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In the final part of a three part series, Pokket details the last of her top ten reasons why she will be playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. Pokket starts with Number 4 and continues the downward until we know her number one reason to dig into SWTOR. Check out Game Face #14: Top 10 Reasons to Play SWTOR Pt. 3.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
Hot Pokket!
I wonder what flavour she is? Spicy Hawaiian Style? Four Cheese Garlic Pasta Bake?
Can't wait for that crispy, crunchy, tender flaky crust! You're not hungry for games, your hungry for HOT POKKET!
Why do we need multiple reasons of why we should play?
For example i play Skyrim because it's good, nuf said, i don't need a laundry list of reasons trying to convince me otherwise. Well and the fact that i haven't been able to do much else ever since i took an arrow to the knee, but that's beside the point.
I can't wait for Pokket's top ten reasons to play GW2 series.
#1. Because it's freaking STAR WARS!. Nuff said.
The image links to the last GameFace (#14) and the text link goes to the current GameFace (#15).
** edit **
#2 kind of surprised me in a good way. I have a lot of issues with replayability in games, movies, books, television shows, etc. Basically anything with a beginning, middle and end, so almost every form of entertainment besides music. It would be cool to play a game where I'd enjoy actually rolling additional characters, thus giving me more game time.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Those are reasons to play?
It is just another themepark with Star Wars as the theme. Two faction pvp does not work, has never worked hence why even bother.
Class/level system means you end up at end game with only a few areas left to adventure in, the rest of the areas are too easy so you either have to raid or pvp which as mentioned above is flawed from the start.
Like I said before, server merges by summer.
We don't NEED a list or MMOs or video games period. She is not selling SWTOR --- she is talking about her game experience,and why that makes HER want to play. Now, if you think she is just lying about that, well, all I can say is watching a dozen or so of her video convinced me that she really does like games, and her videos are not her "job". If you can't believe she isn't a jaded sell-out, that is your problem.
If you make a list of various aspects of a game and talk about your personal reaction in detail as is done here, it's very interesting. Some of it may be irrelevant to me --- for instance, I am a very hit or miss pvp player --- but even that stuff is interesting because of the details she mentions.
Based on her choices of games (she doesn't play everything as far as I have seen) I don't know that there wlll be a GW2 top ten. Or it may be a list of why NOT to play. I dunno. But her comments on MMOs to this point, imo, have been good watching/listening.
Or maybe I am just a Pokket fanboi and don't realize I have fallen into a dark place. Oh well, as long as I don't realize it...
Rose-lipped maidens,
Light-foot lads...
I want to know the Top 10 Reasons Not to play SWTOR.
Grab a webcam and make one.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Not interested wouldnt count.
Not interested wouldnt count.
If you want to see a video of the reasons to not play, it should come from someone who doesn't want to play. I may have wrongly assumed that you do not want to play the game, which would make you an ideal candidate for making such a video.
An alternative would be to make a flash video like the Zero Punctuation guy over at EscapistMagazine.Com.
Also, don't know what happened to the quoted text...sometimes the editor just borks it.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
I can think of 100 reasons not to play sorry but its a borefest. I see alot of boxes being sold and millions of players dropping out due to boredom and burnout by Feb March then it will stablize at 100K subs then later in the yr or 2013 free to play. Bioware should learn that kill this get that do raid get gear is tiresome and a borefest nowadays. They should have thought of a better way to design the game voices and cutscenes get old fast. I found myself hitting spacebar about 100 times my thumb was hurting. The whole WOW gameplay is old and boring, reason why I am waiting for GW2 which is the only game that seems somewhat interesting and a step up from Guild Wars 1. Everything else is cookie cutter and boring, I dont mind themepark but shake it up and change it up a bit make it exciting again. Noone seems to have an idea how to do that but Arenanet with GW2 (I know I played it it's pretty amazing). I love Star Wars but not done like this next time EA should think hey lets have Bioware create a deep awesome RPG and name it Star Wars KOTOR 3 using a new engine or hell even using the Dragon Age origins engine with some better textures etc. Oh well they will live and learn I guess.
I try very hard not to be excited for new games. I fail most of the time.
The problem about games failing lies with us. We always create this perfect image of how the game WILL work that when reality hits, it destroys us.
It takes a long time to notice the little mistakes or huge mistakes in this perfect product. Right now nobody will find a fault in SWTOR. Its erfect, has a deep engaging story, you can be a good or bad guy, you can be a jedi, etc, etc.
But some time later, a year or so after this someone who played it will notice the mistakes. The story was very cliche, short, and linear. Good or Bad the world didn't and its characters didn't convey this feeling, the gameplay was very repetitive, character progression was rushed, we didn't have anything to do as max level character, not many choices for character customization, the art style could have been more unique, the enviroment doesn't feel unique, planets feel like zones, etc.
