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Should i Just stick with CoH?

Well, It's about that time again. After Playing Final Fantasy XI, and City of Heros (and having my time card run out on me) I am again faced with  the decision of being able to get another MMORPG or reactivate my CoH Account. It's been about ...5 months i'd say  without and mmorpg to look foward to play opon the completion of my daily taks... and having played ever game on my ps2 and gamecube and DS i've think i'm beginning to lose my mind *ahem* sorry lost focus

Since this  website has been the best  to me and helped  me decide my first MMORPG pick i'm much obliged to request your help again.

In City of Heros there is my buddy (Reffered to as Sickle), and a pretty straight foward way of playing- smack down thugs and other misc. things for fun, fly around and look cool- be praised by the people you save do a mission  or two on a daily basis and lose yourself in creation process over and over again(even if your not even gonna develop the character beyond it's looks) Although i didnt the community (which really kills me some times, being somewhere where there are at least 100 people near you and knowing that none of them are your friends and knowing...theres not really that much need of them because you can pretty much do everything on your own or gather people who all have the same objective and do it- as if you were soloing) ((i was still in the pre 20 levels so dont judge that too hard))

I like City of Heros but on my game time card  period i  discovered three things my computer was underpar(*sigh* i need a new job) and splitting my connection with three other computers made the game lag often and badly to the point were 80% of my deaths came from lag. This was certainly not the case with FFXI.- Lag was my only real complaint (but i went back to FFXI before my trial had ended)

Since then i've Reduced my lag and tripled my connection speed- upgraded my drivers- made some mods to my cpu's memory paging file, works fine, deleted all my spyware that i had at the time. My Computer Still lacks Hard memory- and contains a small harddrive (10 gig max space)

Every once and a while i look at the list of games that are currently out and sigh- because none of which i'd like to play ESP. WoW

FFXI was indeed my game of choice- Nice server, good community, steady crafting/questing that was difficult- although FFXI was becomming...more and more painful to play with waning groups and your LS leaving you in the dust level wise and high and dry not returning loans. and lost levels due to failed parties. Although FFXI was a great game for a long period of time it began harder to get any fun out of questing and combat and eventually begins to feel like playing summoner (Stewie: Oh yeah, i went there)

Sadly i am having Second thoughs about returning to CoH because again-> it's whole nother Fiscal year- the rumors of the other Squaresoft MMO beckon me- and i'm not sure if CoH has the Content to keep my mind in the game- rather than just my eyes- or something to do just to pass the time.

err...i seem to have said alot *catches breath* and i seem to be talking in circles

well lettme just givea list of the features i'm looking for in a game

1. Alittle Character Diverserty in the ways of apperance and style so much enough that my character can be stylish, and look the part of my characters persona - but not after i  pick my looks find out there are at least 800 more people who look *exactly* like me.

2. Nice Combat systems are always a plus- and Magic user Friendly.

3. atmosphere that matches the tone of the game, where i can get that sense of duty feeling- as opposed to "hey, lettme kill somethings so i can get this level"- or that just because feeling

4. i love systems of noblity and social progression- where after a while there could be some hope of players looking up to me/ me looking up to other people- and maybe getting some fanfiction of myself in the forums (Yes...Fanart...)- or see myself up for election or be written into a storyline...(err maybe i'm going too far) And not just some "Fame Meter" or LeveL

5. smoothness and little server failure

6. Class Development paths have variation, where the way i develop my characters skills help play a role in my future. I.E I practice with one handed swords all the time- i obtain the ability to use them better and faster than people just starting one handed swords - i use a defensive stance most of the time- so i parry much more, but my damage is about the same now as i would do  in my normal stance- i use alot of wind magic- i can now travel on the wind gusts etc. etc.

7. Crafting- In Every game i buy, or MUD i walk into i always use whatever system they had to either make, or just restring myself my custom weapon- and i would like...people to look upon my weapons and know it's mine and in my inventory not be displayed as a "Great Sword+ 1" But as whatever i named it..((currently my favorite weapon name -> Crossgrave)) not that i'd desire to spend all my time forging the perfect sword- but at least have that option. And when someone crafts to not have to witness- everything crafted having the same properties. as where we all forge a great sword i want to be able to pick out a best- not having them all have the same damage potential rating, speed rating, balance ratings and etc.

