SV has posted notes for an upcoming patch:
Today, 08:27 |
#1 (permalink) |
Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 97 Rep Power: 15 |
Patch Notes - 9/September/2011
Patch Notes - Version Notice: We can't stress this enough. When the launcher is running the patch installer, let it run its course. It will take some time to apply the patch and it might seem like the installer is doing nothing, but it is working. If you reboot or kill the patcher process you run the risk of corrupting you installation, forcing you to do a full reinstall. As always, the Patch Notes are posted a little bit ahead of the actual patch. ------ ADDITIONS AND CHANGES ------ General:
You can no longer use AllowSpeedTreeLeaves, AllowSpeedTreeFronds, AllowFogVolumes in the .ini files.
Player loot is not guild-flagged meaning you can loot your guild-opponent or a guildmate without being flagged.
You own loot will now be flagged as local-allowed to indicate that you can loot from it without getting flagged.
Your pets loot will now be local-allowed flaged for you, meaning you can safely interact with it without being flagged.
Fledglings are no longer affected by the rules of war and can therefore NOT hit an enemy in a opponents guild without getting flagged grey (if they are blue).
You no longer get flagged for looting a pet that belongs to the same guild.
You no longer get flagged for looting a pet that belongs to an opponent's guild.
Your own pet will now be flagged as local allowed for you instead of blue. This means you can hit your own pet without getting flagged.
Pets are now guild-flagged therefore you do not get flagged for hitting a pet in your own or an opponents guild.
Made some minor balances to the knockdown that a horse does when you hit a player. It now works like this: You can knockdown a player if your mount is running at atleast 90% of it's max speed. If you double tap "W", telling the horse to move to it's maxspeed, during the time it takes for the mount to accelerate to that max speed you can knock players even if your mount is only running at 40% of it's max speed.
Added a new "loading characters" message after login, this will timeout the loading if the server doesn't respond (most likely due to a firewall stopping it), and now gives a nice message.
Added a "auto-retry" when you login and the login server is still rebooting.
Rewritten the version mismatch message.
Centerd the login-info text.
Clients will now get a "connection lost" message if the server is rebooted while they are in character-creation.
Added a purify-potion, it works just like the spell and can be bought from vendors.
Made some minor optimizations to the loading-process.
Optimized large parts of the magic-system on the client.
Improved the garbage collection of weather-systems.
Made several improvements to the stability of the server.
Increased the update-rate of guild-flags.
Tweaked the perfect block sparks a bit.
Updated the art for the new client-bloodfx.
Unified the animations used by male and female characters cutting down the amount of animations loaded for players in half.
Optimized the particle-spawning code.
Optimized the spawning of the client-sided effects when you get in combat.
AI & Mounts:
You can now dismount while your mount is swimming..
Rebuilt the fall-prediction of mounts to make them hug the ground.
better when you ride up or down a slope.
Added a similar mount-pitch for people you see riding mounts. It's not as exact as the firstperson version and will be turned off at a distance but makes the mount movement look slightly better.
Mounts can no longer climb very slope hills the players can still do this thou giving non-mounted players a slight edge in mounted vs unmounted combat.
All mounts now swim slightly faster.
Mounts will now move slightly faster when going down hill.
Mounts will now move slower when moving up hill.
Mounts that you ride into water that end up with their head under water will now correctly try to reach the surface again.
Mounts will now turn slower when swimming.
In addition to having the check for throw off when a mount takes damage it can now also go into panic-mode (do a full stop and sometimes Rear depending on stats/skills)
Made some slight improvements to the effects when a mount dies with a rider.
Updated the physics of the campodon model.
Optimized the mount-manager.
------ BUG FIXES ------ General:
Fixed issues with the Nymph Herb output.
Fixed a bug that sometimes made clients time-out while creating a character.
AI & Mounts:
Mounts will no longer do a "full stop" animation when you swap weapons.
Mounts will no longer do a "full stop" animation when you mount.
Fixed an issue that would cause a sound-spam from mounts.
Made a fix for mount that have a very low/high pitch value (top or bottom of model).
Fixed the broken attack animation for the new mounts.
Fixed a bug where mounts would appear on clients without really being "there" (commonly known as ghost horses).
Fixed a bug that made the mount-manager move in out and out of detail-levels indefinitly.
Fixed a bug where you would no longer get thrown off your mount if the mount took a lot of damage.
Fixed a bug where you would end up in a very strange state when getting knocked off your mount whilst in water.
Fixed a bug in potion making that gave you lore-experience for every unit of material you put in rather then the acctual amount of material you used.
Fixed a couple of issues when you exit fishing.
Bashing a archer will now correctly end their charge again.
You now correctly lose a little bit of stamina when you block an attack.
Bloodspurts will now correctly work when dual-wielding and hitting with the left weapon.
