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At the moment I am currently playing SWTOR and made my character. I am currently lvl 11 but don't really feel like relvling that much.
Has anyone ever felt like they lost connection to their character? How do you get it back? At the moment it seems like I'm playing the character without knowing what's going on.
Take a break from playing. Find free to play game for a while. If you really like SWTOR, you will return to it.
Currently Play: ?
Occasionally Play: Champions, Pirates of the Burning Sea, WOW, EVE ONLINE
I do like SWTOR. Just kind of lost on with what is going on.
That is what happened to me in that game. It never clicked. It should have, but it didn't, and I just couldn't log into beta any more. I tried to play the Consular. I do not know what exactly it was that made me loose interest in her, never happened in any of the other games I have ever played SWTOR was the first game where I totally lost interest in the character I was playing. Maybe all the lackluster boring sidequest mixed with the storyline quest just killed it for me. Maybe because she had one valid lightsaber attack. Maybe it was the fact that the whole class tree was just weird and made little to no sense. It's as if Bioware didn't know what they wanted the Consular to be and it felt dis-jointed, uncohesive - maybe a combination of it all. I do not know. I just know...I just lost interest in her. It was an the planet Nar Shadda after leaving the planet Taris.
BTW just so you know, I tried a Smuggler as well and never made it off the starter world. That place bored me to tears with the side quest and the main quest line was so poorly written - it was the last straw.
Plus, nothing I did seem to make a difference, and that really annoyed me. The least Bioware could have done was use phasing for certain areas so it seemed like our characters made a difference in what they were doing. It wasn't like we were ever going back there again. That would have helped on all the starter worlds and some of the others. After doing that creature quest on Taris I would have hoped they would have used phasing there - a lot! Nope.
Anyway, yes, I know how you feel. I really wanted this game to be good, too. Sadly it disappointed and frustrated me to no end that Bioware delivered such an average game.
Maybe you need to play a different character. Try some other classes, see if you get a feel for them and their storylines. Sometimes a small thing like changing class or even gender/race can make the game interesting again.
A few factors made it difficult for me to like my character a lot.
Firstly, the lackluster character creation. I just couldn't really make a character I could connect with right off the bad. That sucked
The gear, most of which I find terribly uninspired, uncreative, uncool both for design and coloring. So another factor of my not liking the visuals of my character.
Then, there was something that annoyed the heck out of me.
{mod edit}
BOYCOTTING EA / ORIGIN going forward.
Thanks for the responses all.
I've spent an inordinate amount of time playing the game on the Republic side. I quickly lose interest at Coruscant. I've taken about a week break or so (playing a bunch of other games from Steam/Amazon sales). I'm going to head back in on the Imp sid eand see if it makes me feel any better
I think it's all about finding the right combination of class / gender / attitude. Some combinations didn't do it for me at all. A few classes came across as bland, and two or three planets totally lost me (Balmorra, I'm looking at you).
The loss of connection you're speaking of first happened to me playing a Jedi Knight. I almost nodded off.
The Republic side starter worlds are just too boring in my opinion. I find Korriban and Hutta much more interesting. Smuggler and Trooper stories are not bad, but Ord Mantell really does try your patience.
Also, companions are a huge factor - just make sure you really like your first companion! You're going to have him / her for some time.
My favorite combinations are probably Sith Warrior / female / deep dark side, Imperial Agent / male / light side-ish (yeah, yeah, I know) and Bounty Hunter / male / neutral.
The above posters are right in that side quests in this game may grind your level of interest to your character down to a halt. A possible solution to this is mostly playing your class story, accepting only the world quests that look *really intriguing* to you, and if necessary fill the missing XP with some warzones and space combat - doing these I don't do half the side quests and still keep outleveling the planets I'm on.
It happens to me in almost every game (single or mmo). Sometimes I just "click" with my character(s) and sometimes I don't "feel it".
I don't own SWTOR yet (red zoner here) so it's a bit hard to give you tips. However, If i understand you correctly, you are overwhelmed with what to do next, how to proceed with your character, what your character's "role" or place in the world is; in short: you aren't connected to it.
For me at least, it helps to stop the leveling process for a bit and simply look at my skills, my gear, and mostly - the concept I want for my character. Sometimes a clearer view of your character's concept, combined with a more careful look at the different skills and trees will help you understand what you want to do next.
Don't give up on this character so soon, you just might connect to it yet.
Anyhow I wish you good luck and happy hunting.
As others have said, it's the combination of class, advanced class, gender (for the voice acting, makes a big difference).
I could never play a jedi past the mid-teens, bored me silly, and even trying a dark jedi didn't help (voices didn't really work).
Female trooper sucked me right in (Jennifer Hale, got to be renegade fem-Shep all over again), and the storyline surpised me enough to keep me interested, wasn't what I was expecting at all.
I find Imp side altogether more interesting in general. I have an Operative, a Mercenary and a Sorc all at various stages of levelling, and I find them all to be fun in different ways. In terms of attachment, I'm pretty attached to my agent, and Sorc was the class I played highest in testing, and I recreated the character perfectly for release, even down to the name. Got to the mid 40's on her, and despite there being a billion Sorcs now, I still want to see how the story ends.
