Shadow Sanctuary is currently looking for fun people to play alongside! SS is a guild dedicated to providing the most enjoyable atmosphere possible for our members. We only seek mature, quality members who want to have fun playing the game while making new friends.
Why us over any other guild though?
Well, of course Shadow Sanctuary may not be the right guild for you. However if you like to have fun with mature gamers, then you should at least check us out. Here, we care more about the person behind the computer, instead of the character that they play.
That aside, we do not ask for any fee's or weekly dues from our members of course. In fact, we have a Ventrilo server which is paid for by our guild leaders (Herithius and Divinity). Also, every so often, prizes are given out to the members during in-game events, and all of it is given out by the officers, and we don't ask anything in return but continuous fun and friendship.
Applicants, or even people who would like to group or just say hi are encouraged to visit us at
If you have any further questions about us, please feel free to ask me through the Shadow Sanctuary message boards and I'll be more than happy to reply.
Cheers and happy gaming!
Shadow Sanctuary,
We got chicks!
We have totally redone our website and have added great features which no other clan can offer you!!
From a clan comic, to a clan newspaper, to a 100 person capacity Ventrilo server.
If your looking for fune, mature people to play with. Check us out at !
Hope to see you there
Well now I just feel downright silly :P
The link is and we just put up a new website too! Unfortunately however, due to certain circumstances, Shadow Sanctuary had to close down its Lineage II chapter. However, if you still are interested in being a part of a long lasting online community, Shadow Sanctuary is still alive and well currently playing World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, and we're announcing a new game soon!