I belive this could be the start of a new trend for the gaming industry, since this idea is already been applied to a variety of different servies and the rewards you recieve I find to be simply awesome!
Haven't played WoW in about a year or so, and I don't really plan on ever coming back to it however I must say I applaud them for giving bonuses to those who subscribe for a year. My old guild leader used to buy 6months at a time for his account and now he will just add on 6 more and get some great bonuses with it. Must say I don't think I have said many nice things about Blizzard as of late due to their practices regarding "borrowing" other MMos ideas and passing them off as their original ideas, but this depth of customer loyalty subscription is a pretty nice thing to see. It doesn't cost more, and it doesn't effect anything really since you can still get the discounts for having bought a large chunk of gametime at a single time. You figure D3 is 60 dollars and the new flying pony is a 25 dollar equivalent to the one in the store and you really do have a great deal. Considering most people who play these games know fairly well what they will be doing with their time for the next year in regards to gaming (IE if no new game is coming out and they truly enjoy their current game they will more than likely be with the service for atleast a large portion of the year so having a year contract isn't bad at all).
Nothing new here really, many subscription based games give some kind of incentive to make buy a longer service agreement. it mostly comes in the form of a discount on the prize/month. Blizz just made a nice marketing deal in order to try and sell a bit more for a guaranteed income. guaranteed income is worth more then income that might be a bit higher but could also vanish at any time.
It shows that they are actually a bit insecure currently in the strength of their own service and they ofc have reason for it whit the amount of strong tittles coming this/next year.
I wonder tho, normaly if you take a year subscription you get a discount $15/month if you take 12 months at once you only have to pay 11,99/month or something like that, how is it whit this offer since it still requires the monthly payment instead of a upfront payment , do they ask full prize or do you get a discount.
I ask that coz if you dont get the discount you normally would get whitin the industry standards you are not getting diablo for free but are paying for it, kinda like a loan contract..
edit: Google spelling check is made for folks like me..
Hm did a "quick" check and it comes out that you pay $24 for diablo3
First the offer. US.battle.net what we read here is the offer ofc and the cost that comes whit it, incl the subcription prize you pay each month.
"You can pay for the WoW Annual Pass on a monthly basis at $14.99 per month or according to the billing plan of your choice. To participate, you must be 18 or older, have a valid credit card, and have registered a full version of World of Warcraft on or before October 18, 2011."
So that $14,99 *12= $179,88 for a year of gaming fun, the expansion BETA test acces and a Diablo3 digital download version.
What do we see there, a monthly, a 3 monthly and a half-year plan. each decreasing the prize by one dollar .what is lacks is the one year plan that most games have and logical it be a dollar cheaper per month just like 99% of all other games it be 11,99
thats 3 dollars a month cheaper per month if you pay 12 months upfront (if they gave sutch a option)
3 dollars a month would be 36 dollars a year, Diabo3 sells currently for 59,99 (60) so thats a $24 difference.
if they allow you to pay 2*6months at 12,99 the month you would be left whit a one dollar/month you pay toward your diabo3 box so if we cauculate that hard math we would still pay $12 for the box. good discount/offer but not "free" darn marketing departments.
Yeah I heard that as well,but Id hate to see the subscription MMO die.
I'll get flamed for this by all the subscription fan boys, buuuuuutttttt...
i'd love to see them die, for the fact that i have to pay monthly for a game pisses me off. I can go to the store buy a new 360 games and play it online with other people and not pay a dime pass the box cost, why should I have to pay monthly for an MMO?
the arguements to back up subscription are so over played. Polish - if ever mmo went free to play then polish WOULD be there to seperate who has the better game JUST LIKE NOW. Secondly Servers - to say i need to pay monthly to pay for servers that are mad dirt cheap now a days is B.S. what is this '95? Am I using AOL? 3rdly the arguement of content - again, if ever mmo was free to play then the good games are again seperated by who has the best content or delivery of content.
p.s. i'm not a GW2 fan, i'm wasnt that into GW and i'm not looking forward to GW2. I'm just an person who doesn't get the sub fees anymore.
