Good, the people I plan to play with, to start, were not in beta with me. Pretty much expecting to play this as multiplayer KOTOR. I had one negative and one semi positive group experience. I would love some sandbox elements, which I won't complain about here I find the Bioware story to be great, especially for the Imp Agent, and I like his initial companion as well.
I'm not sure I should be taking a poll from the Grand Nagus. Somehow I feel like I'm going to get ripped off here.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
Well atleast you didn't forget the 299th rule of acquisition,
"After you've exploited someone, it never hurts to thank them. That way, it's easier to exploit them next time."
All comparisons, expectations and hype aside...
it's a fun Star Wars video game that I look forward to playing.
Good, the people I plan to play with, to start, were not in beta with me. Pretty much expecting to play this as multiplayer KOTOR. I had one negative and one semi positive group experience. I would love some sandbox elements, which I won't complain about here I find the Bioware story to be great, especially for the Imp Agent, and I like his initial companion as well.