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I just saw this thread at the MO forums. The OP (a new player) basically vents some frustration about the new player experience being very bad - without doing extensive research or having any in-game connections, most newbies are at a total loss. He also states that mob AI isn't really working as intended, despite the game being out almost a year and a half.
The response from the fans are pretty harsh; "you need to be smart to play MO", "go play rift", "you have a shitty attitude", "just chop wood for two weeks and you'll be fine" etc.
This is on par with some of the replies I (and others) have gotten when posting concerns and criticism on the MO forums; some of the remaining die-hard fans are very unforgiving nowadays. Right now I won't speculate about why this could be, but imho it's a sign of desperation, and I wonder if this attitude is really helping the game in the long run...
The MO community - albeit sporting a number of griefers and other unfriendly types - used to be full of friendly, helpful people. Most of them were also pretty straightworward about the game's shortcomings. Nowadays, someone asking legitimate questions about why the game doesn't work as intended get the standard "STFU, go back to WoW, this game isn't for anyone" answers.
Combine this with the state of the newbie experience, and go figure why most of the trial players don't stick around.
Of course not... but it's been fostered by SV to the point where (after censoring all negativity on their own forums) their Community Manager tried to recruit players to come here and clear up all the "grey areas" (why he couldn't do so himself, at least publicly... is beyond me). It doesn't appear that strategy was too successful...
To be fair though... there are some fans who are extraordinarilly helpful and acommodating of new players. It's just that those are drowned out by the very vocal group you quoted.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
The funny thing is, its still the whole "Its a small team, blah, blah" and "they are working on AI, blah, blah," followed by an insult towards the op.
SV has always encouraged attacks against anyone who is asking legitimate questions (such as, why is the AI shit after a year and a half? Why doesnt collision detection work with mobs as they literally stand in the exact same spot as my toon while attacking) yet will quickly clamp down on anyone for "trolling" or "being negative" if they are "attack" back.
Honestly, its always been this way, has been encouraged by the mods and is not likely to change.
The MO fanboys who are left are some of the most diehard, blind and (dare I say) stupid people who just cannot stand the truth and do not want it pointed out for them . (NOTE: I said Fanboys, not everyone playing MO. There are many playing who are not mesmerized , hypnotized and hanging on to everything Henrik says like a high school girl with a crush on a rock star)- They use the same excuses which have been sused sinc release and parrot everything SV says as if it were gospel.
Hell, in the "maybe they should change the price of MO" topic on the MOFO, a fanboy is proudly admiting that he has 3 paid accounts and logs in only 1 hour per week... Is this very smart? I mean, even someone who is rich has to realize that this is a very bad way to waste money- yet he is proud of throwing his money away.
MO has always encouraged forum bullying on their boards to prevent people from having an open discussion. Those who continue to demand answers are censored and sometimes banned.
-To answer you Slapshot: Black Opal has admitted to contacting the managment and asking for MO brand censorship here (since nobody should ever be able to discuss MOs faults, failures and incompetent team) and was essentially told to "go to hell"....He then asked the fandoys to come here but will not come here himself {mod edit}
I think it is a case of "bitter fanboism". The fanbois left have been defending all the faults of the game so long they do not want to hear or deal with them. They want to waer their red rosie shades and believe everything is ok and everything Henrik says is true. To hell with never getting things he promises. To hell with getting anything that works. Because it is a small team and they are working on it. This time it will be ture.
well henrik pretty much came out and said he is more ocncerend right now with getting the TC AI UI and Magic system into mo than trying to increae the number of subscriptions. So whilst i understand Most newbies compltaints with the game and the lack of inofrmation and a tutorial when you begin, its gonig to remain pretty much a sink or swim affair until Henrik is happy with the features list and wants to gain more subscriptions.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Yeah.. that's a really neat attitude to have if you're the CEO of a company that's bleeding money, and running a game that's leaking subs. It's so absurd that I'm honestly at a loss for words here.
Wouldn't it be in everyone's interest to try your best to gain and retain new subs, instead of adding more complex systems to an already broken foundation? You know, like, fixing the core of the game plus the already implemented placeholders, buggy and half-assed features? Or perhaps create a smooth and fun gaming experience for the people who logs in for the first time?
Instead, Henrik goes "Nah, to hell with sub numbers and money - let's put all our resources into coding some more intricate PvP stuff! It will keep some of the addicts playing for a couple of months at least and stop the complaining on the forums."
Only a spoiled brat who's used to not caring about money at all could reason that way. What's really horrifying is that players actually buy this crap design logic.