of the TOR hype out.
A big announcement like that could push the launch of TOR to the #2 news item of the day/week.
Deathwing (the gian evil dragon) gets it's own endgame raide.
When? December. It was announced last week I think.
Blizzard will watch.
Thats it...
The MMO world is on Blizzard Pacific Time.
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They make more money off those mounts than most games make off of box sales. Like 17 million for the sparkly horse in the first week it was out.
They'll keep making their new mmo Titan, release that, and watch even more cash roll in. I guess.
Whats scarier than one giant gorrila in the room? Two giant gorrilas in the room. Who are buddies.
I am personally of theopinion that I really don't care what Blizzard does. Oh, I know they will try SOMETHING to blunt the release of SWTOR. They often do with games that look to be direct competition, but this game being SciFi instead of Fantasy will blunt anything Blizzard does anyways, so no biggie. Don't get me wrong, what Blizzard does, it does well, but I don't particularly care for their games anyways and there are enough people like me that SWTOR will still do well no matter what gimmicks they pull.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Which is exactly why Blizzard is the top dog in the business. Read integrate, they sometime adapt new ideas and make them work better in their games than the original ideas. On the other hand, they do not implement anything that does not go well with their long term vision. They keep their game gentle to hardware requirements, and tolerant of ping and latency.
I am very sure Blizzard have spies inside Bioware, and will have their people in the open beta. They already know what ToR is and most likely performed detailed analysis of features, strength identification and compatibility studies. Which feature will be ported into which Blizzard game next we will have to wait and see.
Lets see:
Aion release -> I got an email asking me to come back and try the game for 7 days free...same with Rift
War release: same and a patch I think it was 3.2?
I am sure they have something planned, my bet would be the Diablo 3 beta or release.
We need a MMORPG Cataclysm asap, finish the dark age of MMORPGS now!
"Everything you're bitching about is wrong. People don't have the time to invest in corpse runs, impossible zones, or long winded quests. Sometimes, they just want to pop on and play."
"Then maybe MMORPGs aren't for you."
They do have new MMO but you can't expect that current wow base or those who quit it will just switch to that other mmo.
If they go F2P or rather B2P than it's cool, will be nice along my GW2. I dropped on wow in january and i am completely fed up with it. Need something new and refreshing.
They are already giving in to a big community want that the developers have been against, the appearance slots.
Deathwing will be soon, and 4.4 will be 'a world event leading up to the next expansion'. My guess is that world event will be what youll see in January to draw the people back from SWTOR. Blizzcon will likely unveil the features of the next expansion, which is due out quarter 2 next year, at Blizzcon. So there will be lots of expansion hype.
My guess is they will introduce both new races and a new class, since that will draw players back (without the competition incoming I bet it would just be a new class. I would bet youll see guild halls (another HUGE request), but not housing (too costly to implement right (aka EQ2 or SWG style) with 11 million players).
Expansion will probably have some type of public quest sytem and psuedo-dynamic content (EQ2 has added PQs as well before Rift even came out, these will be an industry standard soon enough). The big one, that I don't think Blizzard will do, is an AA type system. You never know though.
Great now we will have nightelves with lightsabers,hunters dual weilding pistols and a new BG "orc-ball".
The following statement is false
The previous statement is true
Titan becomes Star Craft Online and 50 million people forget what SWTOR is.
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"
Add lightsabers and give trolls force powers ?
Titan is not starcraft, that is what we are told, so far.
sure everyone else can be sarcastic and have fun but I get the big hurt. Your so right, how could I have been so silly. Im so sorry.
I have a thread about your issue, you may learn something, the link.
TERA Online used to be in development as Lineage 3
Moral of the story is things change. If Swtor really did beat up WoW, they might do what needs to be done and what everyone wants and launch Starcraft Online.
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"