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The Story of the Week continues where last week's SotW left off: World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria. As the week progressed, our coverage of Mists continued, spurring hot and heavy discussions in our forums. Of special note, a quote from Chris Metzen sparked a particularly heated debate.
"This is not a throw-away silly-silly ha ha funny expansion set; it is absolutely the next vital chapter and as things ratchet up, they’re gonna get really gnarly.” Metzen added.
And all the whiners who complain about WoW going to the casuals and kids just need to NOT post their complaints and go back to playing whatever it is that is so much better. Quit crying and get over it people. You haven't even tried the new expansion yet. If you don't like the theme of it fine. Not everyone likes what every other person likes. No one is forcing you to play.
Getting too old for this $&17!
Is this the 100th Panda thread?
WoW's Panda is lame. /end
WoW cattering to a much younger audiance with this, i mean pokemon style pet battles and the worste thing is that kung fu panda shit.
Can you imagen that your in arena or a battleground and you hear: yyyhhhaaaaaaawyyyyyyaaaaaaaawhaaaaaaaa..........
I think they are making a huge mistake with this, but time will tell.
I was going to GW2 anyway and alot of my friends also, will be intersting to see how many subs WoW will lose with this Xpac.
Pretty much this sums it up...
I think people will find something to complain about no mater what happens.
I remember BC, I remember OH GOD HORDE GETS PALADINS? I QUIT!!!!!
I remember Wrath, I remember DKS RUINED MY GAME I QUIT!!!
I remember Cata, I remember STUPID FURRY LOVERS RUINED MY WOW! I QUIT!!!!
This is nothing new..
cant wait, best expansion after Burning Crusade.... ever
Good. You have an opinion. Although they could have made them less fat. Asians aren't fat yet they wanted to add that oriental theme. Yeah. I guess WoW's panda kind of sux. Hopefully the females pandas aren't as bad.
Getting too old for this $&17!
Disagree 100%
Sorry kids aren't the only ones who like animals and fighting them.
Sorry most of my generation (i'm 27) grew up playing Pokemon and we STILL LIKE IT!
Sorry that you need to diminish something else by calling it childish rather than enjoying it.
Also, Pandas are cool.
probably less than with cata... very probably, but even if its more... for some reason its still the mammoth :O
i dont like the pokemon pet battle thing.... but that is not mandatory for anyone to do, thats just an extra feature to the game.... everything else sounds good and fun.
They said it themselves, really: "It’s not ultimately really silly, it’s just a little lighter."
Personally I'd call them "a little too silly and quite a bit lighter."
It's all opinion though, but I think pandas make for a silly race. Don't ask me why they are less serious than wolf-men, bull-men or squid-people. To me they just are.
Wasn't really planning to resub for WOW anyway but this takes away my last grains of doubt whether I ever would.
My brand new bloggity blog.
Actually. Playing a Defiant would have been fun. They have a small role in WoW but I guess that would limit them to leather wearing/hunter/assasin/theive classes. But at least we'd get a male human model that isn't overly buff with a big dumb look on their face. Its like a bunch or Arnies running around with downsyndrome.
Getting too old for this $&17!
Here, lets try an experiement.
Go to google, type in ___ ruined WoW.
___ = any ex pack.
yeah we have to be realistic here.... people saying oh thats so childish and now the game is not fun anymore.... they are trying to sound manly.... in a game LOL...... that sux, games like WoW are for everyone.... or have anyone seen the "rate M for Mature" sticker on the retail box? no.... lol what a shame.....i enjoyed pokemon when i was younger and not anymore, but that system is just something added to the game and its not a requirement to enjoy the game.... ppl dont understand that, they like to flame WoW for what it is.... the Mammoth!
Haters gonna hate.
Kids also make of a good part of the MMO community to begin with. And a good portion of them are actually good at the game. And since they have more time on their hands, it makes it easier to find help on quests on runs plus supplying a lot more stuff in AH. I'm 33 so I kind of missed out on the Pokemon thing. But had it been in my time I would have embraced it. There is NOTHING wrong with having mini games. WTF is so horrible about training a companion or whatnot and battling them with other people's companions or pets? Nothing. Not all of us want to spend every second of the game questing, raiding and grinding. Having extra side fun in the game is a great idea.