Because we get content updates every month and hot fix patches to bugs immediately. Not to mention the amount of funding they need for awesome expansion patches that adds more than just new zones and a race. Oh and how could I forget, server maintance.
I like to see MMOG in general become a product instead of a service. You give me a product and I'll pay for it, not some uphold promise of what is in the future. Especially when I have to sign a EULA that states I can't sue you when you don't deliever the content. I rather them do $15 for each content patch than monthly. At least I know for sure I'm getting something out of the $15.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW? As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
Yeah I heard that as well,but Id hate to see the subscription MMO die.
I'll get flamed for this by all the subscription fan boys, buuuuuutttttt...
i'd love to see them die, for the fact that i have to pay monthly for a game pisses me off. I can go to the store buy a new 360 games and play it online with other people and not pay a dime pass the box cost, why should I have to pay monthly for an MMO?
the arguements to back up subscription are so over played. Polish - if ever mmo went free to play then polish WOULD be there to seperate who has the better game JUST LIKE NOW. Secondly Servers - to say i need to pay monthly to pay for servers that are mad dirt cheap now a days is B.S. what is this '95? Am I using AOL? 3rdly the arguement of content - again, if ever mmo was free to play then the good games are again seperated by who has the best content or delivery of content.
p.s. i'm not a GW2 fan, i'm wasnt that into GW and i'm not looking forward to GW2. I'm just an person who doesn't get the sub fees anymore.
I guess you forgot xbox live gold membership ISN'T free... Just sayin...
i'd love to see them die, for the fact that i have to pay monthly for a game pisses me off. I can go to the store buy a new 360 games and play it online with other people and not pay a dime pass the box cost, why should I have to pay monthly for an MMO?
I guess you forgot xbox live gold membership ISN'T free... Just sayin...
I agree he used a bad example of XBOX online - but PS3 online is a free service
Do you only get the rewards AFTER you pay the full 12 months?
Also, can there be a lul between payments? IE, if i quit for 2 months, then pick it back up again..I'm still meeting the requirement technically, just not in a row.
Also, i for one ONLY want the mount, i wish they was another way to get it..
you need to pay with no gaps
you get the benefits as soon as they are available
reactivate your existing World of Warcraft account and agree to a 12-month subscription commitment.
Can I cancel my World of Warcraft subscription at any point during the 12-month term?
By taking advantage of this special promotion, you are committing to a 12-month World of Warcraft subscription, and you cannot cancel your subscription until the 12-month term of the agreement has ended.
Q: When do I get Diablo III and the other exclusive benefits?
A: You'll be able to download and play Diablo III as soon as it's available and once you complete the one-year term, it's yours to keep, even if you cancel your subscription. Tyrael's Charger will be available with Patch 4.3, and beta access will go live with the beta launch.
The more payment options I get the better.
Monthly fees, quartaly fees, yearly fees and life tim subs are just different choices and the more choices the better.
Now if they would only allow yearly fees it would be bad of course, but adding more choices is never a bad idea.
Ok, adding pandas as playable race might be an exception to the last thing.
I reviewed the current wow pricing, nothings changed
only 3 WOW sub plans are offered at 1 month / 3 month / 6 month
-- at the same pricing as the upcoming SWTOR
I guess throwing in D3 and guaranteed beta access to WOW expansions,
is Blizzards way of saying, its ok to pay highest sub pricing for a 7 year old game
EQ2 fan sites
Haven't played WoW in about a year or so, and I don't really plan on ever coming back to it however I must say I applaud them for giving bonuses to those who subscribe for a year. My old guild leader used to buy 6months at a time for his account and now he will just add on 6 more and get some great bonuses with it. Must say I don't think I have said many nice things about Blizzard as of late due to their practices regarding "borrowing" other MMos ideas and passing them off as their original ideas, but this depth of customer loyalty subscription is a pretty nice thing to see. It doesn't cost more, and it doesn't effect anything really since you can still get the discounts for having bought a large chunk of gametime at a single time. You figure D3 is 60 dollars and the new flying pony is a 25 dollar equivalent to the one in the store and you really do have a great deal. Considering most people who play these games know fairly well what they will be doing with their time for the next year in regards to gaming (IE if no new game is coming out and they truly enjoy their current game they will more than likely be with the service for atleast a large portion of the year so having a year contract isn't bad at all).
