As an old school FFXI player I too have been looking for that next big mmo that captured my heart like ffxi did. Rift has potential but the devs decided they wanted to be another WoW clone instead of their own game. I fear that once wow players get there hands on SW:TOR it will turn out the same way.
I'm sorry to say but ffxiv 2.0 is not the answer to anything. They can add all the content they want, the only reason people played that game for so long was because it was free. Once they charging FFXIV is going to be a ghost town, because when people have to pay, they expect to get their money's worth.
However all is not lost fellow FF fans, as there exists another mmo that emphasizes group play and community over soloing. A new game that has graphics that easily rivals FFXIV and puts the current crop of mmos to shame. A game where you actually get to fight the monsters instead of clicking around and waiting, or having to dance around them. That game is called Tera Online and that's what I'll be playing and expecting many others to follow when FFXIV goes bust.
The best thing about Tera is that when it launches in the NA/EU it will already have a year's worth of content and polish on it. If Square was smart enough to not launch this game before it was ready then we probably wouldn't even be in this situation right now.
My boyfriend started playing FFXIV recently and stopped after 1 week. Apparently this game is disappointing more and more people ceaselessly.
I totally agree with BigBadWolfe about T.E.R.A Online, I think it's a game that is really worth trying. I absolutely love the combat system, I find it incredibly innovative, and the graphic quality won't disappoint anyone!
Since the release is expected for Spring 2012 I started playing in advance on Korean servers and I really think this game will be a success. As Wolfe said, it has a year of polish on it, so it will be a complete and more enjoyable game!
Take a look at it guys, I think you won't regret it!
The combat has gotten better, there are 150-200 quests, 2 dungeons(25, and 50), a level 50 ifrit fight. A new dungeon is on the way with new gear(kinda dark moogle themed). The current level 50 dungeon is pointless to do right now. Crafted gear is better than anything you can get in it.
I have every combat class at 50, Ifrit is the toughest content in the game currently. I've tanked, healed, and been damage dealer many times. Killed him about 100 times, and gotten 4 of the 7 weapons. Each of those fights takes 5(with a good group) to 20(with idiots for dps but at least 2 good healers) minutes. Each win has a 15 minute cooldown. Other than my chocobo quest and a few coffer hunts, thats all i've really done since 1.19. So thats just to give you an idea of end-game.
I paid $15 for FFXIV back in June, and it kept me entertained until mid-Oct. Dark Souls, Battlefield 3, and Skyrim kinda took me away from FFXIV.
As an Avid FFXI fan, Final Fantasy fan, MMO fan, and general game lover, the answer is..
Don't get it!
The producer himself says its a year away from being a "final fantasy" game. I'd wait until FFXIV 2.0 (which is even what their producer is saying, he himself suggests that new players wait until then anyway)
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. Lao-Tze
I ran the benchmark and scored below 1000 and I think my time to freeload this is over. What really turned me off was that an oldtimer from FFXI went and played it and came back to XI saying that it was boring. Going to keep tabs on it though. Guess I will have to settle for VS and FFXIII-2 in January.
I have been keeping an eye on this and it is still getting horrible reviews. I think this game was still-born tbh.
I agree. Waiting around a year or more for an admittedly (by the company itself) bad game to get better is moronic. There are way to many other titles to play. Why on earth waste your time on this?
I have been keeping an eye on this and it is still getting horrible reviews. I think this game was still-born tbh.
I agree. Waiting around a year or more for an admittedly (by the company itself) bad game to get better is moronic. There are way to many other titles to play. Why on earth waste your time on this?
But, to each his own I guess.
This isn't about new mmo's vs. old. FFXIV is fundamentally different in playstyle than anything else on the market. It also has huge potential for a PS3 rebirth since most Japanese gamers prefer Ps3 as their gaming platform of choice.
I plan on playing FFXIV and SWTOR at the same time. I like apples and oranges....
This isn't about new mmo's vs. old. FFXIV is fundamentally different in playstyle than anything else on the market. It also has huge potential for a PS3 rebirth since most Japanese gamers prefer Ps3 as their gaming platform of choice.
I plan on playing FFXIV and SWTOR at the same time. I like apples and oranges....
