Very good post by a new player. The one thing I agree with the most is being able to max skills in a day to a week. That gives a person no ownership over their character. The reason there is so many fotms in Mortal is because you can just learn a new weapon style in a day so who cares about changing to the new bugged weapon. If it took 2 weeks or more to max skill a weapon you would see less people changing with each new patch to the new OP or flavor.
The OP
Today, 17:44 #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2011
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Unbalanced game. Add your opinion.
Hi everyone, i have been playing this game for 2 weeks and in the end decided to unsubscribe. We all know what good is there and why we started playing this game. Ok, so that's what i found annoying and frustrating in this game:
1. Classes. Why the hell there have to be limit of 1100 prime points? Its not even enough for 1 full crafter class. For example you will be able to craft but wont be able to collect any resources yourself, that makes you create another character for gathering and again, it will be so weak that you ALWAYS be a victim, because if you want to have a full gateherer you wont be able to spend any points on athletics or fighting.... There is only one full major class where is enough points, yes you're right - fighter PvP'er. That is worse than standard MMO predetermined classes, the crafters there can at least defend themself vs PvE and in MO everyone can use sword but only fighter class can enjoy PvP and PvE. And that really sucks.
Solution. Why to complicate the game so much? Why everyone is forced to create 3 characters? Increase prime points limit, decrease amount of prime points required for each class...etc Balance plz.
2. PK'ers!!!PK'ers!!!PK'ers!!! Mymain character is gatherer, and I'm getting killed 2 out of 3 times when I'm leaving town. Even in towns I'm getting PK'ed.... And what's worst when someone in a middle of town kill your horse loaded full of stones and run away. AND EVEN WORSE 7 OUT OF 10 PEOPLE OUTSIDE CITY TRY TO KILL YOU.... 95% of old players are PK'ers walking outside in red flag freely and killing everyone. Again everything coming back to paragraph 1. Great system....
3. Empty chat window.
4. Trade system sucks. Almost no economy.
5. To easy leveling system, you can max out skills in 2 days.
If you find anything else frustrating please add.
Good response from Mauzi.
Today, 18:09 #
7 (
Status King
Join Date: Jun 2009
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OP, I hear ya...
One of the main problems here is the lack of stuff to do for the players.. so the lowlife gamer types start to kill people randomly - taking the "challenge" of guards. This kind of an "excuse" surely is the lamest thing to do, since it basically hurts the game that you wish to have more combat-ready population by driving he youngings away before they even get into the game.
This is bad enough already, but the horse default setting of "defensive stance" surely is one of the most idiotic designs possible. Horses are built to run away from any danger as if a horse would turn at an archer to get killed properly. If at all it would flee - but that kinda stance/action isn't in the game at all, so... well passive would be a useful default.
Plus getting a message that your horse gets hit - I mean... wtf did they disable that message if not for better griefing ? Plus, you still get that message when you ride the horse, so what's the point of letting the horse owner lose his horse in a guarded town as fast and undefendable as this ? (Spamming follow me is no defence, the horse would just die).
Anything else is mostly said above already... so since you made a proper post about your rightful concerns I shall offer you to contact me here via PM or in IRC if you have questions or need help.
Your skillcap suggestion of 1500 doesn't make sense though since you don't know the effect on combat yet. More isn't really better for the game, but less would rather be nice.
Thank you for reading, Mauzi.
i disagree with mauzi on this issue, i dont believe its a lack of stuff to do resulting in killing nakeds throguh bordom. I believe its a lack of discouragment. Esentially why not kill him its fun to see someones head part hteir shoulders. Not only can he not fight back but there is no punshiment whatsoever for me sicne im already over 5 murderconuts and gonig to get the maximum sentence.
what the develoepr needs to understand is that there needs to be discouragement for each and every kill otherwise its flawed. an aditional 1% statloss per kill over 5 statloss and a 30minute grey flag on a blue who murders another blue would imo go a long way. The game needs to move away from mindless violence, players have darkfall for that and with the new TC update more towards pvp with a purpose.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
The other problem Death is it only take 8 hours to lose a count it is too easy to kill a bunch of times and not even go red,.
it hould be 8 hours ingame time whilst living and not as a ghost. 8 hours is pretty long the issue really isnt the 8 hour murdercount. Its the 4 hour statloss count reds who dont take statloss imo is bad. They should instead take 5% statloss for 1-4 statloss counts whilst red and that changes to 10% at 5, after 5 its an addtional 1% per kill to a maximum of 90%. However upon death the murderers statloss count resets to 5 when over 5.
