Is it any wonder why people don't want to get married and raise families. Majority of them including myself come from broken homes. I have never seen marriages happy ones at least and most just settle. Any wonder why people don't want this for themselves. I am a woman and I play games though so his overall assessment of women have left out the ones that work and play.
Oh I've seen some very happy long term marriages and some great families. But they are a bit rare. I think that it's good for people to assess their lives and realize that they dont' have to follow some preset course in order to find happiness.
However, one can find happiness in many traditional pursuits. They just have to be doing them because these things are inherently a part of who they are.
None of the people I know who are married are happy nor did they really want to be parents they are just going through the motions and just settled, which by any means is not appealing to me, getting married to conform to societies expectations is rather appaling, so there will and always be more single women out there , cause in reality we're not biting anymore, we don't have to , we want freedom to do what we choose to do with our lives.
For some reason, I can see this thread getting into something political, but whatever, here I go again.
I wouldn't say it's because of video games, though the sheer amount of gaming could be 1 factor. Just look at society in general, and look at what passes for men on TV and movies now. Look at what passes in your schools now (hello, California, LOL). Look at what young boys are doing in their spare time these days. Hell, I never see kids playing outside anymore over here in the USA. There used to be unwritten rules, expectations for a man.
There's alot of things leading into this "Pathetic" claim by this guy, but excessive video gaming is but 1 factor.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
For some reason, I can see this thread getting into something political, but whatever, here I go again.
I wouldn't say it's because of video games, though the sheer amount of gaming could be 1 factor. Just look at society in general, and look at what passes for men on TV and movies now. Look at what passes in your schools now (hello, California, LOL). Look at what young boys are doing in their spare time these days. Hell, I never see kids playing outside anymore over here in the USA. There used to be unwritten rules, expectations for a man.
There's alot of things leading into this "Pathetic" claim by this guy, but excessive video gaming is but 1 factor.
Video games didn't do anything movies, TV and tons of other things didn't already do before.
Aside from entertainment, we have a lot of worse problems with moderating anything we do, or anything we use or have. Gas use, electricity use, alcohol, hell ,even the food people eat, nobody can stop themselves, but its easier to blame factors like "video games are causing men to ..." or "fast good companies force overweight people to..." like everyones just been lobotomized and we can't make decisions for ourselves.
What this guy says is just a bunch of political mumbo jumbo. Theres nothing wrong with men as a whole, or playing video games, what the problem is, is personal responsibility. Taking one factor (video games) out of the equation would just put something else (TV, drugs, alcohol, lobsters) in its place.
My words may give credit to Bennet, still im going to say it... My friend, your psicology and your "cultural" research are woth of an elementary school boy, no more no less, there you go.
Our culture chose to emasculate men back in the 1960s. Public schools have been hard at work ever since. Games (video, sports) allow men their only accepted opportunity to maintain any aggressiveness and competitiveness. The more we become lemmings, the easier it is for our pre-Communist government go steal our freedoms and squander our wealth.
My girlfriend has a friend that asks me all the time when im goin to grow up and quit playing video games. My response is always the same - when are you going to quit watching your mindless TV programs? It seems like watching TV for 3-6 hours a night is ok but a hour a night of your favorite MMO is immature. That said, i dont think it is healthy or productive to watch TV or play any video game for 6 hours a day, its all about balance in your life.
Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
My girlfriend has a friend that asks me all the time when im goin to grow up and quit playing video games. My response is always the same - when are you going to quit watching your mindless TV programs? It seems like watching TV for 3-6 hours a night is ok but a hour a night of your favorite MMO is immature. That said, i dont think it is healthy or productive to watch TV or play any video game for 6 hours a day, its all about balance in your life.
I get that from people all the time "Everytime I come over, I see you on the computer". Well guess what, everytiem I come over to your house, everyone is watching tv ... what's the f'n difference.
