To those that play SWTOR I have a question regarding the game and I hope that some of you would be courteous enough to spend some time answering my question.
SWTOR is a good game in your eyes, but surely there must be things you wish to see fixed or added to the game to make your enjoyment of playing the game a better experience. If you could add, fix, or change things to the game what would they be?
For instance, do you wish to see more races added? What about better guild features? Maybe you think waiting until level 25 to get a mount is to much and players should be able to get it sooner.
I am really curious as to what some of you might change, fix or add to the game.
If i was level 50 i could probably answer. I play since 16th december but i am still only 31. Right now everything is fine. However..
a) Personally i d allow people to pick up as many crafter professions as they want.
b) b is difficult. Its cool to fight your way through enemy terretory on your own, on the other hand the game feels a bit desertet. But most players dont cooperate sporadic in overland dungeons anyway. So who cares...
But even Space Stations are empty. I d allow crafting only on space stations and have certain merchands only on space stations.
- more companions and earlier more choice of companions. Some classes get totally boring companions, like that Lizard Qeyzen for Consular. BOOORING. And I am stuck with him way too long.
I LOVE him He is a challange because he is not really the "i forgive you" type of guy and its a bit diffcult to please him and the light side of force at the same time. In a different universe he would be a Klingon or Alien Predator
Thanks for all the honest and candid repsonses. Hopefully Bioware will address your concerns of your game and make it a better gaming experience that you can enjoy even more.
The guild functions really need the most work to them, personally I would like to see something more on lines with L2 for this. I want to see a guild leveling in place, but not something that just depends on the size of the guild to do it. Too many games have a guild leveling in place where the only way to move up is to invite every worthless scum that ever made and alt and leech from them until you have had enough and kick them to make room for the next batch of worthless scum.
Make the guild leader, no thats not right, force the guild leader to actually lead. Make the requirements for leveling thier guild take somethign from them personally in order to give them something better later on. Make it something that makes being a guild leader a special thing, a position that deserves respect and gets it because those in the guild know the sacrifices they had to endure to get that guild moved up.
Give the guilds a guild hall at lower levels, some basement flat in an old warehouse on some backwater planet to call thier own. As thier guild moves up give them a small fortress on a better known world, or a space station where they can have thier own galactic market and charge a small tax from people that stop by there on their way throughout the galaxy.
Have the guilds earn 'favor' in areas of space they do things in, the more thier memebers do to help a certain planet, the more favor they get there. Compare favor between all guilds on a planet and give special quests to the guild who has done the most for that planet over time. Maybe even open up special Flashpoints to the one on top. This would give the guilds a purpose to help people on the different worlds, even after they have moved off that planet and moved on to another. It also breeds competition between the guilds, this is a GOOD thing.
Give the guilds something that makes them special, dont make it like so many other games where a guild is just a title over your head and the only reason you are there is for the perks given by being a member of a lvl 25 guild that got that way because 25,000 losers were there before you.
Well thats my 2.5 cents.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
Thanks for all the honest and candid repsonses. Hopefully Bioware will fix your game and make it a better gaming experience that you can enjoy even more.
...and there is the expected passive-aggressive cheap-shot we've been waiting for. The game doesn't need to be "fixed," Teala. It's pretty damn good right now. These are just improvements we'd like to see that would make it even better than it is.
To those that play SWTOR I have a question regarding the game and I hope that some of you would be courteous enough to spend some time answering my question.
SWTOR is a good game in your eyes, but surely there must be things you wish to see fixed or added to the game to make your enjoyment of playing the game a better experience. If you could add, fix, or change things to the game what would they be?
For instance, do you wish to see more races added? What about better guild features? Maybe you think waiting until level 25 to get a mount is to much and players should be able to get it sooner.
I am really curious as to what some of you might change, fix or add to the game.
You don't like the game and that's ok. This just feels like you are seeking ammo for future swtor bashing thread.
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what
it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience
because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in
the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you
playing an MMORPG?"
Thanks for all the honest and candid repsonses. Hopefully Bioware will fix your game and make it a better gaming experience that you can enjoy even more.
...and there is the expected passive-aggressive cheap-shot we've been waiting for. The game doesn't need to be "fixed," Teala. It's pretty damn good right now. These are just improvements we'd like to see that would make it even better than it is.
Fixed...sorry, I did not mean for it to come across as passive-aggressive. I was genuine with my words.
Thanks for all the honest and candid repsonses. Hopefully Bioware will fix your game and make it a better gaming experience that you can enjoy even more.
