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monopolysw '97, swJediKnightDarkForce2 '97, swYodaStories '97, swJediKnightMystriesSith '98, swMastersTersaKasi '98, swMillenniumFalcon '98, swRebellion '98, swRogueSquadron '98, sw1GunganFrontier '99, sw1PhantomMenace '99, swXWingAlliance '99, sw1JediPowerBattles '00, sw1Racer '00, sw1BattleNabo '01,
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swJediKnightJediAcademy '03, swkotor game '03, swRogueSq3RebelStrike '03, swkotor2 sith lord '04 game, swGalaxiesJumpLightspeed '04, legosw '05, swRepublicCommando '05, swGalaxiesRageWookiees '05, swGalaxiesTotalExperience '05, swGalaxiesTrialsObiWan '05, sw3 revengSith '05, sw battlefront2 '05,
legoSW2OrigTrilogy '06, swEmpireWarForcesCorruption '06, swEmpireWar '06, legoswCompleteSaga '07, swBattlefrontRenrgadeSq '07, swCloneWarslightsaberDuels '08. ; swforce unleashed '08, swForceUnleashedUnlimitedSith '09, swCloneWarsRepublicHerows '09, swForceUnleashed2 '10, swTOldRepublic '11,
ps feature movies: 456123clone
swIV NewHope '77, swV EmpireStrikesBack '80, swVI ReturnJedi '83,
swI Phantom '99, swII AttkClones '02, swIII Sith '05, sw clone war '08
AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.2GHz
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Yeah seriously, its not often I come across a post I can't read.
But jesus, don't just copy and paste and press post.
As for so few Star Games.
Because most are -ing garbage.
X-Wing series disappeared into the black hole that has apparantly swalloed all Space sims.
Jedi Knight series, disappeared.
Knights of the Old Republic turned into MMORPG.
They are pretty much the only 3 decent series Star wars series made.
maybe Lego Star Wars, but I wouldn't know.
Is he asking a question? in nerd language? i don't understand this technical mumbo jumbo.
What the?!?!?
Kinda hard to understand the original post but if you want to know why there are so few SW games, call this man:
He might be able to provide you with an answer...
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
Let me take a guess: $$
But the above poster is right. Everything labeled "star wars" in it has been garbage since 1999
Heh , time and time again , Devs have tried to make a game off movies and failed big time. Except for SW Galaxies , but we all know what happened to that. Then you get SWtor , again I won't comment on it.
The reason why you won't see any great SW games anytime soon is due to the fact that it costs a crap load to actually start a project and the end result better be captivating because it won't bring in 1/10 of the profit the Clone Wars TV series is bringing in at the moment. Now if you think for a moment that SWTOR is cashing in huge sum of cash to BioWare ... lol ... not worth commenting on that either. I'll let time speak for itself.
sw1GunganFrontier '99
Wow, sounds like a real classic. Sorry I missed that one.
OIC, half of these games are made by Lucas Learning (or some other child-targeted company).
Now look up how many Muppet/Sesame Street titles exist over the same time period.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.