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Game staff posting on gaming forums

osmundaosmunda Member Posts: 1,087

Well the Sword of Tears thread has strayed fairly far off the original topic, so  I'll post my response here.

When Theia first post here some critics praised him for engagement with the community.  It seems that now some are finding it "pathetic" and characterizing it as "stalking"  It may be unusual for game staff to post on outside forums, but is their prerogative every bit as much as it is for critics of the game. 


Originally posted by HerculesSAS

All I need to illustrate is that SV is the ONLY company that sends their GMs into forums to start talking up their game, and is even faster when they find out people are badmouthing it. 

I certainly don't mean to hold the Xsyon up as a gleaming example of the right way to do things, but you are claiming SV is unique in this and I could come up with this example without having to think twice.  I'm sure there are other examples, but I'd have to put some effort into looking.  Rich Bates (Virtus): Site Administrator

The example given of Theia following posters to other sites was Theia following Slapshot to sandboxer and Massively. As best I can tell, neither has posted at either of those sites for at least three months. 

Theia should be held to the same standards as any other poster on these forums, and deserves the same level of respect you expect from others (golden rule and all that)








  • DLangleyDLangley Member Posts: 1,407

    If you feel a thread has gone off topic, please report this issue. Do not create a duplicate thread.




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