...and there is the expected passive-aggressive cheap-shot we've been waiting for. The game doesn't need to be "fixed," Teala. It's pretty damn good right now. These are just improvements we'd like to see that would make it even better than it is.
Fixed...sorry, I did not mean for it to come across as passive-aggressive. I was genuine with my words.
It did come across that way, and kinda made me sorry I responded with my suggestion. I agree with Ct, this game doesn't need to be fixed. It isn't broken. But like ANY game out there, there is ALWAYS room for improvement.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
I play the game and I love it. Here are my list of changes, since you were so polite in asking this time around.
1) Change up some of the skill trees. I did not realize my Merc class shared a full skill tree with another class. That is...lazy.
2) Make the UI customizable. I think this will happen in the future.
3) Space combat pretty much sucks. But I knew that going into the game, so I am not terribly upset or worried about it.
4) Make slicing a crafting system that actually does something! My choice between crates of money (the money value has been lowered a lot) or an augument which no one uses. /lesigh
5) Tier PVP. Even if you boost my stats to match a level 50 player, he is still going to kick my butt because he has a lot more skills than I do. I think this will be address later as well.
6) Easier and better grouping system would be nice. I am sure they will get to that.
7) I will have to agree that grouping while doing quests or story lines is extremely difficult. My friend and I played from about level 5 to 10 together. His main story line quests would be on the other side of the map from mine. That was incredibly annoying. However, I LOVE the quests in this game. Full voice acting? Awesome! Consequences to my choices? Awesome! Just let me bring my friends with me please.
8) More classes, more races. All of that will be addressed in the future.
All in all, this is a great game. I also realize it has just been released, so I am not worried about the changes I would like to see happen. I have no doubt many will be addressed in future patches or expansions. So I am perfectly happy now.
I really love the game so far but there are a few things I would like to see implemented, but they aren't gamebreaking for me.
1) LFG tool. I'm not talking about a LFD to queue for flashpoints but a slick interface for displaying all LFG members of your faction and sorting them by role, and what they are LFG for.
2) Improved Global Trade Network UI. Basically have the ability to search for keywords right off the bat and improve the sorting of the items.
3) Improved Companion custimization and hide helmet toggle.
4) Expand the planets with future content. I know they are going to add planets but I'd love to see them expand the worlds for higher level content by adding new areas on the existing worlds.
5) More mini games. I really enjoy the space mini game and would like to see more content akin to this. It really helps break up the monotony of questing. They could do so much such as racing, pazak, or anything else perhaps with companions?
6) More warzones. This one is self explanatory but I do enjoy the warzones they have. It would probably be good to have another faction neutral warzone like huttball to help out the empire players and give them variety.
7) Duel Spec or Fast and Cheap respeccing. A lot of people are confused about this but I'm not talking about duel spec as in changing your advance class, but rather changing from a Tank tree to a DPS tree. This is really just a convenience feature and would give the player more flexibility.
8) Shared account bank (server specific only). I could see this one being a legacy system feature.
9) Armor dying
10) Chat bubbles option
Beyond this it really goes down to just add more content but that's something they will do anyways.
First let me start of by saying I'm currently logged in as I write this to SWTOR and I'm level 35, my highest level so far. I've played many MMOs over the last 15 years and in my real life I am a business owner.
That being said. The game has issues that need to be resolved quicky. Issues that, in my opinion, should be resolved in pre-launch beta phases prior to release.
1) The game suffers graphical glitches across many different hardware profiles. The graphics engine appears to not take advantage of 64 bit operating systems as well as multiple processing cores. I can personally verify that this game also has numerous memory leaks as well. 4 gig ram is MINIMUM required and you WILL be running at 90+% after a few short hours.
2) The game seems to have many areas where "attention to detail" was lacking. For instance, vendors are very unorganized with how they offer their items, if you use the sort functions such as, Sort by usable, you don't see items that are in fact, "usable". Auto attack buttons on companions reset so you're constantly having to micro manage abilities you dont want them using, such as AE in a single target or Crowd control fight. little stuff like that.
