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Red Sun Syndicate PVE Guild [no voip]


     Red Sun is a guild founded on a principle where the entire guild is self governed by it's membership. Everything from small things like changing the motd to recruitment is a privilege held for any member. There are no mandates for joining outright, however whoever may recruit you once the game has gone live may be after more raid members or perhaps people who love PvP.


     Another defining concept is that Red Sun does not use voice comms. The reason being that there are already plenty of other guilds out there that do so. In fact most if not all do so this is a place for those of you who with to avoid it's use. If that's something you're not interested in then you will have no problem finding a home else where.


     For now recruitment is open so head to the Red Sun forums and check the recruitment section for information on how to join. I'll get around to adding people to the site very soon and if you are in beta please PM me your in-game name so that I can get you an invite. If you have any other questions regarding how things will work please take some time to check out the guild FAQ below. 




What server ruleset will Red Sun belong to?

I'm inclined towards a PVE-RP server given that one is provided. I prefer the communities and they also tend to be more stable population wise. I personally don't RP very much if at all any more but may provide some kind of back story for the Red Sun Syndicate organization. However if the majority would prefer PvE then I'll create the guild on a normal PvE server. 


Which faction do you plan on?

Republic for when the game goes live. I'll create one for Empire for alts and given the nature of the guild it may grow into it's own might. But for launch the primary focus will be on the Republic side as I may not get to the other faction for several days to create the guild. 


Will Red Sun be aimed at casuals or hardcore gamers?

I don't care how you classify yourself. I play many hours in a day, more than most I would imagine. Play how you want, I'm not going to tell you how many hours you need to sink into the game to stay a member. If you don't log in for over a month you'll be removed however. If nothing else I do like a tidy roster. 


Will Red Sun raid?

If we have enough members who are interested I don't see why not. I believe loot is provided randomly to those who participate so I see no need for any type of loot council or DKP. If this ever changes I imagine Red Sun will simply go by RNG rolls for those who need. I want to avoid any member being assigned special roles which would have to happen if we wanted someone in charge of loot distribution. If you want something more akin to DKP, you'll be better off joining a raid focused guild. 


That said, most people who raid have become dependent on voice chat and I wouldn't rely on the chance that we'd find the number of members required to field a good raid crew on any specific server. So if your end game goal is to raid you may be better off searching for a guild with that goal in mind. 


Why no voice chat?

I prefer to play without voice chat and it's sort of hard to find a guild which doesn't require it even if they only intend for you to log into a vent server and listen. In Red Sun you will not have to use any form of voice chat. Yes, that even goes for raiding. This is one of the primary reasons I've created the guild. 


Why no leadership?

It's another reason I've created Red Sun and it's not an entirely new concept. Chaos type guilds have existed in previous MMO's. I may be limiting some of the privileges I pass on to members however. The only one being the ability to disband the guild. While I had originally thought it would be fun to allow everyone to have this privilege I figure if guild ranks or levels are ever added in it could prove to be a huge loss for the guild to be disbanded. 


So I can be kicked by another any other member?

Correct. You can also be invited back in by any other member. You're place in the guild is protected by the friends you make and threatened the same by your enemies. So it's important to be respectful both in guild chat and while grouping with guild members. How this will all play out will be part of the fun. 


What if I just keep getting kicked out?

Then either you've managed to piss off enough people so that no one will kick the guy who's kicking you, or he'll get the boot and you'll find your way back in. 


What if someone were to join given the ease of joining and rob the bank?

As with all guilds you will need to be careful with what you entrust to the guild bank. Orders for crafted goods can be handled through the guild site, there's an area for this under the Tradeskills tab and also under the forums. Ultimately it's up to every member to carefully consider who they invite to the guild. If you wish to have them submit an app to the recruitment forum you can arrange for that. 

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