This. SWTOR and GW2 both aren't offering what FFXIV has, nor are they trying to.
I have been keeping an eye on this and it is still getting horrible reviews. I think this game was still-born tbh.
I agree. Waiting around a year or more for an admittedly (by the company itself) bad game to get better is moronic. There are way to many other titles to play. Why on earth waste your time on this?
But, to each his own I guess.
This isn't about new mmo's vs. old. FFXIV is fundamentally different in playstyle than anything else on the market. It also has huge potential for a PS3 rebirth since most Japanese gamers prefer Ps3 as their gaming platform of choice.
I plan on playing FFXIV and SWTOR at the same time. I like apples and oranges....
I might get this for PS3 if the price is right. Nawt spending 60 USD
4.) Crafting and gathering. If you want to make yourself bored on purpose then do either of these. Both are accompanied by a minigame that boils down to pressing a buton over and over again. If you had a turbo gamepad, then you could completely automate the crafting process. That's how awesome it is. SE should include a subscription of Netflix with this game, because that is the only way I found either of these activities tolerable.
I lol'd.
Currently Playing: EVE Online Retired From: UO, FFXI, AO, SWG, Ryzom, GW, WoW, WAR
I belive at its current price point 8 bucks a month for a bulk 180days purchase. It is worth it to play. I find it beautiful and engaging, finally!! It did take some massive changes but its enjoyable now. Your character data and efforts will be carried over into 2.0 as well as being able to experience a year of quests and lore that sets up the changes in 2.0 to come.
Start on Selbina and message me or my Lieutenant. Asher Stark and Jho Stumps. And we'll hook you up with a good linkshell.
I love snails. I love every kinda snail. I just want to hug them all, but I cant. Cant hug every snail.
I noticed the only people that say the game is bad mostly here "mostly........." are people that are saying its boring because of Level Quest grinding.
FFXIV is not for solo'ing. Leve's are now used to fill your time while seeking an exp party instead of standing around , and thats it.
Level 1-10 solo.
*New XP system, no to solo*
11-50 Open your menu click search and change your status to seek party with comments and what you wanna do (exp party on 15 conj) for example.
People are not doing this because they expect to solo to 50 its really not very likely at this point. You want to have fun? Use Seek party and join an xp party. Your doing it wrong, until this was added the game was boring. Now its great with this.
But its not the players fault, there is no tutorials or big "flashy" thing on the screen once you hit level 10 to show you how to seek a party and level up 50 times faster by doing so then doing BORING ass leves. The feature is there, but the game is suffering because its a hidden thing for new/returning players that dont stand around in uldah for a few hours and realize this system exists. Once they do "IF"!! they do, then its great. If not then its just another post saying the game sucks. (WIthout exploring the leveling system for parties it still is)
Ifrit battles are fun and great , that is until you find out why your party keeps losing. You will constantly see your fellow party members complain about the others in party not supposed to get healing from anyone but them selves and yell at them because they think the "PLAYER" is being to slow when flumes and eruptions come up from the ground. While 100% this is complained about only about 25% of this happening is from the fault of the player. The server only tracks every 3rd step and also lags by 2 3 seconds. You can be 2 seconds out of the eruption and 5 paces and still get hit by it ending the run simply because of latency ping response and server steps being recorded every 3. When just being 1 foot out and .4 seconds out you should be fine. This ruins this battle for most players and right now you have a "chance" at this not effecting you if your in the UK, and hardly at all for players around Japan. USA/CANADA players are going to get extremely pissy at this fight and without research end up thinking "they" are all fault when they're not because players not being hit with no lag and are closer to the servers do fine and dont understand why they keep getting hit and therefor yelling at the USA/CAN players not really understanding what the real problem is.
Another one in this fight is ARC animation lock, while strongest DD now tested in my multiple parsers your also still the worst in this fight because your STANDARD attacks lock your position. Every other class can still move while attacking except you. Meaning even if you dont have server lag 4-5 seconds behind would you be able to move out of the way still anyway? This is what happens mostly and screws you just for being an ARC.
