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According to SV, a new patch should be coming tomorrow that addresses some housing and security issues - primarily a bugfix patch. Full patch notes will be released soon.
They also made some comments on the progress of the territorial control system, saying that they are still working on its implementation with the assistance of the new test team. It appears they will be putting the full system on the test server over the next two weeks, and if that goes well, implementation of TC might not be far behind that.
The statement can be found here:
Still no word on the TC write-up from the test team that should give some more details on the territorial control system.
EDIT: Link to patch notes:
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
You mean the write up by one select member of the test team pending SVs OK? (sock puppet) The new testers signed a NDA along with submitting photo ID, dont expect anything remotely open about its actual status. You have to consider the people MO had left that would agree to the testing terms.
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true peckus, but that doesnt mean he is going to lie or make stuff up in what he says about it, jsut that its only going to be the positive things he sees in the patch. Truth is though i beleive Aphilas wasnt aware he was gonig to write this thing until he read the post by black opal himself. Not sure but was it aphilas who wrote about the beta before release also?
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Its just more Starvault "marketing" BS, playing it off as a players "impression" while Starvault dictates what can be said and by whom.
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well its not like SV has done any real marketing for the product at all really.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Rohn is like the only person that actually posts new info about the game here, like this thread; none of which is copy and pasted. {mod edit}
I don't understand why Rohn and Deathshroud even bother anymore. There's like six peope posting here, and if they stopped, it would be the same four people copy and pasting official forum posts and slapping each other on their internet backs and huffawing about how great a job they did driving away anyone actually interested in having a discussion about the game.
And still people can log out inside keeps and place campfires halfway up keep walls. No thank you.
You dont see a problem with only reporting the positive? I'm not sure if he's going to lie or not, but getting an unbiased review is very unlikely, he was an MO Counselor for crying out load and SV still has to sign off on it. Henrik might as well write the thing himself, if he hasn't already. The "impression" will be rosy with just enough negative to seem plausible. There wouldnt be an NDA if Starvault didnt have anything to hide, the games already released.
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well until tomorow at least, the latest patch aims to fix the issues with doors and also has some form of logout prevention when it coems to logging out within a keep/house. This might include the actual pallisade as well.
not for a prerelease sneakpeak under an NDA agreement peckus no i dont. If the patch had released today and he was under some form of obligation to only rpeort positive stuff then yea i would see a problem. But the majority of the community have gained information from a friend of a friend and word of mouth on the current status of the patch overall quite positive.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
The notes for the 21 October patch have been published. As expected, most of it deals with player housing, with a few other fixes included as well.
The notes can be found here:
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
Hopefully because there has been multiple "house fixing patches" since release.
Anyone inside of a locked and closed house who is not the owner/guildmate will be teleported out?? Hopefuilly they mean if you are logged out in the house. If you get in the house legally and all the owner has to do is lock the door to boot you out that is not sandbox.
Why did they add. Lock one chest all ches lock, lock one door they all lock? Did too many people complain about losing stuff because they forgot to lock a chest. Is SV dumbing down the game for people?
"Potential fix for the prediction system if a player does not restart their client after a server reboot."
LOL... How do they not know if its fixed?
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That is not the first time they have said "possible fix" I can only think maybe the new and the old testing team did not get to test it.
Looks like another "feature" no one wanted. LOl, that is so not hardcore.
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Today, 17:09
#18 (permalink)
Join Date: Mar 2010
Rep Power: 2
Worst things ever that every door/chest get locked if you lock one. Bullshit
Yeah I really do not understand why they did this. It is not a sandbox move. I just do not understand how housing in UO in the 90's had better options than MO does now.
Starvault doesnt have the time, talent or funds to do it right.
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This is what I am talking about.
Focus Group
Join Date: Dec 2010
Rep Power: 1
Originally Posted by Verokh
I recommend a security-sys like this ;-)
and adjustable rights for every door and container.
See, this dude is not silly at all!
Why can't a game (which is hailed by fanzealits as the next UO) get basic housing right? Why did a game 14 years ago have better basic core housing functions?
When I got a hold of my first house in MO I was very disapointed. No lights no furniture, no custimization. The best thing I did get was it rained and snowed inside it and people basically walked in anytime they wanted.
patch is live.
Seems like theres abit of ocnfusion with the patch so some info i have gathered.
1. The testing team did test this patch before it went live so hopefully it works
2. it includes houses and keeps not jsut houses
3. Pallisades now require a key to open at all times, that includes from the inside meaning players cannot simply logoff inside to open it for the rest of their guild later during an attack unless they have a key.
4. upon logout you are teleported outside of a keep/house if the doors are locked (cant logout inside basically)
5. if you gained access whilst the doors were locked you are isntantly teleported outside (exploited in)
6.if you gained access by running in an open door you arent teleported out until logout.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
What if you gained access to a house legally and they just lock the door behind you. Won't it teleport you out?
nope, well it shouldnt if its working as intended. Im guessing it depends on how you gained access. initially
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
-Ahhh, wont matter. SV doesnt work weekends but still loves releasing those patches on a Friday.
If this patch follows every other patch/update/expasion to this game here is a rundown...
DAY 1: Fanbots will scream about how everything is fixed, all is fantastic and the ecnd coming of Jesus is upon us.
Day 2: Patch will screw up parts of the games, bugs will be rampant and SV will be sipping on Grey Goose laughing about it (its a weekend silly, they dont work weekends)
Day 4: Monday they will "turn off" features of the patch and forget about everything.
-That being said, if they finally do produce a working patch for something this simple, maybe the second coming really IS at hand.
Well test it have a non guildy enter a house then lock the door.
Today, 18:24
#24 (permalink)
Join Date: Nov 2009
Rep Power: 3
Spent all this time pacthing just to take functionality away from the house system?
It is a good feature to have different locks on chests so some can be open for friends and others closed.
Where is the house co-owner feature? This was the most important thing that needs to be changed and it's not there.
Did you guys test exploiting through doors by pushing? I don't see anything about a fix for that - you just teleport people out now who exploit in rather than fixing the exploit. Sneaking in a door someone opens should be a legitimate tactic. You should not auto-teleport out when you sneak in when the door is open.
Patch is not well thought out at all. I hope this is just a placeholder until you actually fix the exploits, because the core mechanics should not be as this patch states.
Can someone explain to me why SV only puts workarounds in the game and not really bug fixes?? Why can't they stop the exploiting into the house instead of putting a teleporter? It is not just this it is a lot of features.
The dupe bug on looting was not fixed they just put a timer on loot.
The dupe taking stuff from mounts to the bank not fixed they just disabled taking stuff from mounts to bank.
Can't fix people exploiting into a house so we will teleport them.
well houses only have one entrance, so im guessing its refferinf to the doors inside the house to reach each expansion and balcony, i can see how that might be annoying.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Today, 22:19
#1 (permalink)
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: PHiLLy
Age: 25
Rep Power: 3
Riding While Encumbered
I don't like the new "Chance to be knocked off mount if riding while encumbered".
For starters, I was flying off the mount today with 64/65 weight 0% encumbrance with 100 Riding. I had to delete stuff down to 55/65 before I could ride again.
Secondly, I don't even see the logic. You are overweight and can barely move but you have a chance to randomly fly 20 feet into the air and land far from your horse? WTF? If anything riding while encumbered should just slow down your mount.
Anyway, I don't see why SV keeps adding these features that are just annoying to the player and have no benefit at all.
Son I am disappoint.
Seems to be just your average SV patch, fix a few things while breaking others. So much for the NEW Testing Team
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