Bloodtrails will now correctly work when dual-wielding and hitting with the left weapon.
Hitting structures will no longer trigger the bloodtrail effect.
Hitting structures will now always cause the "bounce off" melee-effect.
Fixed a bug that could put the combat-systems in a wierd state when switching weapons while in combatmode.
Fixed an issue that made your melee weapon invisible after reloggin on a mount equipped with a bow and then leaving the mount.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Not one fix for any of the major issues that have been plaguing the game since beta..... Nice.
{mod edt}
.added a purify potion, it works just like the spell and can be bought from vendors.
ffs, what's the point of even playing a mage anymore. you can't fight anyone 1 vs , you can't outrun anyone anymore, you can't wear any decent armor, you can't out heal melee/archery damage, you can't out damage melee/archery, you can't fight mounted, you only have enogh mana for 10 heals........ and now you can't even use corrupt to help kill anymore?
Made some minor balances to the knockdown that a horse does when you hit a player. It now works like this: You can knockdown a player if your mount is running at atleast 90% of it's max speed. If you double tap "W", telling the horse to move to it's maxspeed, during the time it takes for the mount to accelerate to that max speed you can knock players even if your mount is only running at 40% of it's max speed.
%do they mean that you can knock down a player 100% of the time as long as you double tap W? that would be insanely OP.
So that's what they've been working on since Dawn.. changing a few numbers for mountspeedup and downhills (effort 2 minutes?), altering connection lost messages, and nothing else in particular that I remember only 1 minute after reading these patchnotes. Great.
I took a dump this morning that had more content than this.
In all honesty this is pretty pathetic considering the amount of time taken...
Now let's see how many new bugs and broken features this patch brings...
nice patch, plenty of needed fixes. More patches like this is needed, i think everything on this list was needed except purify potions on vendors, I understand having purify potions would be nice but surely they should have been player made only.
Glad to finally see the ghost horses fixed, mounts seriously improved, hopefully the invisible wep bug finally fixed.
Obviously still the major issues that still need fixing, but all the above (except purify pots) were needed.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
From what I seen, everything - that I can at least remember, was about mounts...
Does the only programmer left have a speciality in designing/tweaking mounts? Seems a fairly lackluster patch, was hoping to give MO a try if they started churning out fixes for the major problems stated in other threads.
Bit dissapointed, can't imagine how dissapointed the paying players are at the moment.
"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!"
- Sun Tzu, the Art of War
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Wheres the AI,wheres the GUI, where content??
Its nothing but "fixes"? I was hoping for much more, its been months.
Fixing stuff you broke isnt progress...its kinda like digging a hole then filling it back in.
I win!!! LOL@U
The even more unfortunate part about this, is that despite listing things as "fixed" in their patch notes, often times people find that they either broke something else (most of the time), or didn't fix it properly at all.
So while the patchnotes are underwhelming, the reality of the patch will probably be even worse.
Players are always going to want more. I'd like the speed of the development to be faster as well, but still expectations must remain realistic.
Players don't seem all that dissappointed, at least not as badly as you're trying to make it sound:
Today, 10:57
#24 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2009
Age: 28
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One of these every week please. Even if it's less content than this.
Today, 11:20
#25 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 22
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Fixed an issue that made your melee weapon invisible after reloggin on a mount equipped with a bow and then leaving the mount.
About, fucking time !!!! Wooohoo !
The Game Mechanis Suggestion List
NPC vendors. Control inflation. - 2 posts to Read
Having fun in MO for dummies. Starter guide and anti-boredom guide.
Today, 11:22
#27 (permalink)
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I like what I read
Maluca's Armor shop
Today, 11:25
#29 (permalink)
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Looks nice, there are still bugs to fix but it sure look like a step in the good direction .
This is how guild wars should work!
That's how player towns should be
Territory capture & Territory control
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Games a scam, why play it after all it's problems, let it die in peace.
I didn't try and make it sound anything, I merely stated that I wondered how dissapointed the paying player base was at the moment...
"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys. Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!"
- Sun Tzu, the Art of War
Support the Indie Developers - Kickstarter
With MO it is important to let the patch "age" before discussion. It is always "perfect", "games fixed", "game runs great" in the first hour that folks are able to log in- The truth is usually pretty obviouse withing a day or so. Sure the hardcore fanboys will recite the old "must be on your end, runs great here" until more and more people continue to have whatever issue is the current Bug-of-the-month.
Its 2 steps forward, 3 steps back. Every time.
Granted this isnt a very "ambitious" patch so they may even have the bugs ironed out (the new ones THIS patch will cause ) by October.
But I am sure its been properly tested. Time will tell.
Frankly, that just looks like they are happy to have received an update, regardless of what it contained.
