Its been my experience that the ones that bitch about class imbalance or OP builds are the ones with little to no skills, and they use this excuse to cover their own inadiquacies.
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Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
The user and all related content has been deleted.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Thank you, he only assumes what a real marauder plays like by seeing others. That's laughable, an operative will knockdown and 3 shot most marauders. Same goes for the assassin, and a mara can't even touch a sorc with it's bubbles and heals, or the jugg with it's ungodly defenses.
Operatives cant 3 shot anyone since their nerf, Assassins havent been able to do that to anyone since the buff stacking nerf.
Marauders are also the only class to get an incoming heals debuff (-20%) which is far more powerful than any of the other burst classes abilities for taking out healers.
It sounds like you guys came from WoW where you were used to melee classes just facerolling for wins. Marauder is far from underpowered.
If you arent good at the class, go play something else. But saying that noone can play it well is just silly.
I'm guessing that marauder is the imp's sentinel? If so, you guys are pretty spot on--I'm amazed if I don't die within 3 seconds of being attacked by the other classes--and those "buffs" that last a few seconds...LOL, they do NOTHING in PVP! I actually tried that one ability that takes half of our HP and trades it for 90% damage reduction (supposedly for 5 or 6 seconds)...I swear to you it did absolutely nothing but take half of my health and made me easier/quicker to kill.
I know there are "better" builds for PVP, but I went up the combat tree because I'm not a fan of dot's (I hate them). Of course now I'm reading a lot of posts around the net saying that the combat tree is the least effective in combat...irony?LOL...Well, all I know is If I see an imp holding two sabers, that's the one I challenge most often...I still lose, but I feel like it was a fair fight lol
The goodnews is I won't call for any class to be nerfed because I suck at PVP anyway, and I've never been a gear grinder--I don't do the math on stats--if I see mostly green changes in the attributes that are most important to my class, I'll wear it.../shrug--so I'm not a "I have to be competitive" PVPer. I've been PVPing a lot the last few days because I've been grinding out my crew skills (will get back to my story once treasure hunting is done)...unfortunately, doing that took me out of the 10-49 range and put me in the 50 PVP bracket. Of course, I'm still amazed at how squishy I can be sometimes wearing my regular set of orange armor in a PVP match (don't have any "pvp" gear yet)--my mistake is mentioning that I'm level 50 w/only 11.5k hp and I'm taking 3000+ damage everytime someone hits me in our team's chat--a few people on my team didn't find that amusing in the slightest...they can be pretty mean lmao.
I will give mad props to the healers out there that allow me to last more than 10 seconds out of the med bays--I always smile when I get one of those "unstoppable" comments and trophies...of course I'm getting healed for the duration, but's nice lol
Oh real quick, an experience I had yesterday I think it was: You know that one WZ where you have to defend the doors or whatever--we went up against some imps that were truely UNSTOPPABLE--their kill stats were like 20's-50's and all of ours were under 10! I mean our med bays, or starting points, were constantly populated with more than 5 players! We'd head for a door and then meet up at the start was bad. The only thing I could think of, is we must've been outgeared and out was the most one-sided match I'd ever seen. It reminded of what some people were saying would happen due to that Ilum fiasco...not saying that's the reason this group was unstoppable, but now I can understand why people were so upset that there could be gear imbalance issues afterwards.
Thank you, he only assumes what a real marauder plays like by seeing others. That's laughable, an operative will knockdown and 3 shot most marauders. Same goes for the assassin, and a mara can't even touch a sorc with it's bubbles and heals, or the jugg with it's ungodly defenses.
Operatives cant 3 shot anyone since their nerf, Assassins havent been able to do that to anyone since the buff stacking nerf.
Marauders are also the only class to get an incoming heals debuff (-20%) which is far more powerful than any of the other burst classes abilities for taking out healers.
It sounds like you guys came from WoW where you were used to melee classes just facerolling for wins. Marauder is far from underpowered.
If you arent good at the class, go play something else. But saying that noone can play it well is just silly.
Well put. I find it funny that he's complaining about juggernaught since there was someone in here recently talking about how weak jugg and knight are. I saw on the official forums recently that a commando was complaining about class balance because he had a screen shot of his most recent warzone that showed he had no kills. This seems to happen with every game. You get people doing PVP who don't know how to play their class who then demand nerfs to make up for the fact that they suck.
Its been my experience that the ones that bitch about class imbalance or OP builds are the ones with little to no skills, and they use this excuse to cover their own inadiquacies.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Operatives cant 3 shot anyone since their nerf, Assassins havent been able to do that to anyone since the buff stacking nerf.
Marauders are also the only class to get an incoming heals debuff (-20%) which is far more powerful than any of the other burst classes abilities for taking out healers.
It sounds like you guys came from WoW where you were used to melee classes just facerolling for wins. Marauder is far from underpowered.
If you arent good at the class, go play something else. But saying that noone can play it well is just silly.
I'm guessing that marauder is the imp's sentinel? If so, you guys are pretty spot on--I'm amazed if I don't die within 3 seconds of being attacked by the other classes--and those "buffs" that last a few seconds...LOL, they do NOTHING in PVP! I actually tried that one ability that takes half of our HP and trades it for 90% damage reduction (supposedly for 5 or 6 seconds)...I swear to you it did absolutely nothing but take half of my health and made me easier/quicker to kill.
I know there are "better" builds for PVP, but I went up the combat tree because I'm not a fan of dot's (I hate them). Of course now I'm reading a lot of posts around the net saying that the combat tree is the least effective in combat...irony?LOL...Well, all I know is If I see an imp holding two sabers, that's the one I challenge most often...I still lose, but I feel like it was a fair fight lol
The goodnews is I won't call for any class to be nerfed because I suck at PVP anyway, and I've never been a gear grinder--I don't do the math on stats--if I see mostly green changes in the attributes that are most important to my class, I'll wear it.../shrug--so I'm not a "I have to be competitive" PVPer. I've been PVPing a lot the last few days because I've been grinding out my crew skills (will get back to my story once treasure hunting is done)...unfortunately, doing that took me out of the 10-49 range and put me in the 50 PVP bracket. Of course, I'm still amazed at how squishy I can be sometimes wearing my regular set of orange armor in a PVP match (don't have any "pvp" gear yet)--my mistake is mentioning that I'm level 50 w/only 11.5k hp and I'm taking 3000+ damage everytime someone hits me in our team's chat--a few people on my team didn't find that amusing in the slightest...they can be pretty mean lmao.
I will give mad props to the healers out there that allow me to last more than 10 seconds out of the med bays--I always smile when I get one of those "unstoppable" comments and trophies...of course I'm getting healed for the duration, but's nice lol
Oh real quick, an experience I had yesterday I think it was: You know that one WZ where you have to defend the doors or whatever--we went up against some imps that were truely UNSTOPPABLE--their kill stats were like 20's-50's and all of ours were under 10! I mean our med bays, or starting points, were constantly populated with more than 5 players! We'd head for a door and then meet up at the start was bad. The only thing I could think of, is we must've been outgeared and out was the most one-sided match I'd ever seen. It reminded of what some people were saying would happen due to that Ilum fiasco...not saying that's the reason this group was unstoppable, but now I can understand why people were so upset that there could be gear imbalance issues afterwards.
Well put. I find it funny that he's complaining about juggernaught since there was someone in here recently talking about how weak jugg and knight are. I saw on the official forums recently that a commando was complaining about class balance because he had a screen shot of his most recent warzone that showed he had no kills. This seems to happen with every game. You get people doing PVP who don't know how to play their class who then demand nerfs to make up for the fact that they suck.
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