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Hillary "Pokket" Nicole brings us Game Face #13 where she talks about the top ten reasons she will be playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, starting with numbers 8 - 10. Check out Game Face: Ten Reasons To Play SWTOR Part 1. Be sure to leave us a comment or two when you're finished watching!
I personally find this video to be annoying and terrible.
Star Wars & Lightsabers, IMO, are the sole reasons why this game has as much hype as it does. If you take away Star Wars, this game would most likely be considered another linear WoW-clone.
Just my HANDS ON opinion.
the game graphics looks like it was made 5yrs ago. Looks ugly. No amount of lightsabers or jedi would make me play that ugly game ~_~
not according to that video tho lol...
It's just damn nice change compared to the mediocre scum the mmorpgs nowadays are.
Any video is going to make the graphics of a game look slightly less than their full potential, unless the video is professionally made. I sir, am no professional :P
The graphics are great, the fact that it's star wars is awesome, and the lightsabers and blasters are so obviously cool that I figured those would be given reasons to play XD
Will you be doing a balance piece Pokket, giving 10 reasons to not play it?
It mght help some of the more critical thinkers take it all a bit more seriously.
Not saying someone who starts a new vid spot on a MMO game site at the same time launch of a major new game who only gives positive view hyping that said game is shady... but y'know.
Balance is good.
Have to say... the combat at 2.22 says it all...
Kinda tragic
Duck and weave Pokket all the haters are coming to toss their haymakers!
Thanks for the video!
I can feel your anger. This game is defenseless. Take your weapon. Strike this game down with all of your hatred, and your journey towards towards the Dark Side will be complete.
This is a video on the top ten reasons why I am playing SWTOR. I really wouldn't make sense to make a top ten reasons not to play. That's your own opinion. All of this is based on opinion, but as I get higher in numbers, you can believe that the reasons will get more in depth and many of them will have heavy pros and cons.
I am a free-lance worker. Everything I do is my own. My own opinions, gameplay, everything. I have been making GAME FACE videos FOR A LONG TIME NOW! Check my youtube ~.^
PS - My graphics are still set on medium in this video. I apologize. I meant to put them on ultra, but I have been streaming a lot of SWTOR and so I lowered the graphics to stream 'cause my video card needs an upgrade >.<
Some of the video makes it look as if the world opens up a lot as you get higher up. This was my main issue with SWTOR, however if it does open up, I would be willing to give it another shot.....
Is this just due to it being a open pvp zone? Or does the world actually open up more?
Uhh... what?
Welcome back to hater land. Where everything possitive is bashed with irrational thought.
Nice video, again, nice to see possitives from someone who has been playing for a while. I don't think I agree with the cuteness of Jawas, but they are a stapple of SW. And the FFA Den sounds like it could be a lot of fun. Could be GvG for recources and the venders. Also, isn't there an arena in that area? At least a place that could be turned into a player controlled fighting ring with betting and the like?
Looking forward to your next 7 reasons. Thanks for the vids.
How many people long for that "past, simpler, and better world," I wonder, without ever recognizing the truth that perhaps it was they who were simpler and better, and not the world about them?
Jawas should have been a playable race!
Uhh... what?
what about space combat?
your own spaceship?
did she mention those?
I could not agree more. Its so funny you wrote that because I thought the very same thing while i was playing. (i love star wars too much for it to bother me during a beta)
If you watched the video, I only mentioned 8-10. There are still 7 more to go.
No need to apologise for the gfx, that wasn't an issue to me at all. I was more talking about the four guys standing nose to nose taking it in turns to hurt each other. One guy using a blaster no less. Just failed to impress thats all.
On the balance thing though... it would make more sense to me to give a balanced vieww, especially to what is a new audience. It just brings more credibility is all and shows a view of the whole picture and stops it coming across as just gushing.
There is a danger these vids can come across as shill pieces, thats all... I am NOT saying that's what you are, honestly, I am just saying balance in the pros and cons will remove the accusations before they even start.
so what do you think about the spacecombat?
I didnt get so far in the beta weekend
and btw, woot, a irl hot girl replied to me
I understand. If people have their doubts, then they should honestly watch me stream when I play. I will get excited, happy, angry, and there have been a few times I've even raged (on PvP), but also rejoiced (ganking people). It gives a good idea, at least... though everyone's experience is different.
Pretty sad actually, here we have mirror classes and mundane quest, about the only thing in this game is its game world and u can have all the content you want but theres where it ends no substance to it.
Thats like looking at a diamond and being like, well thats a shiny piece of glass.
EVERY game has mirrored clases, name one that doesn't that is successful.
The quests are what really shine in this game to call them "mundane" only proves you've not done any.
You are pretty, but I think that hair color needs to go away.
Guild Wars 2's 50 minutes game play video:
Everything We Know about GW2:
Not everything needs to be "balanced" in such a way. I'm sure there will be plenty of people in the comments to give lots and lots of reasons why not to play.
You can have all the content you want but there is no substance? You seem to be contradicting yourself in the same sentence...