If you throw a starving man half a slice of bread, he is going to eat it, whether it is moldy or not.
Nice patch. Seems like to putting patches out every 3 weeks or so. I wish it was faster, but progress is being made.
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!
Originally posted by Rohn
Players don't seem all that dissappointed, at least not as badly as you're trying to make it sound:
Just to keep things in perspective, here is the same bunch "thanking SV for just making the game."
I win!!! LOL@U
You mean the one 3 weeks ago that reverted the horses back to almost pre dawn control and the one that said fixed the fail bug but only took the warning you are getting hit by invisible people?? that one?
I know , right? They are like "Thank you for having the balls to make this game." when really they should be thanking henricks dad for being careless with money and hopinh his son was smart enough, had enough ethic and would work hard to turn that "investment" into a career.
Daddy probably didnt want henrick lounging around in the basement for the rest of his life-
Seems we are not let down by the patch it follows the track record of MO's patches.
Today, 00:31
#1 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2010
Rep Power: 2
Looting An Orange Still Makes You Grey Wtf?
Looting an enemy guild member still makes you grey? Fucking seriously? In town?!
I thought this patch was supposed to fix all the flag issues. How could this be an oversight?????
Edit: Also you could give enemy guild members murdercounts... does that sound right?
Last edited by xrabidx : Today at 00:35.
Yesterday, 22:58
#7 (permalink)
Join Date: Nov 2009
Rep Power: 2
Originally Posted by princereaper
LOL its good, but its extreme, i can't even go onto this small slope lol. just make them go slower instead of actually stopping them for just the tiny bump in the ground lol.
This and the change is not well thought out. The problem was jungle/desert horses were OP up hills.... not EVERY horse.
Now bull horses go up a 10 degree slope slower than someone walking.
Typical Starvault.... someone bitches, and every possible example gets nerfed rather than the example that is causing the issue.
Join Date: Feb 2010
Rep Power: 2
you will soon find out that it's almost impossible now to fight mounted anywere but on complete flat ground. wile mounted archery just go nerfed, mounted melee got completely ruined for good. all any foot melee has to do now is go over any small hill or uneven ground and be safe. mounted fighters can't even run up hills to get away from foot soldiers anymore because horses are so damn slow.
havent' tried knockdown with mounted charge but without it's basically unexistant. i got thrown off my horse more times then i was able to knock people down, even wile riding bull horses.
way over done imo. sure, the way horses used to galop up mountains was too much but this is borderline retarded in the opposite way. flip, flop, flip, flop. mounted archery just went from very usefull to almost usless .....for the 10th time in MO history. thanks SV.
Last edited by jackthestripper : Yesterday at 23:22.
Nice work!
I take it you didn't read very far into the patch notes (since it's on the forst line) That or you didn't read the post 2 weeks ago (on this forum) by blackmage claiming he was cancelling his five accounts because he was told that editing your ini file to get rid of foliage was legal. (claimed Discord told him it was OK)
And then you need to go find where I complained once people were turning their leaves off.. That is just as bad as people turning their gamma up so they can see at night. I am talking about most of the stuff on Billys list.
Seems everything is going as intended I especially like the part. When you mount your horse on a mountian you fall down the mountain. lulz..
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Rep Power: 3
Tried to go up fabernum montains, with my horse following me, couldnt even get to the urials ... pet was stucking everywhere ... i mounted up to go down, and once i got on it ... i just felt down the whole montains
donkeys are a bitter better at it ... but god they cant run ... just add a minimum speed to evey horse
edit : couldnt get there with a donkey either ... this is so fucked up
Last edited by ghuldan : Today at 19:53.
The game has drastically improved if that is the case. Last time I played if you mounted up on the mountain, you'd fall THROUGH the mountain and the entire world together.
I once fell through the world, landed in a big puddle of water; and since there was no GM assistance (this was before I signed up, and the biggest reason why I signed up) I had to swim for a good 40 minutes, UNDER the world, until I reached the Tephra rock in the jungle. Unfortunately I was UNDER the terrain so I couldn't get out. I proceeded to crash my client & spam W and space on login screen, which resulted in my character warping through terrain so I could finally swim up.
Naturally, my horse vanished because I relogged in a different node so I had to bully someone to tame me another one.
As stated a number of times, the game actually has improved markedly since launch. I certainly don't think it's perfect - it does still have a number of issues, and the improvements have been slower than many would like to see - but it has definitely gotten better since launch.
They will likely continually tweak the values if the game, as they will probably do with the horses from this last patch. But, that's nothing new in MMOs.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
That is debatable and opinion based. Reviews are still in the toilet and I know a lot of vets that think it was better in beta. Yeah you are right about tweaking. MO's standard practice is release content then fix all the things it broke for 3-4 months then release content and repeat.