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So, with the beta coming up and everything I was wondering what secret society you guys have signed up to be a part of?
If you haven't signed up or don't know which ones are availble here are links to all three:
"The Art of Chaos" - Unknowable instigators of change, through quiet violence they create tiny ripples that grow into sweeping tsunamis
"Sex, Drugs and Rockefeller" - Invisible puppet-masters and corporate manipulators, they crave power and wealth by any means necessary.
"Deliverance From Evil" - The old guard; suave and sophisticated, but fiercely brutal and uncompromising in their crusade against darkness.
After voting, would you please tell me why!
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Illuminati myself did do the test and it did choose illu , not sure i will go for this faction at release /beta tho since i dont know alot about the factions yet need to read bit more about them to be honest.
Well everyone talks about Illuminati and the secret society, I think it'd be cool to be part of it instead of all the myths and rumors you hear. Besides, Suits with Gasmasks = Classy.
I took the Test and confimed my suspicions....I am a Dragon. That's right, I am a powerful, mystical creature. So who wants to touch me?
I could send one of my puppets to do it. YOU'LL NEVER SEE THEM COMING!
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Illuminati,,EVIL EVIL EVIL....that is if the game comes
Are you one of the Dragons in GW2?
If not, go away :P
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
That's ok. As long as I get mine first, I don't have see their's or even know if they even did. I can be selfish sometimes.
Hi !
I am not a Real GW2 Dragon, but I play one on teh internetz. I am here to talk to you about A Secret World run by secret societies.........
imma templar
Templar here
P.S. Templars did not follow the pope, in fact the pope had most of them executed.
I took the test, intentionally chose answers that I thought a Templar would choose. Guess what? The result said I belonged to the Illuminati.
Oh, c'mon! You know that was a joke^^ When someone says templar, christianity, catholicism and the Pope is the first that comes to mind
Edit: Can't spell catholicism...
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I believe they were executed when they got too powerful to be control by pope/church. They were a religious order, at least at start.
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Ima dargon. Rawr!
My brand new bloggity blog.
Using the power of chaos, and being an underground clan which wants to recreate the world through chaos?
I have to say Dragon is the only right choice here! Even though the Illuminati do seem tempting:)
Templar here
Illuminati cause what you said: Sex, Drugs and Rockefeller.... and rituals and world control.
Hahaha, well of course world control comes in second to sex, drugs and rockefeller^^
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Templar. Only uncompromising justice and clear moral values will do! XD
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Templars - because I want to play a Mother Theresa who can pack an AK47...
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
I went with Illuminati on the poll but Templars seen kinda cool also. Kinda a toss up for me.
****The raving Rabbid will be plunging the supernatural in no time!****
All my opinions are just that..opinions. If you like my opinions..coolness.If you dont like my opinion....I really dont care.
Playing: ESO, WOT, Smite, and Marvel Heroes
Im a dragon. Which is cool cause Seoul looks badass. But templars get London which is hella good too.
I'm going Templar, but I don't really like the choice. It was the lesser of evils as far as I was concerned. I don't like the idea of 'chaos' nor do I have a desire to control the world...that just sounds like too much work and effort...
But I also despise religion and zealots in general, and I was a lot more likely to kill people in games like Deus Ex and Oblivion than I was to 'bring them to justice'. The world is simply better off without some people.
...Actually, I suppose historically, religious fanatics have been the most rabid of murderers. I guess my choice was fitting, after all.
I'd still prefer a fourth, more anti-hero-esque faction, though.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."