He concludes the article by stating "We may need to say to a number of our twenty-something men, 'Get off the video games five hours a day, get yourself together, get a challenging job and get married.' It's time for men to man up."
it's very simple. men used to get married because that was the only way to "get some". sure, sure all the self righteous mofos out there will tell you about raising a family and being a modle of society crap, but the real truth is that 80% used to get married mostly in order to have a steady and secure sex partner. family and work all sort of came with it willing or not.
marriage it's no longer needed for that. women are free, and sex it's easy to get as long as you can buy a few beers and tell a few stories. living alone it's easy and very comfortable (even without a good job :P). all that is left in marriage is a great financial gamble, self sacrifice and stress. why would any man in their right mind want to do this when you can have all the benefits of marriage (sex) and none of the headaches?
you took away the pride and purpouse a man used to feel for being the provider and protector of his family by making everyone equal. you left all the stress and work involved + you added the fragility of the union of marriege by making it incredibly easy to brake. you added incredible ease to get a sexual partners WITHOUT getting married........
......and now you complain that men refuse to get invovled?
.....bitch please!
untill they put real value back into marriage things will never improve.
Boys escape their reality to play games for "entertainment". Men, such as Steve Jobs, give results to actually change society (ironically, also for entertainment). There's some truth in what that pundit says too. You just have to look deeper into it. I don't believe video games are solely responsible though, because there are many other factors that contribute.
Cause totally, the fact it makes you think rather then a tv that leaves you braindead is totally bad. Most gamers are far more intelegent then other people I see in society. There are cases where things can go bad, yes, but most people who play games are far more alert and aware. Its actively making your brain think far more then most jobs.
Unless he really thinks people shooting themselves up and drinking away their troubles is a far better solution to less 'pathetic' men.
Women ask for equality but still expect to be provided by a male.
We as gender simply decided that in most cases sitting in oour living rooms and playing videogames could, in some cases more enyojable in overall than women (Sex with women is great, but if they are, by example, high maintenance divas the drwabacks are bigger than the advantages).
I read somewhere that as women was liberated of the burden of being a house-slave, now in this generation is the turn of men to be liberated of all the burdens associated with men (Being exclusive provider for all the house, being always the strong one, the one that never expresses any feeling, etc.). Thus, men learn to become emotionally independent, to be alone without being depressed, to enjoy lots of different pleasures that dont require neccessarily a woman, etc.
But its understandable that someone that expects the same gender roles as they were 40 years ago, is angry about the current status of the societal gender roles.
Some people always overdo stuff. But blaming games for the fact that some people spend too much time with them is like blaming Bud for alcoholics, it is a choice we make.
Mr Bennett seems to forget his own generations big problem: the television. How many people haven't spend far too much stuff staring on it instead of accomplishing anything?
In the politicians wishful dreams are regularly people spending almost 100% of their time working and sleeping, while getting a little time in each day for shopping stuff.
But people needs to wind down in their spare time, and if we do that gameing, watching TV or sporting isn't their business.
Older people have always blamed the newer things for all bad at the time.
The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for
authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place
of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their
households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They
contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties
at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.
Women are also opting out of marriage. It turns out they have to work and come home and be maids too. Husbands do not do a damn thing. I'd say a fair number me included wish we never got married only to become glorified servants.
You think you guys got the raw deal. We have to go to work come home and cook and mind the kids while husband takes it easy watching telly or just being a couch potato. No wonder we divorce your lazy ass.
Women are also opting out of marriage. It turns out they have to work and come home and be maids too. Husbands do not do a damn thing. I'd say a fair number me included wish we never got married only to become glorified servants.
You think you guys got the raw deal. We have to go to work come home and cook and mind the kids while husband takes it easy watching telly or just being a couch potato. No wonder we divorce your lazy ass.
Men still maintain a majority of the highest paid and most powerful occupations, but women are catching them and will soon be passing them if this trend continues.
The figures they use have shown women catching up......... I thought equallity was the goal? Women are earning the same or even more than men in some cases, women are hitting 50% or a little over in these studies. Wouldn't that be due to the push for equallity thats been going on for some decades now?
Guess I'm just confused lol. In my house me and the wife both work full time jobs, both take care of the house and kids. Most of the people we know seem to be in a similar situation. It takes two now days.
As far as hobbies go...... does it really matter what hobby someone has? People that sink there whole self in a hobby of one kind or another will do so regardless of what it is. Take away gaming they will find something else. Some people like trains, some do models, some knit, some paint, sculpt, do woodworking, collect things, etc.
Women are also opting out of marriage. It turns out they have to work and come home and be maids too. Husbands do not do a damn thing. I'd say a fair number me included wish we never got married only to become glorified servants.
