Voted for 'sidequests' myself, though to clarify . i mostly adventure, roam from place to place, exploring dungeons, mines, houses, ships, etc. guess that qualifies as sidequests! this is my third character, and i've done only roaming things, very nice. love this shit. gimme more Beth.(Only ever played Skyrim, sad i never caught wind of the others before it ))
102 hrs in and I have two characters, one is a rangerish type, the other is a straight up mage. I really haven't found a favorite "scripted" yet, but I must say I love playing a mage in this game. The mage college main quest will test you to the limit if you go straight up mage - no weapons, no armor. I was seriously impressed with the way Labarynthian was done. That was epic. Not going to go into details - because I do not wish to give away spoilers - but - if you are going as a mage with no armor(and my character was level 14 when she started Labarynthian and after a couple treks between it and the nearest village for supplies she made level 18!) you'll need to be extremely careful(unless of course you wait and do this when you are much higher level). I took my time on this since I am playing using "Caiden's Challenge" rules. Makes it much more challenging.
So much was crammed into this one game, I'll be playing it for a very long, long time. Add to that the player made content that will be coming out in the future and Bethesda content - I may never play any other game for a very, very long time(besidesWoW from time to time).
Yeah, I'm 100 hours in and I keep telling myself "ok, one more thing, one more thing". Then I started another character but I feel like the two characters will just suck all my time.
Labyrinthian was great.
That's my problem too. I passed the 100 hour mark last night. I log in expecting to do one thing and then get distracted into doing something else. And it's always one more thing and one more thing....I played for 8+ hours one day. Probably more than one day. It's embarassing, but I love the game so....I guess I should just enjoy myself.
Voted for 'sidequests' myself, though to clarify . i mostly adventure, roam from place to place, exploring dungeons, mines, houses, ships, etc. guess that qualifies as sidequests! this is my third character, and i've done only roaming things, very nice. love this shit. gimme more Beth.(Only ever played Skyrim, sad i never caught wind of the others before it ))
The Deep Web is sca-ry.
I liked the thieves guild the best in skyrim and in oblivion. IMO the theives guild is so much fun, I love snooping around stealing things.
That's my problem too. I passed the 100 hour mark last night. I log in expecting to do one thing and then get distracted into doing something else. And it's always one more thing and one more thing....I played for 8+ hours one day. Probably more than one day. It's embarassing, but I love the game so....I guess I should just enjoy myself.