*Click light shot*
.5-1.5 seconds later you pull your bow to shoot
At the same time a flume centers under your character. Because of the 1.5 second lag, for a NORMAL attack, your stuck in the center of it for 3 seconds and you clicked to attack before the flume even popped up. You shoot and run IMMEDIATELY. You make it half a step out of it and get hit, every other DD class makes it out just fine (unless they have the server issue for being a USA/CAN player, they still get hit).
They increased ifrits time between attacks but thats not helping arcs case. It helped "some" usa/can DD players but even those can not do combos from ani lock like the JP can.
Biggest hint being used right now for USA/CAN players is watch Ifrits "Right" hand, when it goes to the ground dont do crap and run even if you dont see something under you > Chances are if you do this you have a chance to not get hit. But sometimes for ARC + USA/CAN players even watching his hand for pre warning, its not enough time when you go vrs Arc ani lock + server lag at the same time.
I actually enjoy this game less now that at release (minus having my chocobos, those are awesome).
If I wanted to play a FFXI clone, I would just play FFXI. I originally enjoyed playing FFXIV cause it was a breath of fresh air - very different from most of the other games. Unfortunately, patch after patch has shown that the direction they want to take the game in, and the end of the road currently looks like the bastard stepchild of WoW and FFXI. I disliked the latter, and am beyond tired of the former and all its many knockoffs.
We had collision detection; not anymore.
We had an active battle system; not anymore.
We had a system that allowed you to build your own class; it's still there, but they're throwing a clunky job system on top of it that basically counteracts the benefits of the original system.
We could equip whatever (it just wouldn't give us much benefit unless the rank and discipline were in the right ballpark; not we're heavily restricted, just like every other EQ knockoff MMORPG.
They were originally experimenting with a leve system as the primary means of ranking up; now, welcome to quest grinder #1,305,837.
So, yeah...not interested. I'll keep an eye on the game, but the current direction of the game simply isn't one that interests me.
I actually enjoy this game less now that at release (minus having my chocobos, those are awesome).
If I wanted to play a FFXI clone, I would just play FFXI. I originally enjoyed playing FFXIV cause it was a breath of fresh air - very different from most of the other games. Unfortunately, patch after patch has shown that the direction they want to take the game in, and the end of the road currently looks like the bastard stepchild of WoW and FFXI. I disliked the latter, and am beyond tired of the former and all its many knockoffs.
We had collision detection; not anymore.
We had an active battle system; not anymore.
We had a system that allowed you to build your own class; it's still there, but they're throwing a clunky job system on top of it that basically counteracts the benefits of the original system.
We could equip whatever (it just wouldn't give us much benefit unless the rank and discipline were in the right ballpark; not we're heavily restricted, just like every other EQ knockoff MMORPG.
They were originally experimenting with a leve system as the primary means of ranking up; now, welcome to quest grinder #1,305,837.
So, yeah...not interested. I'll keep an eye on the game, but the current direction of the game simply isn't one that interests me.
People complain about a game then game devs make the changes and those people crying about changes don't play anymore or never will play again. Now I only just started playing but I can already see it starting to feel like FFXI (with the mindless mob grinding). I will keep playing but don't think I'm willing to grind all DoW and DoM jobs to 50.
I never got to see any of your mentioned features but wont lie they all sound like something I would have liked. Now judging also by that it feels as if new players have it much harder then people who have been playing for awhile.
I actually enjoy this game less now that at release (minus having my chocobos, those are awesome).
If I wanted to play a FFXI clone, I would just play FFXI. I originally enjoyed playing FFXIV cause it was a breath of fresh air - very different from most of the other games. Unfortunately, patch after patch has shown that the direction they want to take the game in, and the end of the road currently looks like the bastard stepchild of WoW and FFXI. I disliked the latter, and am beyond tired of the former and all its many knockoffs.
We had collision detection; not anymore.
We had an active battle system; not anymore.
We had a system that allowed you to build your own class; it's still there, but they're throwing a clunky job system on top of it that basically counteracts the benefits of the original system.
We could equip whatever (it just wouldn't give us much benefit unless the rank and discipline were in the right ballpark; not we're heavily restricted, just like every other EQ knockoff MMORPG.
They were originally experimenting with a leve system as the primary means of ranking up; now, welcome to quest grinder #1,305,837.
