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I have DSL 2000, an acutal download rate of currently 120 kb/s. Due to the download calculator I used, this 16 GB download takes 296 hours time. 12 days.
Welcome not to beta.
Your move.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Mine downloaded pretty quick, all things considered. Started downloading, went to work, done by the time i got back. Not tht unusual for this type of game I think.
I self identify as a monkey.
Time to find a better ISP?
Spend more time calculating and less time whining. Your numbers are way off and even if they were accurate it's your fault for not upgrading your internet. Not Bioware's for not insuring that the all important Eikal can play the beta.
It's closer to 40 hours.
Totally subjective, 2.5 hours comcast in Chicago.
I blame this on Bioware. Why they didn't account for people who would be using the internet version of two tin cans connected by a string is beyond me. For shame, Bioware. For shame.
Are we talking about patch or the download? The game downloaded pretty quickly for me.
Purpose in life is not to gain things, but experience. - Rover64dd
This made me laugh more than it should have. Well done good sir.
Purpose in life is not to gain things, but experience. - Rover64dd
I am getting 1.2 Mb rate, I guess my move is first?
Not possible. Here we have a monopoly for the cables on "German Telekom". There IS no alternative. Another provider would have to loan Telekom cables, which are limited to this.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Pretty quick for me too 3.4mb/s to 5mb/s going up and down Going take a couple of minute
~The only opinion that matters is your own.Everything else is just advice,~
time to get some better internet, downloading here at 3.11 mb/sec, should be done in acouple of hours.
Stop cheaping out and stop complaining
Also, I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I don't really think my question warrants an entirely new thread. But did I read it correctly that they are using a tiered system for the weekend testing where one group gets to start at 10am on Friday, one group gets to start 10Am on Sat, and one gets to start 10am on Sunday? If this is the case, then some people won't get long at all to try it out. Maybe I just misunderstood the announcement.
GAH, do you think I am dense? If there WAS a better internet here, I would have chosen it LONG AGO! But there isn't! Germany has a monopoly company which owns all cables. And they, having a monopoly, see of course no reason to give people better connections.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Yeah, was going to side with you Elikal. Some folks really don't have all that many options for an ISP. I know I got two. My slow ass dsl, or I can go cable. But I don't want to wait around from 9am to 530pm for the cable guy to come out and install my service, and I am actually fairly happy with my DSL right now.
think it took me three days to get the full download. No big deal for me, really.
It's a proven historical fact that beer saved humankind.
It took me 4 days to download with my computer on full time for the beta event a couple of weekends ago. The patcher actually crashed out twice.
I can't blame Bioware for me living out in the sticks with a radio ISP that struggles to do 3Mb on a clear day with no one else connected. My other options are satellite (and 4kms latency and ~5G download cap), cellular (1.5kms latency, and 4G download cap), or VPN dialup to my office (umm.. 56k).
But I can blame Bioware for making me download 18G+ of voice acting files that I will in no reasonable way, shape, or manner access in a Beta weekend, that could be easily streamed in the background after a much smaller initial download, or could be opted out of entirely for just summary text for a fraction of the size.
ArenaNet can do it well. Even Blizzard can make an incremental downloader once they finally got enough inertia to do so. I don't know why this can't be the standard today.
I am thinking that some people need to get with the times and upgrade their ISP. MMO's are not going decrease in size and memory usage anytime soon as technology advances.
Did you even read what I posted?
For all who claim 3 days. Use this:
Type 14 GB, 128 kbs = 10 Days 20 Hours 58 Minutes 44.1 Seconds
And I DON'T blame Bioware! Well, maybe a bit for not allowing the download earlier. AS I SAID THEY SHOULD, because not everyone lives in Internet Wonderland!
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
You're actually blaming a gaming company that created a game that you can't download because you have a shitty ISP.
The nerve of some people.
Maybe try reading posts before flaming people. I hear it helps.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
If you read its off and they tell you why.
So 120 x 60 = 7200
7200 x 60 = 432 000
432 000 / 1000 = 432
432 / 1000 = 0.432 which I round to 0.4
16 / 0.4 = 40
40 hours to download.
I r good at mathz.
I kind of feel sorry for you. Took me less then 2 hours to redownload the entire client.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
Takes me about an hour.
Centurylink FTW!!
120x60 = 7200 :-)
LOL you caught it - I was being a smartarse
Doh. Should proofread more carefully. Edited original post. Still should be under 40 hour download.
pesky 0's.
I'm only getting 500 a sec :-( normally get way higher download speeds than that, but it still sounds like we're all complaining about first world problems.