3) PVP is in the game but reallllly isn't very good. They should have just left it out altogether or invested much more time and effort into it because in its present state is in need of much improving. Warzones are decent and entertaining for now, but much of the PVP community wants more in the form of Open world PVP objectives and rewards. Currently there is absolutely 0 reward for killing a player in the levels 10-40. It seems as though you're even discouraged from doing so based on how the maps are. This is very dissappointing given that in Star Wars, Empire/Republic are pretty much always having it out ont he battlefield or in space.....which leads to
4) Like PVP, Space Combat feels like it was just thrown in there because it should be but wasn't really well thought out. Its basically a 3-7 minute mini game with 0 interaction from real people (which I would hope for from an MMO) Its just like your escape from the MMO, which I admit at times is kind of nice but in the LONG RUN, I want to fear being shot at by the other team and I want to show off my ship and its upgrades to my friends in space. I dont think thats asking too much from STAR WARS
5) Chat/Social/LFG needs improvements. The Current LFG system kind of feels like FFXI which works for them and CAN work for SWTOR IF the community accepts it. Since it seems like a majority of players come from WoW, they wont accept it so SWTOR will fail here if they dont:
- put in an option to see chat bubbles
- improve the LFG functions. I suggest as a way to keep the current system, just que the player upon login if he/she would like to be flagged as LFG and show them how to do many players still dont even know they can flag LFG
As a business owner, if my brain child project, SWTOR was released in its current state and if I wasn't directly responsible myself for its condition upon release, I would make some cuts to my staff. I would have had plenty of time to study the market given the freedom of information obtained from market research, forum research and personal experpiences. I should know by now the tolerance of the market is not what it used to be due to the oversaturation of MMO options in the market and the ongoing list of fall short projects that have been released in the previous 5 years. I would soon realize I either need to take a more direct role in the ongoing future of this project, scrap it altogether or completely rearrange the structure of those responsible for the games progress and evolution.
I dont run an MMO, but I do run a successful service oriented business. The best lesson anyone can learn in todays economy is that your customer means more to you now than ever before. Ignoring them will punish your business 10x more than you will account for.
Dragnon - Guildmaster - Albion Central Bank in Albion Online
Just started playing two days ago. All previous experience was from CB. There are a few things I've noticed.
Of course the High Res textures, was first.
Second was the fact NPC's on the sidelines - such as officers speaking to their troops, etc..- Don't seem to speak anymore, not sure if I just missed the loop or not, never happened in beta though. Considering in beta the game was around 30gigs and is now 18 gigs, I wonder if some things such as this were removed.
Another new thing I've notced is the action delay in WZ PVP, I don't recall that happening in beta.
Right now I think they have to fix the action responsivness, the fluff can wait, PVP can't.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
-There are tons of races existing as NPCs that'd I'd like to be able to play.
-The Auction House (GTN) UI really needs help.
-Wish there were an easier way to compare items with mods side by side instead of opening up an item and writing down the stats. Surely I must be doing this the hard way.
-Where are the RPers?
-Sith Corruption has to be reclicked ever time you zone... gets annoying GOOD NEWS! They just patch fixed this.
I still love the game!
As for the rest of the complaints, desires, suggestions, whatever you wanna call it, yeah I agree all these things would improve the game.
I think the problem we're encountering here is that some people think certain things are game breaking that others think are fluff. Its cool that we have different view points, thats what makes life interesting.
Thanks for all the honest and candid repsonses. Hopefully Bioware will fix your game and make it a better gaming experience that you can enjoy even more.
...and there is the expected passive-aggressive cheap-shot we've been waiting for. The game doesn't need to be "fixed," Teala. It's pretty damn good right now. These are just improvements we'd like to see that would make it even better than it is.
Dont mind Teala....she knows ArcheAge is gonna flop, and is gonna go ahead to get her disgust out now. If no legitimate company wanted to make your type of game, you would be upset as well. Cut her some slack.
As you say Ct, having a great time, but of course things can be improved. That is the nice thing about MMOs....the good ones evolve.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
If i was level 50 i could probably answer. I play since 16th december but i am still only 31. Right now everything is fine. However..
a) Personally i d allow people to pick up as many crafter professions as they want.
b) b is difficult. Its cool to fight your way through enemy terretory on your own, on the other hand the game feels a bit desertet. But most players dont cooperate sporadic in overland dungeons anyway. So who cares...
But even Space Stations are empty. I d allow crafting only on space stations and have certain merchands only on space stations.
c) Raise texture quality of armor by 30%
I LOVE him He is a challange because he is not really the "i forgive you" type of guy and its a bit diffcult to please him and the light side of force at the same time. In a different universe he would be a Klingon or Alien Predator
Thanks for all the honest and candid repsonses. Hopefully Bioware will address your concerns of your game and make it a better gaming experience that you can enjoy even more.
The guild functions really need the most work to them, personally I would like to see something more on lines with L2 for this. I want to see a guild leveling in place, but not something that just depends on the size of the guild to do it. Too many games have a guild leveling in place where the only way to move up is to invite every worthless scum that ever made and alt and leech from them until you have had enough and kick them to make room for the next batch of worthless scum.
Make the guild leader, no thats not right, force the guild leader to actually lead. Make the requirements for leveling thier guild take somethign from them personally in order to give them something better later on. Make it something that makes being a guild leader a special thing, a position that deserves respect and gets it because those in the guild know the sacrifices they had to endure to get that guild moved up.
Give the guilds a guild hall at lower levels, some basement flat in an old warehouse on some backwater planet to call thier own. As thier guild moves up give them a small fortress on a better known world, or a space station where they can have thier own galactic market and charge a small tax from people that stop by there on their way throughout the galaxy.
Have the guilds earn 'favor' in areas of space they do things in, the more thier memebers do to help a certain planet, the more favor they get there. Compare favor between all guilds on a planet and give special quests to the guild who has done the most for that planet over time. Maybe even open up special Flashpoints to the one on top. This would give the guilds a purpose to help people on the different worlds, even after they have moved off that planet and moved on to another. It also breeds competition between the guilds, this is a GOOD thing.
Give the guilds something that makes them special, dont make it like so many other games where a guild is just a title over your head and the only reason you are there is for the perks given by being a member of a lvl 25 guild that got that way because 25,000 losers were there before you.
Well thats my 2.5 cents.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
...and there is the expected passive-aggressive cheap-shot we've been waiting for. The game doesn't need to be "fixed," Teala. It's pretty damn good right now. These are just improvements we'd like to see that would make it even better than it is.
You don't like the game and that's ok. This just feels like you are seeking ammo for future swtor bashing thread.
Epic Music:
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
Fixed...sorry, I did not mean for it to come across as passive-aggressive. I was genuine with my words.
It did come across that way, and kinda made me sorry I responded with my suggestion. I agree with Ct, this game doesn't need to be fixed. It isn't broken. But like ANY game out there, there is ALWAYS room for improvement.
(DISCLAIMER - The use of the word YOU in the above post is not directed at any one person in particular, but towards those who fall into the category itself - there is no personal attack here, neither intentional nor implied.)
I play the game and I love it. Here are my list of changes, since you were so polite in asking this time around.
1) Change up some of the skill trees. I did not realize my Merc class shared a full skill tree with another class. That is...lazy.
2) Make the UI customizable. I think this will happen in the future.
3) Space combat pretty much sucks. But I knew that going into the game, so I am not terribly upset or worried about it.
4) Make slicing a crafting system that actually does something! My choice between crates of money (the money value has been lowered a lot) or an augument which no one uses. /lesigh
5) Tier PVP. Even if you boost my stats to match a level 50 player, he is still going to kick my butt because he has a lot more skills than I do. I think this will be address later as well.
6) Easier and better grouping system would be nice. I am sure they will get to that.
7) I will have to agree that grouping while doing quests or story lines is extremely difficult. My friend and I played from about level 5 to 10 together. His main story line quests would be on the other side of the map from mine. That was incredibly annoying. However, I LOVE the quests in this game. Full voice acting? Awesome! Consequences to my choices? Awesome! Just let me bring my friends with me please.
8) More classes, more races. All of that will be addressed in the future.
All in all, this is a great game. I also realize it has just been released, so I am not worried about the changes I would like to see happen. I have no doubt many will be addressed in future patches or expansions. So I am perfectly happy now.
More guild features + PvP feature. Taking and hold objective for example, PvP competitions.
Costumizable ship. Change the interior and make it act like a home in other game. Not really a must for me though, but a interesting feature.
Hopefully one day a "free-fly" mode for ships.
I really love the game so far but there are a few things I would like to see implemented, but they aren't gamebreaking for me.
1) LFG tool. I'm not talking about a LFD to queue for flashpoints but a slick interface for displaying all LFG members of your faction and sorting them by role, and what they are LFG for.
2) Improved Global Trade Network UI. Basically have the ability to search for keywords right off the bat and improve the sorting of the items.
3) Improved Companion custimization and hide helmet toggle.
4) Expand the planets with future content. I know they are going to add planets but I'd love to see them expand the worlds for higher level content by adding new areas on the existing worlds.
5) More mini games. I really enjoy the space mini game and would like to see more content akin to this. It really helps break up the monotony of questing. They could do so much such as racing, pazak, or anything else perhaps with companions?
6) More warzones. This one is self explanatory but I do enjoy the warzones they have. It would probably be good to have another faction neutral warzone like huttball to help out the empire players and give them variety.