So, yeah...not interested. I'll keep an eye on the game, but the current direction of the game simply isn't one that interests me.
I agree with this 100%. You can add random mobs for mounts to that list too. That and how they're making a tiered endgame system like most themeparks instead of going XI's route and making a variety of endgame routes that all give decent rewards. It makes me wonder if Tanaka's vision would've been better for the game.
I actually enjoy this game less now that at release (minus having my chocobos, those are awesome).
If I wanted to play a FFXI clone, I would just play FFXI. I originally enjoyed playing FFXIV cause it was a breath of fresh air - very different from most of the other games. Unfortunately, patch after patch has shown that the direction they want to take the game in, and the end of the road currently looks like the bastard stepchild of WoW and FFXI. I disliked the latter, and am beyond tired of the former and all its many knockoffs.
We had collision detection; not anymore.
We had an active battle system; not anymore.
We had a system that allowed you to build your own class; it's still there, but they're throwing a clunky job system on top of it that basically counteracts the benefits of the original system.
We could equip whatever (it just wouldn't give us much benefit unless the rank and discipline were in the right ballpark; not we're heavily restricted, just like every other EQ knockoff MMORPG.
They were originally experimenting with a leve system as the primary means of ranking up; now, welcome to quest grinder #1,305,837.
So, yeah...not interested. I'll keep an eye on the game, but the current direction of the game simply isn't one that interests me.
I agree with this 100%. You can add random mobs for mounts to that list too. That and how they're making a tiered endgame system like most themeparks instead of going XI's route and making a variety of endgame routes that all give decent rewards. It makes me wonder if Tanaka's vision would've been better for the game.
There was not much wrong with Tanakas vision besides an impetus to create long drawn out time sinks like fatigue which I can see coming from people above Tanaka. And of course the rushed release which meant nothing was working as intended. So now that the game flopped they are listening too much to player feedback and not just working hard with a vision of their own.
So we all get Jump and exclamation marks over npc's heads and instanced dungeons and areas... oh well Ill try not to be a pessimst and enjoy the good aspects of the game. Its pretty and i can play with a controller. So Ima stick with it unless it becomes unbearable, which even if they copied Wow a hellova lot more it probably wouldnt become. Its fun for now. We'll see if SOE comes out with another console mmo. Or someone else. I might try Tera, even if its got pvp.
I love snails. I love every kinda snail. I just want to hug them all, but I cant. Cant hug every snail.
I agree with this 100%. You can add random mobs for mounts to that list too. That and how they're making a tiered endgame system like most themeparks instead of going XI's route and making a variety of endgame routes that all give decent rewards. It makes me wonder if Tanaka's vision would've been better for the game.
Horrizontal Endgame is what made FFXI so great for so long, very few mmos can claim the success it had for its life time.
true that this game had a fair amount of success (ff11)for the simple reason it was one of the very limited fea game you could play from china ,japan,usa,canada or anywhere you can think of and hop in the same server as that very very nice chinese guy you met over g+hangout(back then it was skype )(for girls)or this dude from japan was so interested in this chic from eu and wanted to hangout in game.this title is one of the limited few thatr permit this .some think it is a silly feature ,to a certain point they are right.BUT if you got6 3 faction ,like gw did in pvp and make the game accessable world wide ,gw has shown this become popular very quick ,why?imagine this ,you got eu ,usa ,and korean on a map in gw some are speaking in russian some in english and some in korean .now with bing translate included in ie9 it would be relativly easy to translate what is being said ,but back then you didnt know what was being ploted and even today probab ly couldnt (did it with aphrodite on own3d,some were korean,chinese,,french,japanese ,english etc we all translated on the fly and it works but on one condition,the chat need a timed chat like a post is added every 15 second to the page ,this way you have the time to copy and paste what is being said on the my view this trnaslate stuff will evolve soon i bet well be on mumble and bing will translate what is being said in mumble or maybe skype?one thing is sure the days we had regional ipblocked game are behind us.people are moving to social game cause they can interact, and interaction with everybody in the world sell everything ,from game to publicity
I actually enjoy this game less now that at release (minus having my chocobos, those are awesome).