I know if I had started out with a Knight or a Consular, I'd really have a different attitude to the game in all likelihood. If you get to the stage where you've gotten your ship and the story has widened a bit, and you still just can't relate to the character, I'd say try something else. I ran around for a few hours yesterday with a chap who switched sides because he was bored silly Republic side with a level 41 Knight.
It's different tastes, that's all.
If by "average," you mean fun as hell, then I agree. Anyway, to the OP: Maybe it's the class you are playing. Some storylines are just more fun than others.
you are level 11 and you "lost connection" with you character? takes like 6 hours to get to level do you loose connection that fast?
i personaly go really bored right arround level 10esh but i must say things get more interesting as soon as you start moving from planet to planet, do some pvp, and defenately fun once you get your personal ship. i say push through a few more levels (arround 17 you get your ship) and see if you "re-connect", and if not then just re-roll a different character.
I lost interest while playing any class on republic side but moment i rolled BH..every thing changed.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
yea BH are super fun in pvp however, meh....too much time standing still casting with too little in the way of cc. still, you get some bad ass armor and Death from Above never gets old :P
You mean sex from above ;p
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
assume you weant Merc.. cause powertech is all about being mobile and has decent CC
Yeah I kinda lost connection with character in latest Bioware games like DA2 and Swtor (when I tried it at beta).
Only (and almost always) 3 dialogue choices. This is worsened by paraphrasing.
So it feels more like I am DIRECTING a movie with some fictional character than actually BEING this fictional character.
If you catch my meaning.
It'll never click for me, if those dialogues are made like that.
Really I am missing big, relatelive complex dialogues with alot of choices that were existing in games like Fallout 2 , Baldur's Gate 2 , Arcanum , Vampire:The Masquarade ,etc
Less flashy movie ,more substance please...
When a mmo catches my interest for whatever reason the very first task is to find out what class, what character would be my link to this mmo.
If i dont like my avatar i dont play the mmo bcs the avatar is my alter ego.
For example in Daoc i was a Troll Berzerker, in SWG a Droid Engineer, in AoC a Necromancer (Pet-Based) and in SWTOR i am a Bounty Hunter (Powertech).
I allways have only one Main Avatar and sometimes a few sidekicks for storing/banking and leveling with friends.
In Lotro, which is fundamentally a good game, i never got a link to my/any avatar/class and forced me to play with friends as long they stayed there - now i am happy i must not longer play it.
If SWTOR would only offer Jedi and Sith i would stay away from it, but i like the background of an independent Bounty Hunter chasing Force Freaks and kill as many Jedi and let Sith come to death on the way of my career as possible.
The Independence of a Bounty Hunter fits my state of mind, the technical equipment fits my fun for avant garde equipment, i like to make money and i love to freeze people and throw fire around me, being the unspoken fear of my future opponents.
The Bounty Hunter is perfect to me and at the end of the Story i will find out if there is a game left worth to play - but my Avatar holds me linked to the game at least until then!
PS - The Char-Editor:
Yeah, it has options but not that much and not that different like some of the better examples out, even Perfect World offers more (one of the best if you never tried out).
But usually i never find more than one or two looks i like and in SWTOR i finally made a Rattataki in the 4th attempt and its ok to me.
One Problem is, that they look different in colourtone ingame compared to the editor.
Also the armor makes them look better or worse.
But again a game where the male option is viable.
"Torquemada... do not implore him for compassion. Torquemada... do not beg him for forgiveness. Torquemada... do not ask him for mercy. Let's face it, you can't Torquemada anything!"
MWO Music Video - What does the Mech say:
Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around:
I'm really dissatisfied with the female hair styles. I've created and destroyed this one toon maybe 8 times or more, just because I try one style and then after awhile...yuck...delete and start over.
I have a male character that so. When I initially created him he looked alright. But today I'm looking at him and he is white, white. Like he is too white, lol. Like almost white as my text type. I don't recall making him THAT white. And the beard styles are too damn fluffy. Usually my male characters have a ponytail and then a goatee. But no ponytail and the goatee is this big fluffy thing. Damn I have a goatee in real life and it's not this big fluffy monstrosity, it's neatly trimmed.
We really need an ingame character editor and we really need more hairstyles and an appearance tab. And how about the ability to color armor. Sucks not matching.
I guess this is all superficial stuff but maybe I am superficial. I hate looking like crap in a game. I am an artist. How hard is it to make some decent hair styles and beards ?!! I'll tell you...its not hard at all unless you suck as an artist.
You might want to try the jedi knight it has a stronger storyline and the side quests fit more for a fighter than a thinker... also teala from your prevous comments I would say you went in with a negative view of the game.
The jedi knight has some convo options that can make you feel like a good guy that's had it with the bad guy's antics... "I will hunt you down wherever you hide in the galaxy!" "I don't plan on hiding so come and get me."
IMO unless you *need* the experience don't do the side quests just do the main planet quest & your story because those are the ones that are done very well.
yes if you press or spam 2 or 3 key too long server kick you!
The main problem is that your character isn't your own. You are really just going through scripted motions with the illusion of some sort of choice through the dialog choices. The whole experience is shoved down your throat.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
Never felt even for a second that story is being shoved down my throat. Infact i felt very much part of it and my character meant something with a good back ground story.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
Guess it depend on a person then. Not unusual to perceive same thing very diffrently by diffrent people.
I share MindTrigger opinion.
Obviously it depends upon person to person
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi