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Either ATM or about to be released.
Mainly asking as I am looking for a new game to fill the time until TOR. Have my eye on CoH going F2P but no date for that yet, so will probably be hooked onto TOR until then. Playing Champions Online atm. Burnt out with WoW as there's nothing new
I'd give AOC a go...
I wouldn't play any mmo's right now if you're waiting for TOR. Try playing other genres, theres always League of Legends, and good ol star craft. I'm sure there are a lot of console type games out also that can keep you entertained.
The Saga of Ryzom. With it's complex classless system, live events, unique factions that actually influence the world and your gameplay (how much things cost and what missions you can or cannot take + what lore your are given about the world), it is exactly what I had been searching for. However, due to its lower playerbase before I never enjoyed it. Fortunately, there is a thriving new playerbase now due to its release on Linux and Mac as well as Windows. Check my overview out at:
I would recommand you to play Lotro, as it is the top one F2P now, and I am on it too now, -> as I am waiting for GW2 too, and I am really surprised with quality of game so if you like playing games like wow,gw,rift,allods,runes of magic -> Lotro is the best free to play choice.
Take care!
Even thought it isn't F2P, I am seriously considering given EVE Online a go.
Whats the disadvantages if you don't sub?
CoH should be going Free soon, they are starting early access to the F2P tomorrow for VIP members (subscribers). AoC is a good game, though I haven't played it since it went free. I also play quite a bit of World of Tanks, which is good if you like instanced battle games.
If you are only going to play for a while until TOR gets released, then CO could be a good option. Fast combat, one of the best character customizations around, and real fun. The only problem with that game is its thin end-game, but that should not be a problem if you are only going to play for some short period.
If you are into shooters, GA is another decent option, if you can endure one of the worst communities around, that is.
What is GA?
Global Agenda.
AoC, LOTRO, DDO, Forsaken world, Runes of magic... In about that order.
Guildwars if you don't mind paying 10 bucks for one of the campaigns at the sales bin in your local gaming store...
1. EQ2X
3. GA
4. CO
5. AoC
6. RoM
7. Allods
8. Ryzom
9. PW
10. 4Story
DDO, forgot that one.
I'd try out AOC but im pretty bored to death with the fantasy genre
Forsaken World gave me problems. I can't get it to start. No error, just shuts down after patcher says all is well.
Other than that I agree with the list.
For some reason does it take a minute to start on my desktop while it looks frozen (but not on my a lot less powerful laptop), have you tried waiting a little?
I thought something was wrong as well. Funny thing is that it runs very well and smothly otherwise. And my desktop is BTW rather overpowered, 480 GTX and 6x 3,2 Ghz 8Gb ram...
I hear you. FYI though, it is usually called low fantasy. No elves or dwarves, mostly humans, some gods and demons, lots of zombie types. Magic is present but even the magic users also use swords and hammers half the time.
"Never met a pack of humans that were any different. Look at the idiots that get elected every couple of years. You really consider those guys more mature than us? The only difference between us and them is, when they gank some noobs and take their stuff, the noobs actually die." - Madimorga
Are there any stategy MMOs, like RTS MMO's? Or turn based mmo's that arent buy to win?
Atlantica is somewhat popular and turn based. It didn't work for me though, the combat felt like a really old Final fantasy game or something but it is at least worth a try if you like turned based games.
Not sure if it is buy2win or not, just played it for 2 days.
Is it possible to progress in EQ2X without doing the quests?
Is the world large enough and open enough and the crafting/housing stuff open enough to play and enjoy without having to grind through boring, pointless, repetitive quests?
The world is very large and open. There are a ton of areas to explore, mini dungeons, world bosses etc. You can start harvesting and crafting right away. There are many collections you can build, acheivments to unlock. The crafting and housing system is great. There is an option to visit others players housing and vote on them.
You can progress without doing quests, but some do give you pretty good gear. I would have to say that dungeons give you the best XP, and there are people at every level doing dungeons, which start at @ lvl 11. The Heritage Quests are very long, but are very fun, take you all over Norath, and give excellent rewards.
The free(bronze) account does have limitations, but not so much that you can't have fun playing the game. If you decide to get the silver account upgrage($10), it unlocks enough of the restrictions to really make it worth it.