If I wanted to play a FFXI clone, I would just play FFXI. I originally enjoyed playing FFXIV cause it was a breath of fresh air - very different from most of the other games. Unfortunately, patch after patch has shown that the direction they want to take the game in, and the end of the road currently looks like the bastard stepchild of WoW and FFXI. I disliked the latter, and am beyond tired of the former and all its many knockoffs.
We had collision detection; not anymore.
We had an active battle system; not anymore.
We had a system that allowed you to build your own class; it's still there, but they're throwing a clunky job system on top of it that basically counteracts the benefits of the original system.
We could equip whatever (it just wouldn't give us much benefit unless the rank and discipline were in the right ballpark; not we're heavily restricted, just like every other EQ knockoff MMORPG.
They were originally experimenting with a leve system as the primary means of ranking up; now, welcome to quest grinder #1,305,837.
So, yeah...not interested. I'll keep an eye on the game, but the current direction of the game simply isn't one that interests me.
Except you can't play ffxi anymore cause they completely changed the game. So the people who enjoyed it and quit no longer have a MMO to go back too.
I'd rather a remake of FFXI pre wings of the goddess with a new graphic engine and just start there with new horizontal content instead of 75-99 level increase. It could be all the same story and mechanics, and i'd still play it all again for years. I didn't leave because i wanted too. I left because they changed the game.
I play the game and for me it is worth it. So just because you dont like it they should trhrow the game away?
My boyfriend started playing FFXIV recently and stopped after 1 week. Apparently this game is disappointing more and more people ceaselessly.
I totally agree with BigBadWolfe about T.E.R.A Online, I think it's a game that is really worth trying. I absolutely love the combat system, I find it incredibly innovative, and the graphic quality won't disappoint anyone!
Since the release is expected for Spring 2012 I started playing in advance on Korean servers and I really think this game will be a success. As Wolfe said, it has a year of polish on it, so it will be a complete and more enjoyable game!
Take a look at it guys, I think you won't regret it!
The combat has gotten better, there are 150-200 quests, 2 dungeons(25, and 50), a level 50 ifrit fight. A new dungeon is on the way with new gear(kinda dark moogle themed). The current level 50 dungeon is pointless to do right now. Crafted gear is better than anything you can get in it.
I have every combat class at 50, Ifrit is the toughest content in the game currently. I've tanked, healed, and been damage dealer many times. Killed him about 100 times, and gotten 4 of the 7 weapons. Each of those fights takes 5(with a good group) to 20(with idiots for dps but at least 2 good healers) minutes. Each win has a 15 minute cooldown. Other than my chocobo quest and a few coffer hunts, thats all i've really done since 1.19. So thats just to give you an idea of end-game.
I paid $15 for FFXIV back in June, and it kept me entertained until mid-Oct. Dark Souls, Battlefield 3, and Skyrim kinda took me away from FFXIV.
Can someone confirm if they reinstated the monthly fee, I can pick up the CE on eBay for 20 bucks. Is it worth it?
As an Avid FFXI fan, Final Fantasy fan, MMO fan, and general game lover, the answer is..
Don't get it!
The producer himself says its a year away from being a "final fantasy" game. I'd wait until FFXIV 2.0 (which is even what their producer is saying, he himself suggests that new players wait until then anyway)
So in a year maybe it'll be worth it.
come back dec 2012, seriously
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
I ran the benchmark and scored below 1000 and I think my time to freeload this is over. What really turned me off was that an oldtimer from FFXI went and played it and came back to XI saying that it was boring. Going to keep tabs on it though. Guess I will have to settle for VS and FFXIII-2 in January.
I agree. Waiting around a year or more for an admittedly (by the company itself) bad game to get better is moronic. There are way to many other titles to play. Why on earth waste your time on this?
But, to each his own I guess.
This isn't about new mmo's vs. old. FFXIV is fundamentally different in playstyle than anything else on the market. It also has huge potential for a PS3 rebirth since most Japanese gamers prefer Ps3 as their gaming platform of choice.
I plan on playing FFXIV and SWTOR at the same time. I like apples and oranges....
This. SWTOR and GW2 both aren't offering what FFXIV has, nor are they trying to.
