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Hey All,
I was speaking to some freinds after playing the SWTOR beta and came to the realization that TOR could be the best thing to happen to WoW and Blizzard. I am a big fan of WoW and am a curent subscriber. I do plan on playing TOR and continuing my WoW subscription as well. But lets face it, WoW has not really had any good competition imo and I really think that TOR, with it's massive Bioware following, may be a strong competitor... which brings me to my point.
We're in a very good position to be gamers right now... As a WoW fan, I'm wishing TOR the most sucess ever. The better TOR does, the more it pushes Blizzard to make a better product. If WoW fans are truely feed up, they'll leave and play TOR or something else, and Blizzard will be forced to up their game. And after playing TOR... I can truely say, it will take more then (seriously, I am excited about Pandas though).
I keep seeing people say that Blizzard has given up on WoW (which I find to be a moronic statement) and that they're waiting for Titan to take over the market. Well, I suppose it's time to see. If TOR launches and does well, (which I'm guessing it will) and Blizzard takes it lying down, then we'll know. But let's be honest, as the consumer, we're in a win win situation here as if these two are competing for number 1, we'll get some excellent products and content, no matter which side you're on.
So instead of all the WoW/SWTOR hatred I've seen in the past weeks, let's all rejoice as the spirit of competition and capitalism does it's thing and brings us gamers some nice phat lewts!
Great post! I have always liked WoW.. basically up to the moment the dungeon finder came out.. It removed my favorite aspect of MMORPGs, developing long term regular play partners. To me TOR is kind of like WoW 2.0. They have taken a bunch of my favorite things about WoW and improved upon them. Throw in a dash of polished traditional MMO elements, a splash of innovative features and DAMN thats a good looking game.
I really do miss wow.. I still have a soft spot for it, but I hate what it has become. Many many fond memories of WoW.
Yeah, I'm not a blind fanboy of WoW, but I do really enjoy it. I will pay a company money until I no longer enjoy their product. So while I'm still enjoying WoW, I know it's not perfect.
To be honest, I had no plans of even trying SWTOR until months after launch, but I was so impressed by the beta, that I decided to pre-order. I know that Blizzard has to have beta testers in there also telling them how good it I think that this will only push them harder to make a better game. So I say, huzaa to Bioware. Keep up the good work as nothing bad can come out of making a great product. Both TOR and WoW Will improve.
I think it's awesome that in the gaming industry, you compete mostly on the merits of your product and not the money you pump into your legal team.
It makes me sad that the gaming industry is almost the only place where it's possible to compete on the merits of your product instead of the money you put into your legal team.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Well said my friend
I understand what your trying to say here...No matter what we will have a good mmo to play....
But :
1) SWTOR- may not be as good as many are hyped into thinking. Many bata leaks are saying that it's just ok, but not great. Using past history of hype many mmos were sure things, only to be flops (Vanguard, AOC, Warhammer, and many more ). So be careful. Now, adding my own opinion, I think because of the cut scenes and personal story will make this mmo a solo game. Only the hardcore SW fans will survive after the first few months, and thats only if the game is GOOD.
2) GW2- I know you never mentioned GW2 in your post as it may not be one of you looking-forward-too games, but I would like to say something about it anyway.....Given the fact that many anticipated games seem great on the drawing board ( pre-release ) Many have not delivered all the content promised at released or the public were blind sided with things they were not expecting. One example is Warhammer promised massive RvR only to give all the exp to scenarios. People did not play RvR because they did not get any exp for it. Everyone was disappointed.
Now with that !....I think the public will get blind sided with the Original GW2 to be short, only to have another paid expansion waiting for you in the stores within the first two weeks of release.
3) Blizzard will continue with the child's play well into the Titan project !....They maybe loosing subs, but the 6 year olds and up game play is still where its at.
We still may not really have something to look foward too !!
I disagree on a few points here. The first being that beta leaks are saying that it's just "ok". This statement doesn't mean much as it's a personal opinion, I have played beta and think it's outstanding. What matters is subs, and it will pull a ton. With the massive following Bioware has, even if the game turns out to be a great singler playing with MMO elements, it would be enough to pull some heavy subs. Blizzard will have to see this as a threat, and then we'll find out if what you say is true and they're just "mailing it in" so to say.
On that note... I can't see the logic behind people saying that Blizzard is just riding out WoW until Titan. This logically doesn't make sense. The game is still the top in terms of subs (far as I have read).. I don't see how a company would just "ride that out". You ride out a game that is on it's last leg. A game that doesn't have much of a staff devoted to it, so the little money you're making off the subs is still a profit or even. You don't ride out a game that's sitting on top of the charts with subs and that has a large staff with a new expansion announced.
Speaking of GW2, you're on the money. I have zero interest in it after not caring for gw1. But the same would apply. If it does well and gets a large enough following, it will force TOR and Blizzard to up their game. Instead of people hoping for games to flop and fall for industry success, I believe we need games to suceed and hit big to have then consider each other a valid competitor and produce a better product. If TOR or GW2, Flop, you will continue to get the same ol' same ol' from Blizzard. So again, here's hoping to the success of these two games.