8. PvP- Agreed to most of the time but can be done at anytime not transported to an arena or have to wait till certain hours or some kinda BS to settle a dispute between players- because sometimes we need justice- without bothering GM's where if someone is harrassing me, i should have the option to fight them with or without them deciding to accept my challenge-  because people will hide behide the protection of this feature and decide to continue doing what they can behide what i like to call  "grace"of the lands. and with player enforced restrictions on PvP sitiations- where in if someone doesnt have a "just" cause for killing someone when he/she doesnt agree to an battle they are likewised punished by there own society or faction or whatever. I.E Yukestil Steals 1000 gold from you- you kill him- he has no right to call an trial on you or an assassin or exact revenge...whatever- you walk up and kill anewbiefromgingerbread from behide- you'd be subjected to a trial and somekind of penality as well as a note being made of this infraction of the PvP laws- having some negative effect on your persona. Then of Course RANKED arena battles where you can find out three things- Skill- how much of a crowd you can bring in and could you be made into a peoples champ or a main event, and do players/npcs even know you and your reputation- and the effectivness of your fighting style(the method in which you use your skills and the order you use them in) ((the Arena would have times and slots+ a way you could view these matches away from the arena like....Pay Per View or something ((like that old witch on DBZ with the crystal ball could display the fights on it like a television))

Thats about i  am looking over what i just typed and i'm like...i'm gonna get yelled at for having too high of standards or something, so anyone know anything like comming out soon or no chance in he** i dont know what boundaries prevent things like this from being developed 4- 7- 8 but i do know it was possible in Text-Based MMORPG's- couldnt they be built into A Graphical MMORPG...couldnt it?

well i've just basically ran my mouth off- so post here make a suggestion for an mmorpg or an upcomming one- and to talk about desired things in a MMORPG that you think could make many of them alot better or just  to comment on mine- Although i think right now CoH furfills a number of those- but not 3, 4 ,5 ,6 or 7 but eh- it's still a great game. i have high hopes for the PvP when CoV comes out tho

Intel Core 2 Duo @2.88
Upgrading to
AMD Phenom II x6 1055T
4.0 Gigs DDR2 RAM
Upgrading to
4.0 Gigs of DDR3 1066 RAM
Asus P5B-NE SLI Mobo
Upgrading to
MSI 870A-G54 mobo
ATI Radeon 4800
Upgrading to
ATI Radeon 5770

Just to be able to play FFXIV.
Consider that, a Warning.


  • bobblerbobbler Member UncommonPosts: 810

    CoH and FFXI are both good games but not great. yes the community is verym essed up on CoH and FFXI is too much of a grind. though i suggest keeping 1 account active on one of those games of your choce and testing a few MMORPG's which i wil reccomend:

    1 Anarchy Online: GREAT GAME been out as long as everquest 1, you dont have to have a great computer to run it and hte depth in the game is great and currently they are doing a whole year free. the one think i dont like on it is crafting thats about it. if you need an account PM me ill let you use mine so you dont have to waste tiime making one. plus im not playing many MMORPG's lately other than L2

    2 Lineage II. very contreversial between people saying its too hard of a grind. those people = lazy . this game has great everything and the equiptment looks sweet. i also like the drawn characters. it has everything from custumization to crafting and has been expanded in the new Chronicle 2 release.

    3 i hate to say it but you should try World of Warcraft. its an alright game i sorta like it but the community is filled with people running aorund named "TehL33tz0rz". other than that hte game is great and its not hard to level. and theres lots of char diverity other than the cant change character height and have a small selection of heads. i mean diversity by the skills and stuff.

    4 the last one i will be suggesting is Ashen Empires. i loved the game since dransik classic. it is and always will be on my top 5 list and should be on yours too. it has everything you listed. also whats really cool your NOT RESTRICTED to one can gain skill in ANYTHING you choose. you can be a farmer and a person who uses daggers. or a blacksmith,farmer,healer,longswordsman,maceman,archer,and ect. also the sommunity is GREAT in the game.