I might get this for PS3 if the price is right. Nawt spending 60 USD
Game is still very much under development. I know many players who are waiting for 2.0 to try it again.
I lol'd.
Currently Playing: EVE Online
Retired From: UO, FFXI, AO, SWG, Ryzom, GW, WoW, WAR
No, this game is not worth getting. Its very bad. Very, very bad.
I belive at its current price point 8 bucks a month for a bulk 180days purchase. It is worth it to play. I find it beautiful and engaging, finally!! It did take some massive changes but its enjoyable now. Your character data and efforts will be carried over into 2.0 as well as being able to experience a year of quests and lore that sets up the changes in 2.0 to come.
Start on Selbina and message me or my Lieutenant. Asher Stark and Jho Stumps. And we'll hook you up with a good linkshell.
I love snails.
I love every kinda snail.
I just want to hug them all, but I cant.
Cant hug every snail.
I noticed the only people that say the game is bad mostly here "mostly........." are people that are saying its boring because of Level Quest grinding.
FFXIV is not for solo'ing. Leve's are now used to fill your time while seeking an exp party instead of standing around , and thats it.
Level 1-10 solo.
*New XP system, no to solo*
11-50 Open your menu click search and change your status to seek party with comments and what you wanna do (exp party on 15 conj) for example.
People are not doing this because they expect to solo to 50 its really not very likely at this point. You want to have fun? Use Seek party and join an xp party. Your doing it wrong, until this was added the game was boring. Now its great with this.
But its not the players fault, there is no tutorials or big "flashy" thing on the screen once you hit level 10 to show you how to seek a party and level up 50 times faster by doing so then doing BORING ass leves. The feature is there, but the game is suffering because its a hidden thing for new/returning players that dont stand around in uldah for a few hours and realize this system exists. Once they do "IF"!! they do, then its great. If not then its just another post saying the game sucks. (WIthout exploring the leveling system for parties it still is)
Ifrit battles are fun and great , that is until you find out why your party keeps losing. You will constantly see your fellow party members complain about the others in party not supposed to get healing from anyone but them selves and yell at them because they think the "PLAYER" is being to slow when flumes and eruptions come up from the ground. While 100% this is complained about only about 25% of this happening is from the fault of the player. The server only tracks every 3rd step and also lags by 2 3 seconds. You can be 2 seconds out of the eruption and 5 paces and still get hit by it ending the run simply because of latency ping response and server steps being recorded every 3. When just being 1 foot out and .4 seconds out you should be fine. This ruins this battle for most players and right now you have a "chance" at this not effecting you if your in the UK, and hardly at all for players around Japan. USA/CANADA players are going to get extremely pissy at this fight and without research end up thinking "they" are all fault when they're not because players not being hit with no lag and are closer to the servers do fine and dont understand why they keep getting hit and therefor yelling at the USA/CAN players not really understanding what the real problem is.
Another one in this fight is ARC animation lock, while strongest DD now tested in my multiple parsers your also still the worst in this fight because your STANDARD attacks lock your position. Every other class can still move while attacking except you. Meaning even if you dont have server lag 4-5 seconds behind would you be able to move out of the way still anyway? This is what happens mostly and screws you just for being an ARC.
*Click light shot*
.5-1.5 seconds later you pull your bow to shoot
At the same time a flume centers under your character. Because of the 1.5 second lag, for a NORMAL attack, your stuck in the center of it for 3 seconds and you clicked to attack before the flume even popped up. You shoot and run IMMEDIATELY. You make it half a step out of it and get hit, every other DD class makes it out just fine (unless they have the server issue for being a USA/CAN player, they still get hit).
They increased ifrits time between attacks but thats not helping arcs case. It helped "some" usa/can DD players but even those can not do combos from ani lock like the JP can.
Biggest hint being used right now for USA/CAN players is watch Ifrits "Right" hand, when it goes to the ground dont do crap and run even if you dont see something under you > Chances are if you do this you have a chance to not get hit. But sometimes for ARC + USA/CAN players even watching his hand for pre warning, its not enough time when you go vrs Arc ani lock + server lag at the same time.
I actually enjoy this game less now that at release (minus having my chocobos, those are awesome).
