Put the right mix of everything. The problem with putting too much would be development costs and consolidating populations to certain areas of development to make it worth while.
So the right mix would be between sand box elements and themepark elements.
ALso the combat has to be a trade-off of being a mix of fps style and the watch the animation style combat.
So themepark elements would be story, leveling, raiding, questing, and story based objectives which in a controlled method can affect the world in a sand boxy way. Also adding a lot of mini games in the game as a side to the actual core of the game. Also imo, the story has to be short, and the lvling as well which is focused mostly on training style quests and getting skills or items for quests instead of getting exp and going to the trainer.
The sand box elements could be creating a platform to allow players to create content themselves. THis player created content content could be mini-games using the game engine, or quests. Having housing and sand box elements of destructibles houses and seiges.
The sanbox element of the game would help stimulate a need for a great economy and create a great immersive factor to the game as being a living world since from a theme park element certain pvp objectives can affect the economy in a controlled way that is not extreme to completely wipe out players achievements.
The AI also has to be top notch, and the combat should be up to the challenge as well. Smart AI makes for a great game out of the pvp element as well.
Character creation has to have a lot of features and options.
Lots of in game items, and possibilties to use them through out the game (so erly lvl items can be used late lvls) and customize as they players wants. Also there can be ways to mix certain items with other components for certain yeilds. This would be part of a complex crafting system.
ALso for PVP I would have mounts included, but only for certain other objectives I would allow flying mounts or planes depending on the game. Since having planes all the time would change the feel and strategy, and that is the point of allowing it in certain regards.
Also a bounty system, with gambling.
And the game would be mature would blood and gore, possibly with nudity with boob physics and a variety of different boobs instead of the generic look of boobs. I am an old guy, and I like boobs so it is important for me! Maybe, I am just a bit lonely?
Alright so I liked most of your ideas on a successful MMORPG but then I got to the last paragraph and then that just ruined it As great as boobs are I don't think it would be good for young teenagers haha
I did your surveys, but found myself using the 'other' fields more often than not. Hope the information in those other fields helps you. I had some fun with it.
MMO's played: Ragnarok Online (For years), WoW (for a few weeks only), Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Eve, Allods, Shattered Galaxy, 9 Dragons, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Star Trek Online (Got someone ELSE to pay for it), Champions Online (Someone else paid), Dofus, Dragonica, LOTRO, DDO and more... A LOT more. I've played good AND bad. The bad didn't last long. :P
Success in the mmorpg world today usually means a 3 yo can do it. A successful game to me is one that has depth, requires skill and has a good crafting system. Said game needs to be able to run on the majority of PCs out there. It needs to be released in a finished state and needs to be updated often. It also needs to have a good story to give you that "feel".
I have played most of the mmorpgs out there and although each one wasn't "complete" it had parts that stood out that could be adapted into a complete game. SWG had the housing and crafting which I liked and Anarchy Online had the twinking for example. The only thing I liked about WOW was its ability to run on most PCs but apart from that it had the 3 yo feel.
If you could somehow combine the above then that would be a good start.
I fail to see the point of this survey. There are only very few questions (16) and hardly any of them makes much sense in the first place.
For example, the very first question: the point of a MMO is that you can do ANY of these things, whatever you like right now. In fact I miss a couple possible answers there. And I frankly have no absolute preference, and I dont need any: I can do all these things in parallel.
1. I like joining a guild so I can explore the world, see the dungeons and make raids, have PvP, develop my character, amass wealth, ... wtf is up with that question ? The point of a MMO is that it should give you ALL those options, and more.
2. I enjoy meaningful, sportive PvP. Ganking sucks. Player vs player should always give both parties a chance.
3. No preference, only about the result. The game should offer a large number of possibilities how to improve your character.
4. Err, I want of course "autotargetting". Its called MMORPG, so I want a roleplaying rulesystem.
5. No idea what that is about. I havent played neither WoW nor Aion.
6. Err, what storyline ? I dont want a linear game.
7. See 6.
8. Err ... what exactly is the difference between "others" and "friends" ? I dont have reallife friends who play the same MMOs as I do. Also, yes, MMO without grouping, now that would be major suckage. I like being able to do group OR solo, whatever I want right now.
