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While Swtor and guildwars 2 arent rly games i get excited about, I was very excited about Tera
However, high subscription fees, numerous bots and insufficient game content troubled NHN Japan seriously. The game now charges a monthly subscription fee of about USD 38.6 and a three-month subscription fee of USD 96.5. Such fees are 1.5-2 times higher than those charged by other Japanese online games. Moreover, NHN Japan failed to effectively prevent players from using bots and offer sufficient content. All these make lots of Japanese players choose to quit TERA
TERA not doing well? Wow, color me shocked. /sarcasm
The bots and cheaters could be no problem at all in the english version since NHN (wich is also is known for that since all there games are filled with cheats
I'll tell you what's not a shock. Players bashing on a game with misinformation. I honestly do doubt the OP had any interest in the game at all with his 3 post counts, but for those of you who are itnerested in the real info, I will link you to the official forum dev response.
It seems that Tera hate is becoming a increasingly dangerous trend in the MMO industry. Now it's to the point where journalists don't have to do any fact checking about their sources (i.e. do their jobs) before bashing the game.
I'm not hear to sugarcoat the game, unlike a lot of people, including that article source, I have actually played Tera. Yes, Tera has problems as I have highlighted in several reviews of the game, which is why En Masse/Frogster haven't released it yet. However, the people behind J-Tera did not take that approach, and decided to release J-Tera without any of the K-Tera updates. The players like myself that have tried out Tera with all the updates say this game is amazing, and J-Tera launch =/= NA/EU launch.
I wasn't even going to respond to this post initially because I have come to terms with the fact that some people simply do not like Tera, and will post anything to convince others not to play it. But the fact of the matter is that Tera as it stands today is a VERY GOOD game, and it's only getting better with every new patch. Just like there are people that are going to hate on Tera regardless, there are a lot of players that are going to play Tera regardless, because they have been waiting for this style of MMO to come out.
Now that I have wasted enough time arguing with trolls on the internet forums about a game, I'm going to go back to enjoying Tera. If anybody here has read the link on J-Tera I posted and/or still want to know more about the game (good or bad) please feel free to ask questions.
40 bucks a month is a real shocker to me. No wonder things are going bad, not even Wow would be a large game with that fee.
What were they thinking?
Why do people assume Posts = Knowledge? I for one post rarely but read A LOT... just because i don't post does not mean i know nothing... thats just silly elitism from the post spammers imo.
I played k-tera for awhile and I have to agree that it is a great game. If they charged me $40 a month to play I wouldn't play it though.. But for $15 a month it is well worth it to me.
Of course the people complaining about the 40$ subscription fee should get their facts straight because all mmos cost that much in Japan.
A beer in Japan costs around 8-10 Bucks USD to help put it in perspective.
Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can
be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.
-Robert E. Howard
Even though the little snippit from the article clearly says they are charging 1.5 to 2 times the cost of the other mmo's in the country. Reading comprehension ftw I guess. The game will never be big here especially if ijji is in charge of it. They are ftp fraudsters that don't keep their games clean and never will, now consider the fact that every ijji game ovecharges for everything and I'd put money on this game failing unless someone else gets the publishing/hosting rights over here in the west.
NHN or is not in charge in the US, BHS is.
An article mentioned it was 1.5-2 times the amount of other subscription based games there.
Your kidding? Shit, that really sucks. A beer here in AU costs 3 bucks if your drinking real beer, not some fancy poofter imported cats piss which is priced at the around the same.
Any game that charges 40$ a month deserves to fail regardless how good it might be.
My Guild Wars 2 First Beta Weekend "reviewette" :
I don't need over 1000+ post counts to talk about Tera, because I've actually PLAYED THE GAME.
Even then I'm not demanding people believe what I say, just read the link that I posted as an official response to this article. But since nobody read it I will post it in this thread.
"Sup folks.