Nothing new here really, many subscription based games give some kind of incentive to make buy a longer service agreement. it mostly comes in the form of a discount on the prize/month. Blizz just made a nice marketing deal in order to try and sell a bit more for a guaranteed income. guaranteed income is worth more then income that might be a bit higher but could also vanish at any time.
It shows that they are actually a bit insecure currently in the strength of their own service and they ofc have reason for it whit the amount of strong tittles coming this/next year.
I wonder tho, normaly if you take a year subscription you get a discount $15/month if you take 12 months at once you only have to pay 11,99/month or something like that, how is it whit this offer since it still requires the monthly payment instead of a upfront payment , do they ask full prize or do you get a discount.
I ask that coz if you dont get the discount you normally would get whitin the industry standards you are not getting diablo for free but are paying for it, kinda like a loan contract..
edit: Google spelling check is made for folks like me..
Hm did a "quick" check and it comes out that you pay $24 for diablo3
First the offer. US.battle.net what we read here is the offer ofc and the cost that comes whit it, incl the subcription prize you pay each month.
"You can pay for the WoW Annual Pass on a monthly basis at $14.99 per month or according to the billing plan of your choice. To participate, you must be 18 or older, have a valid credit card, and have registered a full version of World of Warcraft on or before October 18, 2011."
So that $14,99 *12= $179,88 for a year of gaming fun, the expansion BETA test acces and a Diablo3 digital download version.
Now lets look at Blizzards subcription plans
What do we see there, a monthly, a 3 monthly and a half-year plan. each decreasing the prize by one dollar .what is lacks is the one year plan that most games have and logical it be a dollar cheaper per month just like 99% of all other games it be 11,99
thats 3 dollars a month cheaper per month if you pay 12 months upfront (if they gave sutch a option)
3 dollars a month would be 36 dollars a year, Diabo3 sells currently for 59,99 (60) so thats a $24 difference.
if they allow you to pay 2*6months at 12,99 the month you would be left whit a one dollar/month you pay toward your diabo3 box so if we cauculate that hard math we would still pay $12 for the box. good discount/offer but not "free" darn marketing departments.
Because we get content updates every month and hot fix patches to bugs immediately. Not to mention the amount of funding they need for awesome expansion patches that adds more than just new zones and a race. Oh and how could I forget, server maintance.
I like to see MMOG in general become a product instead of a service. You give me a product and I'll pay for it, not some uphold promise of what is in the future. Especially when I have to sign a EULA that states I can't sue you when you don't deliever the content. I rather them do $15 for each content patch than monthly. At least I know for sure I'm getting something out of the $15.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
I guess you forgot xbox live gold membership ISN'T free... Just sayin...
I agree he used a bad example of XBOX online - but PS3 online is a free service
EQ2 fan sites
you need to pay with no gaps
you get the benefits as soon as they are available
reactivate your existing World of Warcraft account and agree to a 12-month subscription commitment.
Can I cancel my World of Warcraft subscription at any point during the 12-month term?
By taking advantage of this special promotion, you are committing to a 12-month World of Warcraft subscription, and you cannot cancel your subscription until the 12-month term of the agreement has ended.
Q: When do I get Diablo III and the other exclusive benefits?
A: You'll be able to download and play Diablo III as soon as it's available and once you complete the one-year term, it's yours to keep, even if you cancel your subscription. Tyrael's Charger will be available with Patch 4.3, and beta access will go live with the beta launch.
EQ2 fan sites