You think you guys got the raw deal. We have to go to work come home and cook and mind the kids while husband takes it easy watching telly or just being a couch potato. No wonder we divorce your lazy ass.
Really? This is the worst of your complaints as a woman against marriage? Dont get me wrong. You have every right to regretting your decision, but remember, it was your decision. No one "oopsed" you into marriage. I havent seen any shows about "Groomzilla's". Men arent the ones buying wedding magazines. Women arent generally expected to initiate relationships. Women get to just sit back and expect men to put themselves out there so that women can judge us as worthy/unworthy. As a woman, you have had the luxury of choice.
But when i compare your grievances to the fact that men are far more likely to work themselves to death to support there families (again, over 90% of all workplace deaths are men), and having there marriage fall apart tends to penalize men to the point where they tend to see suicide as the answer( ), meanwhile women are penalized more for breaking there cell phone contract then they are for thier marriage contract. Your complaints seem to ring pretty hollow when i stack these facts up.
This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as reasons go for why men probably shouldnt ever entertain the idea of marriage. I could go on all night listing all the various factors. We love women. We really do. But nothing is worth the kind of grief that would make us off ourselves whether it is directly (suicide) or indirectly (working ourselves into a grave). We would just like the choice to be able to make our own destiny that maybe doesnt involve us just being reduced to a mere appliance/atm.
Nobody forced the men to get married either. If you are so miserable and are killing yourself perhaps it is time to examine your own problems that lead you there. Every married women in my circle of friends are sick of their marriages. Their husbands are cheaters and slackers.
So if you guys do not want to marry we women do not want to either. I am Asian and we seriously are fed up with the institution of marriage. In Japan many working women do not marry because of what marriage constitutes in their country.
Yes we are better educated and thank the heavens for that for now we actually have a choice not to marry. Some of us having come from traditional backgrounds have made the mistake of marrying but I have taught my daughters different.
The reason I am saying what I did is that you all post like men have it hard. Well they do not. They get to have a home they do not even participate in nor take any interest in the children they have. By design it is the women's responsibility so instead of staying at home and being looked after we got more rights to out and work and take care of the husband and children on top of that. Looks like men got free and women just bought more servitude.
I look at my mum an uneducated women and I compare my life to hers as a university graduate. Nothing different really . At least I get to play video games. My husband is thankfully not as horrible as some of the other women's I was just giving an example when I talked about lazy husbands. He isn't one.
Nobody forced the men to get married either. If you are so miserable and are killing yourself perhaps it is time to examine your own problems that lead you there. Every married women in my circle of friends are sick of their marriages. Their husbands are cheaters and slackers.
So if you guys do not want to marry we women do not want to either. I am Asian and we seriously are fed up with the institution of marriage. In Japan many working women do not marry because of what marriage constitutes in their country.
Yes we are better educated and thank the heavens for that for now we actually have a choice not to marry. Some of us having come from traditional backgrounds have made the mistake of marrying but I have taught my daughters different.
The reason I am saying what I did is that you all post like men have it hard. Well they do not. They get to have a home they do not even participate in nor take any interest in the children they have. By design it is the women's responsibility so instead of staying at home and being looked after we got more rights to out and work and take care of the husband and children on top of that. Looks like men got free and women just bought more servitude.
I look at my mum an uneducated women and I compare my life to hers as a university graduate. Nothing different really . At least I get to play video games. My husband is thankfully not as horrible as some of the other women's I was just giving an example when I talked about lazy husbands. He isn't one.
Nobody forced the men to get married either. If you are so miserable and are killing yourself perhaps it is time to examine your own problems that lead you there. Every married women in my circle of friends are sick of their marriages. Their husbands are cheaters and slackers.
So if you guys do not want to marry we women do not want to either. I am Asian and we seriously are fed up with the institution of marriage. In Japan many working women do not marry because of what marriage constitutes in their country.
Yes we are better educated and thank the heavens for that for now we actually have a choice not to marry. Some of us having come from traditional backgrounds have made the mistake of marrying but I have taught my daughters different.
The reason I am saying what I did is that you all post like men have it hard. Well they do not. They get to have a home they do not even participate in nor take any interest in the children they have. By design it is the women's responsibility so instead of staying at home and being looked after we got more rights to out and work and take care of the husband and children on top of that. Looks like men got free and women just bought more servitude.
