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Galactic Misfits | PVE | Raiding | Recruiting

Galactic Misfits


Recruit Status: Open

Server: Unknown

Guild Type: PVE Raiding

Alignment: Sith

 About Us

We are a group of players who have been together for a while, raided countless times and are looking to add to our group of friends for future end game content. Please do not apply if you are looking for a hardcore 4+ night a week raiding guild who will scold players for making a single mistake. We will raid based on what our players can do for the week and abide by a schedule to ensure all of our players can play. On average we hope to be able to raid 2 nights with 3 on acceptable weeks. Do not apply if you don't have a sense of humor. We have 1 goal in this game and that is to get along and have fun during raids, we have done this for some time now and have a blast in our raids making jokes and still getting the job done. We are not a pure PVP Guild but we will try to get together and do some PVP on off nights we are a PVE Guild so please do not get upset.


Please be 18 or older, Have Ventrilo, A Microphone, and not an attitude :)


Our Website:

Currently Looking for the following classes

Sith Warrior/Maurader DPS - High

Sith Warrior/Juggernaut Tank - Low

Bounty Hunter/Powertech tank - High

Bounty Hunter/Mercenary - Low

Bounty Hunter/Mercenary Healer - High

Sith Inquisitor/Assassin DPS - Low

Sith Inquisitor/Sorcerer DPS - Low

Sith Inquisitor/Sorcerer Heal - High

Imperial Agent/Operative - Low

Imperial Agent/Sniper - High

*Please note that just because it is listed as low does not mean you will not get in.

Ventrilo information will be given after membership or if asked to hop on for a meet and greet before acceptance.

To Apply please visit us at and follow the rules in the Application section in the forums.

Thank You

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