9. All of them.
10. What ?
1. Err, of course your character should be unique.
2. I like to find the best way to make money and ... make it ? Dunno why I would need to prefer one way or the other.
3. Of course bossfights are different from normal fights. Thats why they are called bossfights.
4. Ok thats the most pointless question ever. I want a dungeon large, complex, with long storylines and many surprises. I do NOT care about the absolute count of trashmobs and bossfights, or the ratio between them. Thats like rating an action movie according to the number of explosions in it.
5. Even more pointlessness. Of course I want quests to be original. Of course I want them to be long. Why the heck can they not be also group ? I fail to see the implicit assumption that group quests can only be boring. I have no idea what "kill quest chain" is supposed to be.
I fail to see the point of this survey. There are only very few questions (16) and hardly any of them makes much sense in the first place.
For example, the very first question: the point of a MMO is that you can do ANY of these things, whatever you like right now. In fact I miss a couple possible answers there. And I frankly have no absolute preference, and I dont need any: I can do all these things in parallel.
1. I like joining a guild so I can explore the world, see the dungeons and make raids, have PvP, develop my character, amass wealth, ... wtf is up with that question ? The point of a MMO is that it should give you ALL those options, and more.
2. I enjoy meaningful, sportive PvP. Ganking sucks. Player vs player should always give both parties a chance.
3. No preference, only about the result. The game should offer a large number of possibilities how to improve your character.
4. Err, I want of course "autotargetting". Its called MMORPG, so I want a roleplaying rulesystem.
5. No idea what that is about. I havent played neither WoW nor Aion.
6. Err, what storyline ? I dont want a linear game.
7. See 6.
8. Err ... what exactly is the difference between "others" and "friends" ? I dont have reallife friends who play the same MMOs as I do. Also, yes, MMO without grouping, now that would be major suckage. I like being able to do group OR solo, whatever I want right now.
9. All of them.
10. What ?
1. Err, of course your character should be unique.
2. I like to find the best way to make money and ... make it ? Dunno why I would need to prefer one way or the other.
3. Of course bossfights are different from normal fights. Thats why they are called bossfights.
4. Ok thats the most pointless question ever. I want a dungeon large, complex, with long storylines and many surprises. I do NOT care about the absolute count of trashmobs and bossfights, or the ratio between them. Thats like rating an action movie according to the number of explosions in it.
5. Even more pointlessness. Of course I want quests to be original. Of course I want them to be long. Why the heck can they not be also group ? I fail to see the implicit assumption that group quests can only be boring. I have no idea what "kill quest chain" is supposed to be.
6. Surprise, surprise, game balance is IMPORTANT.
I know there are very few questions but not many people will be willing to answer heaps and heaps of questions, and I also know some may be 'pointless' but I just can't jump straight to the conclusion I need to 'reasearch' and show evidence of how I got to that as stupid as this seems I have to do it sorrryy
Put the right mix of everything. The problem with putting too much would be development costs and consolidating populations to certain areas of development to make it worth while.
So the right mix would be between sand box elements and themepark elements.
ALso the combat has to be a trade-off of being a mix of fps style and the watch the animation style combat.
So themepark elements would be story, leveling, raiding, questing, and story based objectives which in a controlled method can affect the world in a sand boxy way. Also adding a lot of mini games in the game as a side to the actual core of the game. Also imo, the story has to be short, and the lvling as well which is focused mostly on training style quests and getting skills or items for quests instead of getting exp and going to the trainer.
The sand box elements could be creating a platform to allow players to create content themselves. THis player created content content could be mini-games using the game engine, or quests. Having housing and sand box elements of destructibles houses and seiges.
The sanbox element of the game would help stimulate a need for a great economy and create a great immersive factor to the game as being a living world since from a theme park element certain pvp objectives can affect the economy in a controlled way that is not extreme to completely wipe out players achievements.
