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Chicken Fight Club on Great Lakes

ErythorbicErythorbic Member Posts: 38
Just wanted to hop in here and let everyone know that the chicken fights have returned to Great Lakes.  We have a great staff, and the events have been growing since we went public about a month ago.  Stratics has posted info on our location and some snippets on the events if anyone is interested.  We have sponsors for the events, Heart's Inc., MOA, ZTA, GTO, MULE and others so the prizes are great, usually a 200k grand prize, some artifacts and other trinkets for the other fighters and trivia contests.  We have a page at where you can get all our contact info and read up on the news, meet some of the members and register your chicken for the fights.  Our events are held every Saturday night @ 8pm EST.  Anyone is welcome and we do host private guild only events if anyone is interested.
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