Hangame (NHN) is a separate company from En Masse Entertainment but here are some facts. First up, NHN's monthly fee is not indicative of what ours will be. TERA's subscription rates in North America will be in line with what you've come to expect from an MMO title. Second, while we can't speak for NHN, it sounds like they're simply consolidating servers which does not affect the number of players. And lastly, NHN's TERA service launched five months ago with a retail product.
Hope this clears things up! "
My post is simply here to explain to people that are interested in Tera that this article is flawed, and (possibly) biased. He says the game is too expensive compared to other MMOs in japan but he doesn't give a single example of what other MMO. Yes if you convert one form of currency into another form of currency things are going to look a lot more expensive. The other point he was trying to make was insufficient game content, but failed to mention that J-Tera purposefully decided to launch without any of K-Tera's content patches, that's a good 6-8 months of patches missing from the game at launch. The last thing the article failed to mention is that the people handling J-Tera have no involvement whatsoever with the people handling the EU/NA version, which makes the entire article COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to people not interested in J-Tera.
Well you can argue that as a journalist, it's possible he left all that stuff out because maybe he simply didn't know all those things. Well that's entirely the point of my post. This Editor is talking about stuff he doesn't even know. And even then I would have been fine, but someone took his ignorance into the Tera forums themselves, and so now other people have to step up and say something about it.
Well, firstly, posts counts don't matter. 2nd MMOsite is known to post anti-TERA articles. The problem is that there is plenty of it to go around. I've played TERA in both the English tests and Korean version and I can tell you, and everyone else that wants to argue about it that TERA is not a good game. En Masse can claim all they want that they are 'westernizing the game' but alls they are doing is waiting for Blue Hole to make like 2 more dungeons and send them memos about ideas that they have taken from other MMOs. TERA is a mediocre game, with very little content and a combat system while is interesting at first gets boring around level 20.
Anyone who thinks that TERA would do better here in the west then in Korea or Japan then they are fooling themselves. It's fine that people enjoy the game but don't lie and tell people it's good when it's not cause the public will surely bash this game to dust.
Your posts sound more bias then the article did.
EME/ Bluefrog Tera won't have IP locks. I don't see how they can get away with charging Japanese gamers with $40 a month for any title. Yes, they can keep me from playing a J-Tera game but they can't keep Japanese people out of the NA server.
Like others have said, they deserve to fail. Trying to convince me Japanese people are "used to paying" 250% the industry standard is bullshit piled real high.
[Mod Edit] ill wait patiently for spring 2012 when this game launches more complete than both the KR and the JP release. I, for one, am proud of what EME has done with Tera in NA. Their restraint with the launch proves they dont want to rush out something incomplete just like GW2.
Finally, a thread that involves beer in a constructive manner! I haven't been in Japan since 1997 when I was stationed in Sasebo, but the beers out in town (mainly Asahi) was anywhere from $5-$7 USD. I would imagine that price has only gone up in the 14 years since. That's why we'd get a buzz on base then finish the night out in town.
Stuff's just expensive over there...=D
JAion launched at the same monthly price as JTera, 3000 yen. You can't assume that this is an outrageous price without comparing it to prices of other games.
You mean other games like EVE, WoW, LotRO paid, EQ, SW-TOR and 200 other MMO's that play for $15 a month? With Global IP login?
The "other tera game" doesn't count. J-Aion launched at 3K Yen but when it went global how well did J-Aion do? That was my point. How long do J-Server games stay J-Server only after the game goes global at under half the price?
I wonder if their going to incoporate the price of tweaking into the monthly subscription fees?
Since the company is Frogster I wouldn't put it pass!
40$ monthly fee? what they are smoking?
Wtf, don't you people realize that a dollar is only worth what an economy makes of it? $9 for a beer, or $40 for a game subscription, means NOTHING without understanding how much that's worth in the context of that country's economy.
That aside, I thought the F2P model was a lot more common there, than it is here.. any chance that's the reason for Tera's lack of popularity? If they aren't used to paying sub fees for games, it might be a much bigger hurdle than it is here, regardless of the cost?
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.