I also disagree on skills trianing quickly, i dont understand how that favors FOTM builds. In other games many people quit over hteir current palystyle being ruined by changes to pvp or fotm classes running riot. In mo players are always able to quickly re-skill up to choose a fotm build themselves or to counter it with other skills. Imo this is one of the main reasons MO pvp is so resiliant. FOTM builds happen in a hell of alot of mmos. The simple fact here is that no player ever feels like he cant compete when he can reskill his character in a short amonut of time if he desires. Also grind is a terrible game mechanic. I dont want to be robbed of 4 month worth of subscription to simply work or afk macro in an mmo not enjoying myself just to be viable in pvp. That isnt how it should work.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Fast skilling faovrs FOTM becuase you can change at the drop of a hat. You are acting like MO changes its mechanics more than there is bugged weapons or new introduced over power builds due to crap patches.
1) the limited skill points.
they were made that way so that no single account could be fully self reliant. the whole point of the game is to get people to interact with each others (to created an economy, but also pvp) and the skill setts were designed that way so you would be forced to have other playes help you with something. you just cannot do it all yourself (unless you have 2 or more accounts).
wile i agree with such a system that forces you to interact with other players i dislike the whole 3 very limited characters.
i would have ratherd they give 1 character per account only but let him have 3300 skill points. of those 3300 skill points only 1100 can be used for fighting skills. it just makes way more sense for such a game.
2) PKers.
yes this is how a full loot, ffa pvp game feels like. there is no way arround it,(it's no different in DF) you want the trills of such a game you have to put up with the spills. it can be pretty brutal especially for solo players, but even worse for solo nube players. stop complaining we all had to endure it. joining a guild or moving to a less PK heavy zone can make a huge difference in this game. again, this game was made to push people to band up and play in groups, not for solo play.
3) get into a guild and you'll get guild chat. i actually like no general chat.
4) trade system is very limited, this should be improved. there is no economy because there are no players.
5) this is actually the best part of this game. this game is not about levelling your char, it's about living in the world. i personaly love the fact that you can be pvp ready in 2 weeks. it's a pvp game, i dont wanna pve for 6 months just to be able pvp without getting my ass handed by a "higher level". one of the best features of this game.
Whatever happened to you quitting the game and the protest you were staging?
Hell no that's nuts and you know better.
How am I supposed to defend a territory that has no guardzone in it without killing people? I should not get a statloss penalty for defending my home town, just because I'm the guard and not some bad NPC AI.
The current penalty is fine, there just need to be territory control so people can stay blue AND defend their territory.
There are two problems now that didn't used to exist.
In beta, you could only read a skill book up to a certain point - usually to 30-40 skill. Now you can read a book up to 70 skill (80 with stat point bonus typically). This leaves very little leveling at all for any character. Just annoying afk time while you read your book for days on end. It should have stayed like it was -> read book very fast but not much gains, spend time finishing the skill by using it.
Also in beta, weapon skill gains were much more heavily curved. You could get to 50-60 skill fairly quickly but after that it slowed down A LOT. Going from 80-100 was a real bitch, and the 100 skill really meant a lot of work. Now it's easy mode afk on your buddy for 3 hours.
what does this comment have anything to do with the thread or my repply to it? are you just trying to get a rise out of people? please stay on topic or dont bother posting Morepex.
by the way, where in the thread does it say i'm currently playing the game?
And thats what I am trying to get at. If say in the next patch all of a sudden axes have no handle hits and they knock a person off a horse %50 of the time and everyone knows it is broken so SV will fix it sooner or later people will still drop what they have and roll axes. Now if it took 3-4 weeks to get 100 in a skill then a person most likely won't drop it because it most likely will be fixed before they are done skilling.
With the current system even if a bugged weapon like the poleswords is in only for 2 weeks to a onth people will still role it it is only a day of work at the most.
Excuse me if you thought I was trying to get a rise out of you. I was asking a serious question. I did not want to start another thread to ask a question.
Knowing this is a sandbox game and seeing this post goes about unbalanced gameplay.
and after reading the person that made this post played for 2 WHOLE weeks i decided to stop reading this.
yes MO sucks but to OP why bother making a thread about some 2 week old noob mentioning something in the mo forum?