The AI also has to be top notch, and the combat should be up to the challenge as well. Smart AI makes for a great game out of the pvp element as well.
Character creation has to have a lot of features and options.
Lots of in game items, and possibilties to use them through out the game (so erly lvl items can be used late lvls) and customize as they players wants. Also there can be ways to mix certain items with other components for certain yeilds. This would be part of a complex crafting system.
ALso for PVP I would have mounts included, but only for certain other objectives I would allow flying mounts or planes depending on the game. Since having planes all the time would change the feel and strategy, and that is the point of allowing it in certain regards.
Also a bounty system, with gambling.
And the game would be mature would blood and gore, possibly with nudity with boob physics and a variety of different boobs instead of the generic look of boobs. I am an old guy, and I like boobs so it is important for me! Maybe, I am just a bit lonely?
Alright so I liked most of your ideas on a successful MMORPG but then I got to the last paragraph and then that just ruined it As great as boobs are I don't think it would be good for young teenagers haha
Yea, I could do without it. I am not really a pervert or need nudity in game. Just saying if it is an adult game with blood and gore and dismemberment that would get an adult rating, it might as well have boobies.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
Successful? Easy-mode themepark even easier than the last.
You forgot shiny graphics in that easy mode themepark. Other than that I agree completely.
Ken Fisher - Semi retired old fart Network Administrator, now working in Network Security. I don't Forum PVP. If you feel I've attacked you, it was probably by accident. When I don't understand, I ask. Such is not intended as criticism.
I answered the survey to the best of my abilites even though I think that most of the questions where not relevant. Like, if the balance is important and such...I mean most of the questions answer themselves :-P
Anyway...I'd like to add something to this thread and like to point out that I think that the next MMORPG that becomes succesfull maybe is not "successfull" in mosts eyes.
Let us ask the question, what is successfull?
If getting a massive amount of subscriptions is the only measure of success then I guess all games will continue to look all the same the whole time (like they are doing)....because every company is trying to get a chunk of the main target audience.
What I am saying is that there should be some game soon that acknowledges different types of players...and not all the main bulk of players. Age wise, sex wise, country wise...or whatever...
I answered the survey to the best of my abilites even though I think that most of the questions where not relevant. Like, if the balance is important and such...I mean most of the questions answer themselves :-P
Anyway...I'd like to add something to this thread and like to point out that I think that the next MMORPG that becomes succesfull maybe is not "successfull" in mosts eyes.
Let us ask the question, what is successfull?
If getting a massive amount of subscriptions is the only measure of success then I guess all games will continue to look all the same the whole time (like they are doing)....because every company is trying to get a chunk of the main target audience.
What I am saying is that there should be some game soon that acknowledges different types of players...and not all the main bulk of players. Age wise, sex wise, country wise...or whatever...
At least hopefully.
Yeah I know some questions are stupid but I can't just jump to the conclusion even though I know the answer myself that's why i need evidence, and successful is for all different types of players playing one game, lots of subscribers, good content, entertaining to players, etc. Just something that attracts people and keeps them playing for ages really.
Yea.. not much of a survey, might want to rename it to ''What do you like about WoW''.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Alright so I liked most of your ideas on a successful MMORPG but then I got to the last paragraph and then that just ruined it As great as boobs are I don't think it would be good for young teenagers haha
I did your surveys, but found myself using the 'other' fields more often than not. Hope the information in those other fields helps you. I had some fun with it.
MMO's played: Ragnarok Online (For years), WoW (for a few weeks only), Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Eve, Allods, Shattered Galaxy, 9 Dragons, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Star Trek Online (Got someone ELSE to pay for it), Champions Online (Someone else paid), Dofus, Dragonica, LOTRO, DDO and more... A LOT more. I've played good AND bad. The bad didn't last long. :P
Success in the mmorpg world today usually means a 3 yo can do it. A successful game to me is one that has depth, requires skill and has a good crafting system. Said game needs to be able to run on the majority of PCs out there. It needs to be released in a finished state and needs to be updated often. It also needs to have a good story to give you that "feel".
