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The Collegium! PvP guild recruiting.

SNAFUdamusSNAFUdamus Member UncommonPosts: 59

The Collegium (Formerly known as "The Lords of the Burning Sea") has opened up recruitment for Star wars The Old Republic! You may read more about recruitment here!


The Collegium guild charter and rules of conduct.


Who are The Collegium? The Collegium is an adult, multi game, multi national gaming community.

What is The Collegium's goal and purpose? The Collegium has always been and I believe always will be a top notch end game achievement entity. Whether that achievement  is end game PvE or total game PvP domination. We have always prided our selves on our ability to over come the odds in any PvP situation and prevail. Whether it is by use of real world military tactics, our own devised tactics or our very disciplined communication on the battle field. Above all we are a community of friends who work well together and enjoy each others company. That is what The Collegium are truly, a strong entity built on friendship and trust.

Code of Conduct.

The Collegium is a community of adults. We shall act as such. Conduct our selves in a polite manner when dealing with each other and others in the gaming world. As a Collegium member you are representing all of us out there in the gaming world and it is important that you conduct your self as an adult but more importantly as an intelligent and proper person. General asshattery is frowned on, blatant rudeness and purposeful abrasive behavior is dealt with harshly. 


Do’s, Helping is encouraged. Point out that quest objective to the fellow who looks lost, heal the guy who is hurt, be polite and answer that nooby in chat who asks a dumb nooby question. When do you do these things? If you have time and are not busy dieing your self.

Don’ts, Mob stealing, boss pouching, telling noobs to “stfu”, Don’t rush ahead of someone who has just cleared the way to an objective to click the objective yourself. Ninja looting is a big no no, NEVER roll need on something you do not actually need or cannot use for the character you are currently playing. In other words, we are not here to farm gear for your alts. If you want gear for said alt, play said alt. In short don’t do anything in the gaming world that wouldn’t do in real life.

The Lords of the Burning Sea mentioned here Read about their stunning win against all odds!

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