If I wanted to play a FFXI clone, I would just play FFXI. I originally enjoyed playing FFXIV cause it was a breath of fresh air - very different from most of the other games. Unfortunately, patch after patch has shown that the direction they want to take the game in, and the end of the road currently looks like the bastard stepchild of WoW and FFXI. I disliked the latter, and am beyond tired of the former and all its many knockoffs.
We had collision detection; not anymore.
We had an active battle system; not anymore.
We had a system that allowed you to build your own class; it's still there, but they're throwing a clunky job system on top of it that basically counteracts the benefits of the original system.
We could equip whatever (it just wouldn't give us much benefit unless the rank and discipline were in the right ballpark; not we're heavily restricted, just like every other EQ knockoff MMORPG.
They were originally experimenting with a leve system as the primary means of ranking up; now, welcome to quest grinder #1,305,837.
So, yeah...not interested. I'll keep an eye on the game, but the current direction of the game simply isn't one that interests me.
People complain about a game then game devs make the changes and those people crying about changes don't play anymore or never will play again. Now I only just started playing but I can already see it starting to feel like FFXI (with the mindless mob grinding). I will keep playing but don't think I'm willing to grind all DoW and DoM jobs to 50.
I never got to see any of your mentioned features but wont lie they all sound like something I would have liked. Now judging also by that it feels as if new players have it much harder then people who have been playing for awhile.
I agree with this 100%. You can add random mobs for mounts to that list too. That and how they're making a tiered endgame system like most themeparks instead of going XI's route and making a variety of endgame routes that all give decent rewards. It makes me wonder if Tanaka's vision would've been better for the game.
There was not much wrong with Tanakas vision besides an impetus to create long drawn out time sinks like fatigue which I can see coming from people above Tanaka. And of course the rushed release which meant nothing was working as intended. So now that the game flopped they are listening too much to player feedback and not just working hard with a vision of their own.
So we all get Jump and exclamation marks over npc's heads and instanced dungeons and areas... oh well Ill try not to be a pessimst and enjoy the good aspects of the game. Its pretty and i can play with a controller. So Ima stick with it unless it becomes unbearable, which even if they copied Wow a hellova lot more it probably wouldnt become. Its fun for now. We'll see if SOE comes out with another console mmo. Or someone else. I might try Tera, even if its got pvp.
I love snails.
I love every kinda snail.
I just want to hug them all, but I cant.
Cant hug every snail.
Horrizontal Endgame is what made FFXI so great for so long, very few mmos can claim the success it had for its life time.
true that this game had a fair amount of success (ff11)for the simple reason it was one of the very limited fea game you could play from china ,japan,usa,canada or anywhere you can think of and hop in the same server as that very very nice chinese guy you met over g+hangout(back then it was skype )(for girls)or this dude from japan was so interested in this chic from eu and wanted to hangout in game.this title is one of the limited few thatr permit this .some think it is a silly feature ,to a certain point they are right.BUT if you got6 3 faction ,like gw did in pvp and make the game accessable world wide ,gw has shown this become popular very quick ,why?imagine this ,you got eu ,usa ,and korean on a map in gw some are speaking in russian some in english and some in korean .now with bing translate included in ie9 it would be relativly easy to translate what is being said ,but back then you didnt know what was being ploted and even today probab ly couldnt (did it with aphrodite on own3d,some were korean,chinese,,french,japanese ,english etc we all translated on the fly and it works but on one condition,the chat need a timed chat like a post is added every 15 second to the page ,this way you have the time to copy and paste what is being said on the my view this trnaslate stuff will evolve soon i bet well be on mumble and bing will translate what is being said in mumble or maybe skype?one thing is sure the days we had regional ipblocked game are behind us.people are moving to social game cause they can interact, and interaction with everybody in the world sell everything ,from game to publicity
Except you can't play ffxi anymore cause they completely changed the game. So the people who enjoyed it and quit no longer have a MMO to go back too.
I'd rather a remake of FFXI pre wings of the goddess with a new graphic engine and just start there with new horizontal content instead of 75-99 level increase. It could be all the same story and mechanics, and i'd still play it all again for years. I didn't leave because i wanted too. I left because they changed the game.