I look at my mum an uneducated women and I compare my life to hers as a university graduate. Nothing different really . At least I get to play video games. My husband is thankfully not as horrible as some of the other women's I was just giving an example when I talked about lazy husbands. He isn't one.
Well, im convinced. You women have it so hard. Living an extra 6-8 yrs longer on average and not killing yourselves over divorces you had no choice in or dieing at work supporting your families. Must be tough going through life with all those reproductive freedoms and social safety nets. It must be hell going out and spending 85% of all discretionary household income, especially with how much you all hate shopping. It must have been really hard for you to go through college with all those extra available grants from being born with the right type of genitals. And lets not forget the horrible advantages you had in getting hired because your company had to satisfy there diversity requirements by making sure that your employer had enough women employees to satisfy the EEOC/HR dept.
It must keep you up at night knowing for a fact that your daughters are infact your own flesh and blood and that youll never be forced to support someone else's kid simply because you didnt realize your spouse was unfaithful. It must fill you with feelings of immense persecution to know that in the event that you are found guilty of a crime, you will only recieve a fraction of the sentence that a man would recieve for the same crime, assuming they dont just commute the sentence entirely.
/end sarcasm.
Im sorry but your anecdotal experiences are only reflective of your perspective, not objective reality. Everything i put in my posts on this subject are actual facts that can be easily researched using the tool your typeing on now. Like i said before. Your free to feel the way you do about marriage, and so are we. In truth we agree. The thing is that your lashing out against our behaviour, im giving you reasons for why that behaviour is prevelant. What rational person would actually waste there time investing themselves into something that can be stripped away from them at any point? Marriage can be unilaterally voided by a single party at any time for no reason thanks to no-fault divorce. In the event of a divorce, the odds of a man being able to continue to have contact with his kids are not great, and is largely based on the whims of the mother. He has no real control. So why would you waste your time investing in marriage or kids when you know that you could lose it all instantly?
None of the people I know who are married are happy nor did they really want to be parents they are just going through the motions and just settled, which by any means is not appealing to me, getting married to conform to societies expectations is rather appaling, so there will and always be more single women out there , cause in reality we're not biting anymore, we don't have to , we want freedom to do what we choose to do with our lives.
For some reason, I can see this thread getting into something political, but whatever, here I go again.
I wouldn't say it's because of video games, though the sheer amount of gaming could be 1 factor. Just look at society in general, and look at what passes for men on TV and movies now. Look at what passes in your schools now (hello, California, LOL). Look at what young boys are doing in their spare time these days. Hell, I never see kids playing outside anymore over here in the USA. There used to be unwritten rules, expectations for a man.
There's alot of things leading into this "Pathetic" claim by this guy, but excessive video gaming is but 1 factor.
"I have only two out of my company and 20 out of some other company. We need support, but it is almost suicide to try to get it here as we are swept by machine gun fire and a constant barrage is on us. I have no one on my left and only a few on my right. I will hold." (First Lieutenant Clifton B. Cates, US Marine Corps, Soissons, 19 July 1918)
When I read that quote, only one thought came to mind: sexist
I haven't seen a photo of this guy, but I imagine he's an old fart living in the 50s still.
Women are working and graduating college because they are equal citizens. Not because men are pathetic.
Video games didn't do anything movies, TV and tons of other things didn't already do before.
Aside from entertainment, we have a lot of worse problems with moderating anything we do, or anything we use or have. Gas use, electricity use, alcohol, hell ,even the food people eat, nobody can stop themselves, but its easier to blame factors like "video games are causing men to ..." or "fast good companies force overweight people to..." like everyones just been lobotomized and we can't make decisions for ourselves.
What this guy says is just a bunch of political mumbo jumbo. Theres nothing wrong with men as a whole, or playing video games, what the problem is, is personal responsibility. Taking one factor (video games) out of the equation would just put something else (TV, drugs, alcohol, lobsters) in its place.
Its not video games its society. THe Feminization of men has been going on for years. Cant play football cant play rough cant build guns cant be boys.
My words may give credit to Bennet, still im going to say it... My friend, your psicology and your "cultural" research are woth of an elementary school boy, no more no less, there you go.
My girlfriend has a friend that asks me all the time when im goin to grow up and quit playing video games. My response is always the same - when are you going to quit watching your mindless TV programs? It seems like watching TV for 3-6 hours a night is ok but a hour a night of your favorite MMO is immature. That said, i dont think it is healthy or productive to watch TV or play any video game for 6 hours a day, its all about balance in your life.
Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
George Washington
Wish I had a wife and kids. I need a healbot and extra DPS.
Seriously .... and you know these so called successful women arent marrying bums for the most part.
I get that from people all the time "Everytime I come over, I see you on the computer". Well guess what, everytiem I come over to your house, everyone is watching tv ... what's the f'n difference.
it's very simple. men used to get married because that was the only way to "get some". sure, sure all the self righteous mofos out there will tell you about raising a family and being a modle of society crap, but the real truth is that 80% used to get married mostly in order to have a steady and secure sex partner. family and work all sort of came with it willing or not.
marriage it's no longer needed for that. women are free, and sex it's easy to get as long as you can buy a few beers and tell a few stories. living alone it's easy and very comfortable (even without a good job :P). all that is left in marriage is a great financial gamble, self sacrifice and stress. why would any man in their right mind want to do this when you can have all the benefits of marriage (sex) and none of the headaches?
you took away the pride and purpouse a man used to feel for being the provider and protector of his family by making everyone equal. you left all the stress and work involved + you added the fragility of the union of marriege by making it incredibly easy to brake. you added incredible ease to get a sexual partners WITHOUT getting married........
......and now you complain that men refuse to get invovled?
.....bitch please!
untill they put real value back into marriage things will never improve.
Boys escape their reality to play games for "entertainment". Men, such as Steve Jobs, give results to actually change society (ironically, also for entertainment). There's some truth in what that pundit says too. You just have to look deeper into it. I don't believe video games are solely responsible though, because there are many other factors that contribute.
Let's remember not to discuss Religion or Politics. Thanks!
Cause totally, the fact it makes you think rather then a tv that leaves you braindead is totally bad. Most gamers are far more intelegent then other people I see in society. There are cases where things can go bad, yes, but most people who play games are far more alert and aware. Its actively making your brain think far more then most jobs.
Unless he really thinks people shooting themselves up and drinking away their troubles is a far better solution to less 'pathetic' men.
Women ask for equality but still expect to be provided by a male.
We as gender simply decided that in most cases sitting in oour living rooms and playing videogames could, in some cases more enyojable in overall than women (Sex with women is great, but if they are, by example, high maintenance divas the drwabacks are bigger than the advantages).
I read somewhere that as women was liberated of the burden of being a house-slave, now in this generation is the turn of men to be liberated of all the burdens associated with men (Being exclusive provider for all the house, being always the strong one, the one that never expresses any feeling, etc.). Thus, men learn to become emotionally independent, to be alone without being depressed, to enjoy lots of different pleasures that dont require neccessarily a woman, etc.
But its understandable that someone that expects the same gender roles as they were 40 years ago, is angry about the current status of the societal gender roles.
Some people always overdo stuff. But blaming games for the fact that some people spend too much time with them is like blaming Bud for alcoholics, it is a choice we make.
Mr Bennett seems to forget his own generations big problem: the television. How many people haven't spend far too much stuff staring on it instead of accomplishing anything?
In the politicians wishful dreams are regularly people spending almost 100% of their time working and sleeping, while getting a little time in each day for shopping stuff.
But people needs to wind down in their spare time, and if we do that gameing, watching TV or sporting isn't their business.
Older people have always blamed the newer things for all bad at the time.
The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for
authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place
of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their
households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They
contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties
at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.
Women are also opting out of marriage. It turns out they have to work and come home and be maids too. Husbands do not do a damn thing. I'd say a fair number me included wish we never got married only to become glorified servants.
You think you guys got the raw deal. We have to go to work come home and cook and mind the kids while husband takes it easy watching telly or just being a couch potato. No wonder we divorce your lazy ass.
And this doesn't sound sexist at all.
Men still maintain a majority of the highest paid and most powerful occupations, but women are catching them and will soon be passing them if this trend continues.
The figures they use have shown women catching up......... I thought equallity was the goal? Women are earning the same or even more than men in some cases, women are hitting 50% or a little over in these studies. Wouldn't that be due to the push for equallity thats been going on for some decades now?
Guess I'm just confused lol. In my house me and the wife both work full time jobs, both take care of the house and kids. Most of the people we know seem to be in a similar situation. It takes two now days.