And yes. Pandas are definetly kewl in my book.
Getting too old for this $&17!
Trolled by the staff?
Bad MMORPG staff :P
I kid.
Haha. Excellent post. I posted on another thread something similalr. Every xpac, tinkered helicopters,and dungeon finder , to name a few things,were all making "everyone" quit WOW. I dont know what it is. I admit, my first reaction was "oh no not pandas" and I swore off WOW as well, but after thinking on it and realizing its more than just pandas ,well, im gonna have to check it out. I have a gnome monk pictured in my mind, and it aint bad.
Really? This game sucks and Im not having fun? Im going to unsub right now. Thanks for the tip.
Anthropomorphic animals are epic win xD, they look awesome and cute while the ugly human/orc/troll models dont look cute at all...
God we need some cute awesome looking races in games, humans are generic boring and ugly and female humans are just purposly slutty to attract 13 year old virgins...
I dont intend to resub wow since last time i did it got bored in 30 mins due to generic gameplay but i support pandas xD
Yeah I'm thinking maybe NE Monk tank?
Sounds fun!!! hehe
Undead Monk!!! ill hit yall with my bare sticks.... errrr bones lol
You have to love the irony of the posters defending this xpac with the justification that they like it, yet those criticizing it by the justification that they don't like it are demonized as mindless haters. So which is it people? Do at least some of the people in both camps have rational relevant opinions or are both camps nothing but mindless drones?
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Personally, I think the pandas take away from the fantasy setting of the game. You can argue that they have been in lore, but lets not forget they were also used as an april fools joke.
In my opinion, a fantasy game should not include an asian setting, simply because asia is not in the fantasy world. I didn't like it when guild wars did it, I don't like it now.
Also, the entire thing seems to be just thrown together like there was no work put into it.
The names; Pandaren, of the Pandaren Empire, hailing from the island of Pandaria. They could have been a little bit more imaginative with the names.
I'm guessing the Pandaren had their chinese like culture before they left Kalimdor, and then they just so happened to stumble across an island that is very chinese like?
The geography of the island; the island is a circle. That is all I have to say about that.
It is actually relatively new, lore wise, in the warcraft universe. It would be different if they were there from the start.
The entire expansion is stereotyping; the pandas are fat, drunk, kung fu masters, with typical chinese architecture.
Now, I understand that alot of people like the idea, and that's fine, they probably play more than me, and the game isn't changed according to my opinion. That being said, alot of the people that would enjoy this expansion, would also enjoy any other expansion handed to them by Blizzard, as they are strong supporters of what Blizzard does.
It's okay to like pandas, but if you're going to pull races from lore, you should at least pick one with a little bit more significance, and something that will fit naturally in the setting that is already there.
Generalizing both sides! Wow talk about take your own advice?
Way to deamonize both sides of an issue while complaining about both sides doing the same exact thing?
Do you realize how ironic that is?
-They were never IN kalimdor, they were there PRE sundering. (Which is to say their island was never part of Pangea Azeroth, meaning they always had their island and their culture)
-Circle island encourages PVP to be very "CENTRIC" see the world circle in centric, which is a huge complaint the community has, the world PVP is scattered.
-2003 is not "relatively new" (Pandaren were spoken off and in WC3 back in 2003)
-So its stereotyping? So chinese people are all fat and rolly polly and know kung fu? what?
you don't even HAVE half the information you are speculating on...
Edit: Just for clairity there was a picture chris Metzen was referring to as the potential races for the Alliance back in 2003 when they were making the game, the picture included Furbolgs, Pandaren, Gnomes, and Dwarves.
Guess what? That makes Panda's part of their CORE canon storyline. Sorry to break it to ya.
Here is the link YAY Proof..
Notice the date.... 2003...
Beyond how formatted this post is, I find it staggering that you were able to shove so much opinion into a post that you have given the appearance of being fact.
It's just like any other polarized topic. People on one side think the other is irrational and vice versa.