Meh ToR is just another world of warcraft clone with a starwars skin, really is not much to be waiting for, Imma try SWToR myself when there is a trial, but right now it just looks like another world of warcraft clone/wannabe so I lost all my hype/excitement for it. The video that showed that low level quest story thing kinda killed it for me. Especally when I watched vids of higher level gameplay and it didn't look much if any diffrent. looked too much like wow and looked like it'd play just like it so I lost interest. The QQing when it releases and it turns out to be nothing but a boring generic wow clone is going to be funny stuff, it happened with rift and its gonna happen with SWToR as well. I'm so very tired of game devs trying to be wow.. If people wanted WoW they would play WoW, why can't these mmorpg devs understand this simple concept....
Anyway, I'd say give AoC a try as well, its combat system is a bit diffrent than most mmorpgs thankfully and actually requires more user interaction than most mmo's.
Atlantica Online is not too bad if you like turn based stuff. Fallen Earth is going f2p in october, and imo its one of the more unique mmo's on the market since its not a theme park linear rollercoaster ride like most mmo's are since wow sort of introduced that concept.
League of Legends isin;t a bad game other than its glaring imbalance between champions issue the devs seem inept to address (Some champs can just completly own others even if your a total new player, just because of how over powered that champ is).
Lets see what else is there.. Eden Eternal is not too bad even though its a theme park, you can freely switch classes at will and you level up your base level and your class levels as you go along.
If you like arena styled pvp, give Cosmic Break a try, it depends more on skill than cash shop weaponry, though it does help lol. Its a small client, has a bit of pve stuff in it too, but its mostly an arena pvp game, worth a shot if your bored its f2p, the arena pvp can be fun when its 30 vs 30, you play as robots you can design, and there are some cute female ones, like Crimrose and Lily Rain, which are 2 of the starter bots.
Globa Agenda is also another decent f2p, has pvp, pve, and guild land control and stuff in it.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
I thought AoC was the worst Freemium game available. No bonuses for ex-subscribers and don't recall any bonus to current subscribers either (Turbine gave quite a big bonus to them), very few classes to choose from, and TONS of limitations. That was my problem with EQ2 as well, but EQ is a little bit better. Both of them I was going "why the heck do I want to play this, when I have so many barriers and limitations"...I think if classes weren't locked, I would have liked it more. Free AoC classes are boring, free EQ2 classes are ultra boring. I would rather pay for EQ2 on the paid servers. And how AoC is doing better free, is beyond me. I guess because it has the word "free" in it. (edit)...oh and if you bought Khitai expansion in AoC...can you play it? Nope. Even though you bought it, you are locked out of Khitai content
But it is funny, EQ2 if you pay for it on free get LESS than if you pay for it on the paid servers. That is hilarious. Maybe they changed it, though.
DDO/LOTRO is currently the two best FREEmium games...and if you want to grind for days/weeks, you can actually play that. AoC is just an extended, very very limited trial.
Star Trek Online will top DDO/LOTRO, though. Have you seen their "limitations"? The company making STO free, actually KNOWS what FREE is. Some limitations, but free players have so many options and very few limitations...but paid players get quite big bonuses as well. So, it is the best of both worlds.
STO next month will be best FREEmium game, DDO/LOTRO are currently best freemium game and EQ2 and AoC might as well pay for it.
Atlantica is extremely addictive and seems extremely deep. Lots of mercenaries, different builds, lots of crafting, you craft when you battle, has a huge catch on a micromanagement-addicted guy like me. Until you realise gears>all, and that will take you thousands of dollars to be competitive (no i'm not exaggerating)
The most inovative part is the market system. I cannot understand why others didnt take this approach: If i put 1000 of X on market, and you want to buy 200 of X, you can, you dont have to buy the full stack. And also, the price lowers automatically every few hours. There's also some form of control, most of the crafting stuff is sold for fixed price also.
Has housing, mounts, decorations, costumes, fluff and everything can be bought ingame, but it will take you years as a free player to reach a "decent" setup.
Recently they kept adding new mercenaries, most of them costing ~ 100 dollars if you include upgrades (but not gears), many of them being essential for pvp. That's when i "quit" again.
Lvl 120 out of 140 player, been playing on and off for 2 years.
Well, I think that atari sold Cryptic to Perfect world entertainment was the best thing that could have happened, because Cryptic and Atari are not so wise in what is free.
That they saw the potential in NWN and moved it back from 2 year production to 3 also say a lot.
I still don't think STO will be the best F2P game though, but at least a pretty good one.
Yeah I'll probably check out STO when it goes F2P.
What features does the game have?