I have played most of the mmorpgs out there and although each one wasn't "complete" it had parts that stood out that could be adapted into a complete game. SWG had the housing and crafting which I liked and Anarchy Online had the twinking for example. The only thing I liked about WOW was its ability to run on most PCs but apart from that it had the 3 yo feel.
If you could somehow combine the above then that would be a good start.
I fail to see the point of this survey. There are only very few questions (16) and hardly any of them makes much sense in the first place.
For example, the very first question: the point of a MMO is that you can do ANY of these things, whatever you like right now. In fact I miss a couple possible answers there. And I frankly have no absolute preference, and I dont need any: I can do all these things in parallel.
1. I like joining a guild so I can explore the world, see the dungeons and make raids, have PvP, develop my character, amass wealth, ... wtf is up with that question ? The point of a MMO is that it should give you ALL those options, and more.
2. I enjoy meaningful, sportive PvP. Ganking sucks. Player vs player should always give both parties a chance.
3. No preference, only about the result. The game should offer a large number of possibilities how to improve your character.
4. Err, I want of course "autotargetting". Its called MMORPG, so I want a roleplaying rulesystem.
5. No idea what that is about. I havent played neither WoW nor Aion.
6. Err, what storyline ? I dont want a linear game.
7. See 6.
8. Err ... what exactly is the difference between "others" and "friends" ? I dont have reallife friends who play the same MMOs as I do. Also, yes, MMO without grouping, now that would be major suckage. I like being able to do group OR solo, whatever I want right now.
9. All of them.
10. What ?
1. Err, of course your character should be unique.
2. I like to find the best way to make money and ... make it ? Dunno why I would need to prefer one way or the other.
3. Of course bossfights are different from normal fights. Thats why they are called bossfights.
4. Ok thats the most pointless question ever. I want a dungeon large, complex, with long storylines and many surprises. I do NOT care about the absolute count of trashmobs and bossfights, or the ratio between them. Thats like rating an action movie according to the number of explosions in it.
5. Even more pointlessness. Of course I want quests to be original. Of course I want them to be long. Why the heck can they not be also group ? I fail to see the implicit assumption that group quests can only be boring. I have no idea what "kill quest chain" is supposed to be.
6. Surprise, surprise, game balance is IMPORTANT.
If anyone in this day and age knew...we'd be playing it right now instead of being on this forum debating it.
I know there are very few questions but not many people will be willing to answer heaps and heaps of questions, and I also know some may be 'pointless' but I just can't jump straight to the conclusion I need to 'reasearch' and show evidence of how I got to that as stupid as this seems I have to do it sorrryy
Yea, I could do without it. I am not really a pervert or need nudity in game. Just saying if it is an adult game with blood and gore and dismemberment that would get an adult rating, it might as well have boobies.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
8 million + suckers paying a sub fee.
My theme song.
Tru dat
errr.. what?
You forgot shiny graphics in that easy mode themepark. Other than that I agree completely.
Hu ? I'm playing Vanguard and while its certainly not the completely perfect game (no game is), its damn close to the perfect game.
I answered the survey to the best of my abilites even though I think that most of the questions where not relevant. Like, if the balance is important and such...I mean most of the questions answer themselves :-P
Anyway...I'd like to add something to this thread and like to point out that I think that the next MMORPG that becomes succesfull maybe is not "successfull" in mosts eyes.
Let us ask the question, what is successfull?
If getting a massive amount of subscriptions is the only measure of success then I guess all games will continue to look all the same the whole time (like they are doing)....because every company is trying to get a chunk of the main target audience.
What I am saying is that there should be some game soon that acknowledges different types of players...and not all the main bulk of players. Age wise, sex wise, country wise...or whatever...
At least hopefully.
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Yeah I know some questions are stupid but I can't just jump to the conclusion even though I know the answer myself that's why i need evidence, and successful is for all different types of players playing one game, lots of subscribers, good content, entertaining to players, etc. Just something that attracts people and keeps them playing for ages really.
subscriptions. Joke already done? Damn
^ eh? D;
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
No it's not !