  • MalchietzMalchietz Member Posts: 35

    Hrmm- I am loving the way Lineage II Looks kinda skeptical from all the complains but thats how it was when i got FFXI image i may look into it in the future- if i can convince my buddy to come with me since we both already have NCsoft accounts. I'll Have to take your word on Ashen because it looks...too much like neverwinter nights...and that scares me image. Now for Anarchy i'll have to check it out one day in the future- For now i'll just Chill in CoH until i can afford to upgrade my cpu then i'm headed straight for lineage and Face of Mankind- Unless Face of Mandkind proves to be a failure then it's gonna look pretty grim for my futureimage i wonder if NCsoft gives discounts for having multiple games registered...sorta like "trusted Customer" thing..if not i'll have to wait till new job comes in where i make 10.95 an hour image 

    But as far as Lineage II goes visually it's pretty as far a the screenshots and the equipment's looks would make me feel like i want my character to feel pretty cool if my cpu could support that game at that quality and manage a steady framerate i'd easily just get it (yes- i do kinda look at screenshots first ((the sign of a true novice gamer)) but graphics  can make a statement of the quality of the product....( although not the case with Apocolypica   that came out a while back image))

    But the Class development looks alittle shallow now but NCsoft seems to be big on expansions so who knows maybe it will change in the future

    Anarchy i'l be looking into it maybe March (after my piles of school work begin to wan down since graduation day is comming soon *cheers*) ((right now dont have the time to play multiple anything))


    Intel Core 2 Duo @2.88
    Upgrading to
    AMD Phenom II x6 1055T
    4.0 Gigs DDR2 RAM
    Upgrading to
    4.0 Gigs of DDR3 1066 RAM
    Asus P5B-NE SLI Mobo
    Upgrading to
    MSI 870A-G54 mobo
    ATI Radeon 4800
    Upgrading to
    ATI Radeon 5770

    Just to be able to play FFXIV.
    Consider that, a Warning.

  • NahallacNahallac Member Posts: 73

    Just a couple comments about what is mentioned above...

    Lineage II  - all the characters look the same, everyone gets the same loot and does the same quests. - outstanding world graphics though.

    Also, as far as the weapon creation system you are looking for ....I've never played anything like that this an idea of your own creation or is it based off of a game you have played previously?





    Nahallac Silverwinds
    Alter Destiny
    Tunare - EQ

  • MalchietzMalchietz Member Posts: 35

    That Particalur Weapon "creation" system is a combination of a forging coding from an Mud (that has declined into darkness) known as Achaea (players controlled the economy- strengths of the powers (evil vs good)  through yearly challenges similar to conquest(FFXI) which involved anything from catching butterflies to solving riddles- and controlling the economy players who sought to increase there riches has access to sets of abilities (knights would get forging-> mages would get enchaning etc.) so to balance out people who just mass producted weapons and people who took the time to really craft the weapons- these weapons would have higher stats that other weapons some people could even make swords stronger than the donation swords that were given to you by the gods when you used credits to by them- so people couldnt just flood the market-> then mixing it with alittle of my personal wishes->end the in of crafting you could edit the model of your like in the City of Heros games production using part sculting to edit the body build, color- and over all coolness of your Hero-> take that customization and use it to build a sword- that would be unique until you decided to make another. (if i could do that- i would make something like Gustaves Black sword from Saga Frontier  2).

    So basically the Formula for Crafting went like this you had  three catergories Speed(weight) - Balance= Weight of Hilt and weight of blade (Accuracy)- and Power(sharpness) the that would determined this were

    1. Time Spent forging.

    2. Materials used.

    3. Skill Ranking/ How often you forged

    4. Dedication to the sword.

    5. How hot the flames were.

    I guess you could call it mine- but my views are mostly a blend of themes from other games so i give credit to Achaea

    Intel Core 2 Duo @2.88
    Upgrading to
    AMD Phenom II x6 1055T
    4.0 Gigs DDR2 RAM
    Upgrading to
    4.0 Gigs of DDR3 1066 RAM
    Asus P5B-NE SLI Mobo
    Upgrading to
    MSI 870A-G54 mobo
    ATI Radeon 4800
    Upgrading to
    ATI Radeon 5770

    Just to be able to play FFXIV.
    Consider that, a Warning.

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