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Hakim of TOG has put together a very nice compendium of many of the pickable flora found throughout Myrland, which includes some very basic information on each items. It's a pretty helpful guide for any fledgling cook or alchemist in the game.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Beats me why putting icons in a row on top, instead of actually next to the names of the herbs..
Nitpick much?
At the bottom of the guide he clearly stated the reason:
"For people who have acces to the TOG forum: Click Here to see the thread with pictures sorted to appropriate articles (Couldn't do it here due to image restrictions)"
The pictures follow the same order from left to right as the entries from top to bottom.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
I wouldn't call it helpful at all. It's just a list of stuff you can pick.
What would have been helpful is including a screenshot of the plants properties for someone with 100 taste identification, and 100 botany lores. What also would be helpful is how to process the plant (herbologium, press, grinder) and what the result material is. Then a screenshot of the properties of those extracted materials.
So basically, it's worthless as is.
The guide is helpful for those that might just be starting as a cook or alchemist, in that it provides some very basic information.
Past that, it's up to the player to create "recipes", and how to process them. That's part of the fun of the game - actual discovery by the individual player.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
If you have tried the cooking or alchemy system you would realize it is very 'not fun'. While the mineral extraction process is complex and interesting (as is bow crafting, weapon crafting, armor crafting) the alchemy/cooking system is a complete flop by comparison.
The fundamental problem is that there is no synergistic effect by increasing the amount of ingredients in a recipe - just the opposite - the more complex the recipe, the worse the end product is. Raw food, and simple potions are best.
They should have made it so by experimenting and mixing ingredients you could find mixtures that create a large jump in the effectiveness of the end product when combined. Cooking/alchemy is so disappointing that no one in game even bothers with it any more.
Content put in game half assed and half working??? Say it aint so Billy??!?!?
Reminds me of when they put Campodons in the game with no walking animation. There was elephants gliding a couple inches off the ground with no moving legs. SV is awesome.