I would have to play the game, even a trial, to see if I could in a neutral way provide a counter top 10 to this news post. Of course providing a neutral point of view is a hard thing to do, specially when most of the time its always an opinion.
I want to play an exciting Star Wars game not tab target, hit 1 then 2 then 3 kill the mob, walk tab, hit 1 2 then 4 heal duh! go back to quest giver watch video and get my new shoulder blades that look the same as the other shoulder blades. Rinse repeat, over and over and over and over and over. Screw that crap, I work all day I dont want to come home and do more work, I want to play a video game not do work this is work and I am not falling for it. Why is there no public quests with exciting battles, why couldnt they do a swing lightsaver with left mouse and right mouse and middle click is a over the head chop and then for spells or buffs you hit the number keys. Why couldnt they get rid of tab targetting its a Star Wars game for christs sakes, it suppose to be fast and exciting. Also the animations are off, they look jerky and well just off. Also your character doesnt interact with the world very well, I mean he/she is walking on sand where's the kickback of sand from my feet where's the damn footprints even wow has that or GW. There's just no atmosphere to the game engine plus the engine is not optimized. Sorry but way too many mistakes and if you ask me this was just not well done IMO. I will pass and I do hope they fix alot of things, space battles need a whole redesign, at least make us control the ship freely around a given space to fight other ships, what's with the 1995 on rails crap. Game just feels very amatuerish which is a surprise coming from Bioware, but then again they havent been the same company since EA bought them out. Dragon Age 2 is a perfect example of that. Dragon age origins was great though, and the Mass Effect series is superb.
Doesn't count. Not a video and we don't know what color your hair is. Plus, you didn't edit in floating words during post production to enhance your message.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Um, but you are absolutely certain that it would be a counter list? If you *played* the thing, isn't it microscopically possible that you might change your mind? Do critics write reviews before they see the movie?! So you are going to provide a counter list in a NEUTRAL way? Isn't that an oxymoronic comment? Let's see, there's a word for someone who makes up their mind before actually examining the facts. I should look it up, but I need to check if Pokket has another cool video, can't spare the time...whooo hoooo.
Actually, I don't really care for the hair color, tbh.
Rose-lipped maidens,
Light-foot lads...
What is the game at :41 seconds?
oh an unfortunately for me no pvp reason is a reason to play a game:(
Still waiting on my TOR activation email!
The Stranger: It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid.
You are right.
I have only one reason to play SWTOR... IT IS LIVE NOW!!!
The same list works both ways, there's plenty of people who dont like some stuff that others like. Core stuff like, tab/click + hotbar combat, themepark structure, VO's/dialogue, Star Wars, etc. It shouldnt be hard to figure out what you like or dont
It's just not as black and white as some people make it seem, many call this game "nothing but WoW in space", which is hard for me to understand since I couldnt play WoW for 5 minutes these days but I'm having blast in TOR, so it cant be just the same game with different skin, not for me at least, go figure /shrug
Awesome column Pokket! I plan on playing the game as soon as i get my copy. Could be this weekend, could be after christmas. Don't know yet.
I believe it is Rift
I agree its not just wow in sapce. Those that say it have never played it. Sure it has familiar mmo mechanics in combat ui, things like that. Notice i said mmo not wow
That said the story, voi , chioces which have more of an effect on your charactrer then people give them credit for., and companions as well as pop up quests for the kill x or y stuff makes this game so much less grindy then wow
I dont need reasons to play tor. I had a blast in beta ive had a blast in early access and i must say the more i play the more i love it.
That said she is given u her top 10 reasons for playing tor. That said people say the pvp doesnt work who havent even treid it
That said when pvp fanataics love pvp in tor and they do then u cant always listen to the people whining on this forum.
I only need one reason to play SWTOR...
Bounty Hunters.
GW2 is where some of the best pvp'rs on the planet are going to be. This is not joking or making stuff up. The blogs where some of the best pvp'rs hang out are clearly pointing to this.
MMORPG not based on gear with Korean type graphics from ArenaNET known for heavy emphasis on pvp and matched system + WvWvW which sounds like the best thing in mmorpg's since RvR in DAoC?
Good vid, but get back to me when gear starts becoming a factor when lvl 15's are in war fronts with lvl 50's in raid gear. Talk to me then.
Ahh GW's combat is much like wow. i played it. its not that revolutionary......... Keep dreaming buddy of a game that wont happen (at least not for a looooooonnnnggggggg time). Or maybe you should just pick up a console game next time you need a video game fix.
It's a GP (sliver) boss fight in RIFT.