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I mean graphic, settings, performance etc. ingame. It can be outside thing too like support, guides, help etc etc...
I know that guildwars is still on its beta stage, but we must be allowed to say what we think anyway
I miss:
--> A logout button (WTF ArenaNet, I don't think I'm the only one who have more characters)
--> Guild Vault (I think they're working on one at the guild hall island)
--> Swedish language (As you know my english is very bad and I got sometimes problems to understand the best skills, some quests etc. AND NO, Swedish Chef IS NOT the swedish language, that's a fucking muppet idiots language!!!!)
Re: logging out, try F10.
i personally dont like the lvl 20 cap, i know it has its good points (i've read up about it alot), but i still would rather it be at least 60.
(side note)- i have played all beta events so far, and im LOVING the progress of the game.
Change my mind so much I can't even trust it
My mind change me so much I can't even trust myself
Guild Wars is a good but but it seems like they made PvP "arena's" so everyone from other PvP (traditional) could come here and have a "fair" fight if they werent making it in other games,
ALSO (and guys im not trying to put the game down) it would of been a HELL OF ALOT of work for them to make the lvl cap any higher... you ever think why they made it a skill based game?
also it would have required more on OUR part computer wise and or THEIR part server wise i would think to make it a traditional MMORPG.
ANYWAYS i dont like the fact that we cant talk to people when fighting along with the 8 tabs only (if your gunna raise and buy spells why should we be limitted to how many we use at a certain time?
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half of the skill involved is choosing what skills to use at a certain time, the skills for PvE can vary differently from the skills that you'd use in PVP. For example the monk skill Vengence is next to useless in PvE but in PVP it can dramatically alter the outcome of a fight
if you could use all yours skills all the time then where is the challenge, you might as well remove the lvl limit and just let everyone go grinding, which would be boring.
edit: I also really miss Framke my wolf, and exploring in the shiver peaks.
this game has very good features. I like it the way it is except... Well I agree the level cap should be higher. Also maybe there should be weather and stuff and maybe u can actually meet others outside of town outposts. But I know its for GW's best. Areana Net has its reasons. GW is going to be a very good and respectable game!
The game was designed so people would be able to play for 30 min and have FUN. That is why there is a lvl 20 cap, so that people can level up quickly and go into quests, guild wars and ets, instead of continuing to gind away till level 395872093587203562095
not being able to do anything is kinda reatarded.
like you hit 20 and all of a sudden your done.
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I dont think the lvl cap should be a big matter. For all I know, I'd rather have 20 lvls cap at the most 30 or so. Where each lvl is very rewarding.
You can have a game where lvl cap could be 100 or 200. But each lvl you gain from that cannot be as rewarding as gaining a lvl in a cap of lvl 30 game. So does it really matter?? I wouldnt mind if they increased it slowly through the expacs though.
What I would miss is though cool spells, awesome quests. Love doing it with a outgoing party. Makes the game much more enjoyable.
no, you hit lvl20 then you start PvP... people need to get this levelling out of their head, it is not necessary. The aim of guild wars is questing and PvP - you level up during the questing as it gets harder, then play PvP when you are lvl 15-20. levelling is not the game, the fun comes from quests and pvp.
But if you still don't agree play the beta, play release and you will (should...) see that a lvl20 cap is perfect for the game GW is.
PvE in general is pretty lame, if you think long and hard about it. You are spending your time beating a severely gimped AI that would lose to a well trained monkey. Best not to think too long and hard why you are wasting time playing games in general actually...
What I miss?
Well .. the thing I'm a bit worried about ... is the limited single player options and Guild membership.
I very much like the game but I'm not in the ideal situation to be in a fanatic guild - though I'd like that. I think teams that have practiced together and have streamlined their tactics and combos will have the edge over teams made up of loose individuals.
I don't want to draw premature conclusions but I've got to see how it's going to work. I presume you'll get to know people and can always form a team from your friends list with who you can cooperate reasonably well - and perhaps decide you want to form a guild together later on. In other mmorpgs this works quite well but in GW you need up to 6 people who more or less have to cooperate.
Or should everyone become member of some guild or other? I suppose it will turn out that there will be guilds that rarely play and only have a few member on-line at the time (if at all) and guilds who are very fanatic. I wonder how this is going to work, that everyone is going to be in some guild or that a lot of players will remain individuals.
Just pondering a bit
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NOTHING is done when you reach lvl20 exept leveling?
Have u tryed the game?
when you reach lvl20, the fun begins
Like time to get your guild famous, finding rare weapons, you still have much missions and quests left, go explore on cool places, Lern things like new skills, get better armors etc etc etc.
You will always find new things to do, thx to ArenaNet who is working all the time with the game...
As I said, how much or less you have played the game... The fun has just begun!!!
Guildwars - WSC guild
-> Ingame: Frigus Fnys
-> Profession: N/Mo