Because other posters such as Rohn post very little but copy/paste of SV press releases? That fact is not in dispute btw, as a cursory glance at his posting history shows.
Therefore someone posting opposing views from people playing the game is an entirely acceptable response. If you want to get rid of the fluff posts from one side of the argument, please be consistent.
Ok I got you one from a 6 month player then
Today, 18:41 #15 (permalink)
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: America
Rep Power: 1
Hijacking your Goodbye thread.
Just canceled. Going on month 6 and I have absolutely nothing left to do. I joined MO to PvP and I'm leaving because that's ALL there is.
Been fun, I'll be back with the AI patch. Assuming it actually adds new creatures and AI.
The anne frank of Off topic.
Sounds to me like you are describing some FPS shooter mechanic and not a sandbox.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
He is not a new player but here is his opinion. In the same thread.
Join Date: Nov 2009
Rep Power: 3
Originally Posted by MisFortuna
Actually it took much less time to find out that this game is not finished yet. But yes it is all ready fun. On the other hand I'm customer, I'm buying product and I expect it to be finished. Would you buy half raw bread?
Sorry, but you paid for a very much in-beta unreal mod. Their excuse for releasing the game is that they needed money to continue development. It was a bad move to have a business plan without enough funding to release the game in a stable state. Some of it was lack of development resources. Some of it was a very poor choice in an MMO platform (EPIC Atlas) which was really designed for an instanced MMO, not a seamless world. And some of it is lack of vision and understanding that a crafting system, couple of AI spawns, and some resources do not make for long term content.
Someone make a cooking system joke about the raw bread comment.
I think that pretty much sums it up.
how does that have anything to do with the original post? i mean sure its a psot about some guy quiting for completely different reasons.
Also i think your only seeing one side to this FOTM thing moreplex. What i am saying might need an example to explain it to you a little better so here goes.
Me and my friend baught AOC, we palyed the game for 2 months and reach lvl 80 and enjoyed pvping. However my friends build was a guardian and players considered it fotm. So a few weeks later the developers nerfed guardians to the ponit that they became useless. Now my friend had a useless character to pvp with and quit the game due to a lack of other ocntent. Had there been a way to retrain his character or remake a new one in 2 weeks like MO he wouldnt have quit.
What im saying is in games were fotm happens that have lnog grind and take time to develop a character skill wise, players who happen to have a ftom build with new patches can go on a rampage ruining the game for others. In mo players always have the option to switch skills relatively quickly.
I also agree to billy's post to an extent, For me the gmae feels like a WIP it is essentially a paid to play beta. Mainly because the game is rather unfinished and lacks certain things that msot would take for granted as working in the majority of non indie titles. However MO is still fun i cant say it has a lack of content considering i have psent more itme playing MO than any previous mmo. But it is certainly rather unfinnished and has plenty of bugs. So it really is a case of knowing what you are getting. I havent regretted my purchase at all unlike plenty of other mmos.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
If the game is fun etc, why have you quit?
You stated on the MO forums that all you do in-game is help newbies and wait for your subscription to run out.
The game is about PvP with crafting and gathering alts.
I found the combat system awkward and unintuitive. It's the same button-mashing as all the others, it's just several obscure buttons at once. It's filled with cool ideas like crafting and mount training and cooking, but they are all half-assed and short-sighted.
I would love to love the game and hate that I hate it.
TSW, LotRO, EQ2, SWTOR, GW2, V:SoH, Neverwinter, ArchAge, EQ, UO, DAoC, WAR, DDO, AoC, MO, BDO, SotA, B&S, ESO,
im taking a break becaue i have played continously since early beta, longer than i have ever played an mmo previously. Theres little political stuff going on and a lrage portion of my guild have taken a break. Likely i will resub for the Territory control update however that isnt guaranteed depending on if i decide to go give EVE a try once again. Most mmos im bored after 2 months but EVE UO and MO kept me playing much longer.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
So you find the game dull and uninteresting with little population, as well as heavily bugged.
If it wasn't you'd still be playing, yes?
Strange, that's what we have been saying for months and you kept disagreeing with us. Welcome to the factual side
no, im still ahving fun helping out noobs and fighting griefers with my crafter. But eventually anything starts getting boring when you play it long enough, unfortunatly im one of those gamers who tires of a game very quickly rarely completing it so if an mmo holdsmy attention for 6 months thats impressive. my average subscription time is likely 2 months to an mmo
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
WOW- Well said man. well said.