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Looks like Mortal Online was voted second best overall sandbox MMO and first best fantasy sandbox MMO of 2011. What do you guys think of that?
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I think there obviously hasn't been many good Sandbox mmos....
Mortal Online (22%, 418 Votes)
Must've been every MO player coming out to vote.
Site is crap, poll is crap, don't care. Specially considering that the site is mainly populated by MO and DF fans.
I dont think this means very much especially after reading this off that site:
Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.
Haha, Earthrise got one vote. Id say yes, Mortal Online is better than the others in my opinion but to each his own, right?
That's what I love about it.
We'll according to the poll almost half the people on Sandboxer are MortalOnline or DF fans.
Really I don't know of to many other websites dedicated to just sandbox MMOs. If there were I would be trawling through there as well.
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!
Sounds about right, but lets be honest since the SOB and SOE ended SWG top slots are much easier to get. I mean to me swg has still been the only great sandbox, but it was really great mabey the best mmo ever of any type. Eve for sure deserved to win and I would not dispute mortal getting the 2 slot though.
strange, i thought swg was very disapointing myself. The game i palyed on release was nothing like the game i was expecting it felt like a typical mmo with some sandbox elements wrapped with a star wars skin. But it was generic there really was no starwars feel to it. The combat was typical mmo afair and felt way to slow paced for the starwars universe. Although i was coming straight from UO so the sandbox elements werent as impressive as they might of been to other gamers.
I quit the game just before the NGE release. EVE certainly deserves the top spot since its a very solid mmo with some amazing sandbox elements. Its just abit of a snooze fest for me and the grind is quite awful.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Only reason EvE is on top in that poll is because the poll was linked in several EvE communities, so I would say that the permanent fanbase of that site is mainly DF and MO, not just half.
Fair enough...
If you know of any other pvp based sandbox MMO websites please keep us informed.
I like this site, but it just pisses me off when I see the current forum activity is all The Old Republic threads.
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!
Otherwise, no. The sandboxer per se is not bad, but the guy running it got a lot to learn, like not adding additional choices to the poll after it been published.
That podcast is linked to Yes that podcast is great, but ofcourse I know about it since it's linked to the top of sandboxer.
Anyways back on subject. It's nice to see the Mortal Online comunity really pull through and bring Mortal Online almost to the top of the list.
I mean there are like a quarter of a million Eve Online subscribers, and maybe 20,000 Mortal Online subscribers at most. It's amazing they could bring the community together like that for there game.
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!
One. Ultima Online is the best fantasy sandbox, especially considering it's still pulling in subscriptions 15 years after launch. No other MMO can claim that.
Secondly, the poll is probably fairly accurate. The only reason MO landed in second is because DF isn't really even a true sandbox. There's not a whole lot to do in that game other than join a guild and attack people.
I think it just shows how poor the competition is. Your top sandbox is a sci-fi space spreadsheet MMO. In other words, the best fantasy sandbox right now is a two year old game that no one really wants to play. That's not saying much for the genre is it?
[Mod Edit]
Can you explain how you can come to the conclusion MO has 20k subscribers? Seriously?? Can you PLEASE give me just one shread of evidence they even have 10k?
Let's not resort to personal attacks guys. Thanks.
Let's see now, there is MO, DF and? UO?
This might get interesting once a fantasy sandbox gets more than a handful players, UO is 15 years old and still have most players and that say a lot.
But besides AA there isn't much I have heard of releasing the next few years either, unless Zenimax secret game is a fantasy sandbox as well (not unlikely, but their lead designer is one of the dudes behind DaoC).
It is not a good website. EVE had a major expansion and they did not even do a story on it only supplied a link. But when MO has a burp they do a full story.
They alos added poll choices after the poll started and they did not add UO. If you are not going to add UO to a best sandbox poll it is fail.
imo UO will always be the best sandbox mmo, mainly because i had so much fun with it from playing it since the TSA expansion launched. It certainly deserves the title. However i played UO for quite a long time and i really couldnt go back to it without my whole guild going back to it and in truth most of them have never played it and will never play it due to the graphics. Most recent mmo players will not be able to get passed the graphics and design of UO which is a shame because i feel like they are missing out but UO had its chance to upgrade to a fully 3d game and EA put a stop to that. So that leaves the majority of mmo gamers who do not want a game with terribly dated graphics a choice between EVE Darkfall and MO.
this would be the order i would put them in. However MO really only just nudges darkfall at this stage. However UO has little to no real future imo it is a great game but it is the past. EVE is way to slow paced for my liking i played it for a year and i couldnt stomach going back to it and i hope infinity releases at some point. MO is the game with the most potential out of darkfall and MO and thats why i wouldnt be suprised if it wins sandbox of the year next year provided the Devs keep SV afloat.
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
how the hell would DarkFall be behind MO? its better from every single aspect.
Please, that site is a total joke. Check out the "review" it gave SWTOR, The "reviewer" more than likely never played or only played a beta weekend.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
In AA we trust. Long will be our wait.
this game still exists?
How is this game now? i havent played since Dawn released. I still have an active sub but i wont bother to play it yet unless they have added some real PvE content. Anyone know if they have added any yet?
Currently Playing Path of Exile
THEY working on new AI
game still bugged