As far as hobbies go...... does it really matter what hobby someone has? People that sink there whole self in a hobby of one kind or another will do so regardless of what it is. Take away gaming they will find something else. Some people like trains, some do models, some knit, some paint, sculpt, do woodworking, collect things, etc.
Hobby doesn't define age or maturity.
"Men are in trouble"?
End of rebutal.
Really? This is the worst of your complaints as a woman against marriage? Dont get me wrong. You have every right to regretting your decision, but remember, it was your decision. No one "oopsed" you into marriage. I havent seen any shows about "Groomzilla's". Men arent the ones buying wedding magazines. Women arent generally expected to initiate relationships. Women get to just sit back and expect men to put themselves out there so that women can judge us as worthy/unworthy. As a woman, you have had the luxury of choice.
But when i compare your grievances to the fact that men are far more likely to work themselves to death to support there families (again, over 90% of all workplace deaths are men), and having there marriage fall apart tends to penalize men to the point where they tend to see suicide as the answer( ), meanwhile women are penalized more for breaking there cell phone contract then they are for thier marriage contract. Your complaints seem to ring pretty hollow when i stack these facts up.
This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as reasons go for why men probably shouldnt ever entertain the idea of marriage. I could go on all night listing all the various factors. We love women. We really do. But nothing is worth the kind of grief that would make us off ourselves whether it is directly (suicide) or indirectly (working ourselves into a grave). We would just like the choice to be able to make our own destiny that maybe doesnt involve us just being reduced to a mere appliance/atm.
Nobody forced the men to get married either. If you are so miserable and are killing yourself perhaps it is time to examine your own problems that lead you there. Every married women in my circle of friends are sick of their marriages. Their husbands are cheaters and slackers.
So if you guys do not want to marry we women do not want to either. I am Asian and we seriously are fed up with the institution of marriage. In Japan many working women do not marry because of what marriage constitutes in their country.
Yes we are better educated and thank the heavens for that for now we actually have a choice not to marry. Some of us having come from traditional backgrounds have made the mistake of marrying but I have taught my daughters different.
The reason I am saying what I did is that you all post like men have it hard. Well they do not. They get to have a home they do not even participate in nor take any interest in the children they have. By design it is the women's responsibility so instead of staying at home and being looked after we got more rights to out and work and take care of the husband and children on top of that. Looks like men got free and women just bought more servitude.
I look at my mum an uneducated women and I compare my life to hers as a university graduate. Nothing different really . At least I get to play video games. My husband is thankfully not as horrible as some of the other women's I was just giving an example when I talked about lazy husbands. He isn't one.
*cough* Misandry *cough*
Well, im convinced. You women have it so hard. Living an extra 6-8 yrs longer on average and not killing yourselves over divorces you had no choice in or dieing at work supporting your families. Must be tough going through life with all those reproductive freedoms and social safety nets. It must be hell going out and spending 85% of all discretionary household income, especially with how much you all hate shopping. It must have been really hard for you to go through college with all those extra available grants from being born with the right type of genitals. And lets not forget the horrible advantages you had in getting hired because your company had to satisfy there diversity requirements by making sure that your employer had enough women employees to satisfy the EEOC/HR dept.
It must keep you up at night knowing for a fact that your daughters are infact your own flesh and blood and that youll never be forced to support someone else's kid simply because you didnt realize your spouse was unfaithful. It must fill you with feelings of immense persecution to know that in the event that you are found guilty of a crime, you will only recieve a fraction of the sentence that a man would recieve for the same crime, assuming they dont just commute the sentence entirely.
/end sarcasm.
Im sorry but your anecdotal experiences are only reflective of your perspective, not objective reality. Everything i put in my posts on this subject are actual facts that can be easily researched using the tool your typeing on now. Like i said before. Your free to feel the way you do about marriage, and so are we. In truth we agree. The thing is that your lashing out against our behaviour, im giving you reasons for why that behaviour is prevelant. What rational person would actually waste there time investing themselves into something that can be stripped away from them at any point? Marriage can be unilaterally voided by a single party at any time for no reason thanks to no-fault divorce. In the event of a divorce, the odds of a man being able to continue to have contact with his kids are not great, and is largely based on the whims of the mother. He has no real control. So why would you waste your time investing in marriage or kids when you know that you could lose it all instantly?