7) Duel Spec or Fast and Cheap respeccing. A lot of people are confused about this but I'm not talking about duel spec as in changing your advance class, but rather changing from a Tank tree to a DPS tree. This is really just a convenience feature and would give the player more flexibility.
8) Shared account bank (server specific only). I could see this one being a legacy system feature.
9) Armor dying
10) Chat bubbles option
Beyond this it really goes down to just add more content but that's something they will do anyways.
First let me start of by saying I'm currently logged in as I write this to SWTOR and I'm level 35, my highest level so far. I've played many MMOs over the last 15 years and in my real life I am a business owner.
That being said. The game has issues that need to be resolved quicky. Issues that, in my opinion, should be resolved in pre-launch beta phases prior to release.
1) The game suffers graphical glitches across many different hardware profiles. The graphics engine appears to not take advantage of 64 bit operating systems as well as multiple processing cores. I can personally verify that this game also has numerous memory leaks as well. 4 gig ram is MINIMUM required and you WILL be running at 90+% after a few short hours.
2) The game seems to have many areas where "attention to detail" was lacking. For instance, vendors are very unorganized with how they offer their items, if you use the sort functions such as, Sort by usable, you don't see items that are in fact, "usable". Auto attack buttons on companions reset so you're constantly having to micro manage abilities you dont want them using, such as AE in a single target or Crowd control fight. little stuff like that.
3) PVP is in the game but reallllly isn't very good. They should have just left it out altogether or invested much more time and effort into it because in its present state is in need of much improving. Warzones are decent and entertaining for now, but much of the PVP community wants more in the form of Open world PVP objectives and rewards. Currently there is absolutely 0 reward for killing a player in the levels 10-40. It seems as though you're even discouraged from doing so based on how the maps are. This is very dissappointing given that in Star Wars, Empire/Republic are pretty much always having it out ont he battlefield or in space.....which leads to
4) Like PVP, Space Combat feels like it was just thrown in there because it should be but wasn't really well thought out. Its basically a 3-7 minute mini game with 0 interaction from real people (which I would hope for from an MMO) Its just like your escape from the MMO, which I admit at times is kind of nice but in the LONG RUN, I want to fear being shot at by the other team and I want to show off my ship and its upgrades to my friends in space. I dont think thats asking too much from STAR WARS
5) Chat/Social/LFG needs improvements. The Current LFG system kind of feels like FFXI which works for them and CAN work for SWTOR IF the community accepts it. Since it seems like a majority of players come from WoW, they wont accept it so SWTOR will fail here if they dont:
- put in an option to see chat bubbles
- improve the LFG functions. I suggest as a way to keep the current system, just que the player upon login if he/she would like to be flagged as LFG and show them how to do many players still dont even know they can flag LFG
As a business owner, if my brain child project, SWTOR was released in its current state and if I wasn't directly responsible myself for its condition upon release, I would make some cuts to my staff. I would have had plenty of time to study the market given the freedom of information obtained from market research, forum research and personal experpiences. I should know by now the tolerance of the market is not what it used to be due to the oversaturation of MMO options in the market and the ongoing list of fall short projects that have been released in the previous 5 years. I would soon realize I either need to take a more direct role in the ongoing future of this project, scrap it altogether or completely rearrange the structure of those responsible for the games progress and evolution.
I dont run an MMO, but I do run a successful service oriented business. The best lesson anyone can learn in todays economy is that your customer means more to you now than ever before. Ignoring them will punish your business 10x more than you will account for.
Dragnon - Guildmaster - Albion Central Bank in Albion Online
Just started playing two days ago. All previous experience was from CB. There are a few things I've noticed.
Of course the High Res textures, was first.
Second was the fact NPC's on the sidelines - such as officers speaking to their troops, etc..- Don't seem to speak anymore, not sure if I just missed the loop or not, never happened in beta though. Considering in beta the game was around 30gigs and is now 18 gigs, I wonder if some things such as this were removed.
Another new thing I've notced is the action delay in WZ PVP, I don't recall that happening in beta.
Right now I think they have to fix the action responsivness, the fluff can wait, PVP can't.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
As for the rest of the complaints, desires, suggestions, whatever you wanna call it, yeah I agree all these things would improve the game.
I think the problem we're encountering here is that some people think certain things are game breaking that others think are fluff. Its cool that we have different view points, thats what makes life interesting.
Dont mind Teala....she knows ArcheAge is gonna flop, and is gonna go ahead to get her disgust out now. If no legitimate company wanted to make your type of game, you would be upset as well. Cut her some slack.
As you say Ct, having a great time, but of course things can be improved. That is the nice thing about MMOs....the good ones evolve.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.