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I rolled republic and this server was full when I took that pic and yet on the other side it's crowded with hundreds in that area. On the Republic side there was around 60 people on the whole station and you never see any one around on the planets.
Need more people to join Republic!
Server: Bloodworthy which is always full during peak times though the population is slowly declining.
I wish I knew what the draw was on the Empire side. All my friends are playing on the Empire side and I don't really like playing a bad guy. I could play a good imperial agent...but really, what's the point in that?
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Red lightsabers can only be had by empire sith I believe (or while your neutral faction with good/bad points).
It is of my opinion that there are a lot of people wanting to vroom vroom with red lightsabers.
Possible clothing looks better on "evil" side as well.
Yeah its going to take about 3 months i think for it to start to even out, cause pretty much everyone i have spoken to have rolled empire but intend to roll republic once they have completed there story line and played for a while as empire.
I dont think it will ever be even numbers but it will be better than it is now.
The good thing is lots of PVP people are joining republic so they don't have to queue for battlegrounds. So I expect our PVP side to be a lot like The Horde when WoW first launched and how all the better players were on that side. The classes are all mirrored so it isn't like you need to join one side to play one class.
That's more people than I ever saw on the station on my 'Full' server (Anchorhead) at launch and after. Republic areas on Coruscant were the same way. Dead.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
I tried playing a republic "good guy" in beta and found it boring.
I actually preferred playing a "good" Sith Inquisitor. It's the whole good guy stuck in a bad situation that appealed to me. I think your choices to be good are much more impactful when you're surronded by evil.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
The storylines on the Sith side are just more entertaining.... with one exception for Republic... Smuggler.
Both the Jedi storylines come off as preachy and sactimonious, even if you do choose the "dark" options.
Had this discussion with a number of my guildes in beta, and they mostly all agreed... The Sith stories are just more interesting.
Something I thought about when they started adding all the new servers was that the name of the server is likely to have an effect on the balance of th factions. It seems to me that Empire players will likely be attracted to servers with Empire/sith names, while Republic players would be attracted to servers with Republic/Jedi names. I would think that that could be a large factor in the balance of Republic vs Empire on any given server, in addition to more people leaning toward the Empire to begin with.
I dont think its as bad as people lead it to belive. Most mmo players like to test, sample and wade through the waters on both sides so with alot of people playing empire, they will eventually want to have republic alts.
I generally agree. I'm not sure if it's the story itself or just the sith nature. But I just felt that my Sith was tougher than my Jedi, yes I know they are the same... but in the Sith story I was fighting other Sith, it wasn't just them telling me I was special, I was beating up/killing my competition in the story, I was stronger than them.
In Jedi they said you were strong and special but you never competed against other Jedi so you didn't know, I felt weak and babied by them. Didn't like it.
Light Sith for me definately.
I just wish'd Bioware would split the servers up via faction so it's all one faction on one server and vice versa. The game is instanced to the point where you could create a cross realm instance of each planet and battleground.
Empire has more style and the bad guys allways get the gurls, hm?
To me its the Bounty Hunter and Agent, the Republik has a Big-Gun-Guy and a Drugdealer...really meh...
"Torquemada... do not implore him for compassion. Torquemada... do not beg him for forgiveness. Torquemada... do not ask him for mercy. Let's face it, you can't Torquemada anything!"
MWO Music Video - What does the Mech say:
Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around:
Republic can use red light sabres, but they have to have dark side alignment.
As far as looking better goes, you hit the nail on the head! I have a lvl 37 healing spec Sage. I kid you not I look like a muscle bound buffoon in drag with a bra on my head. I KID YOU NOT!!!!
I swear, the person who did the chracter design for the Jedi Sage must've hated their work, because my characters look BLOWS!
I rolled on Empire side cause that was where all my friends were, but it is just so evil. Even trying to go lightside you are left with choices like letting a village suffer in agony for weeks or to just kill them all quickly. It's just too depressing. It's like playing for the Nazis with a good dash of North Korea thrown in.
So, I rerolled as a Smuggler and I am much happier =D There is still alot of evil around, but if I want to be a nice guy it doesn't entail murdering hundreds of innocents.
Theres only really two issues with that screenshot. First off you hid the GUI, which shows the population in the area, second you took a screen shot of one little area in the entire zone. That's what the empire area looks like too if you take the screenshot like that of one auction house person and a view of a group of people off to the left. I'm sure the population is quite a bit lower for Republic but come on, at least show multiple areas with the GUI on, because then at least people can get an idea, it will definately make people like me (who like to have high population factions) play the other side by skewing information like that.
Yep, I made the mistake of rolling Republic. Most I've ever seen in a zone was 42. I rolled Empire and saw 166 people. I was floored. Plus it was hilarious to join Huttball Empire vs Empire nonstop. I don't think BW anticipated the popularity of Empire.
It really does come down to story. I in all honesty had ZERO desire to be on the Empire side cause normally, douchebags and R-tards are playing the "evil" side and I despise such behavior. However, playing lightside on the Empire side (Sith Maurader).. Im having deep, DEEP fun in the game. Its a grand experience to be born bad and do good, trust that.
With the rebelion side, the stories just really draw out and feel sluggish and plain boring.. only exception is the Smuggler, which goes to show that there should have been a total Neutral faction choice, to combine the Smuggler and bounty Hunter classses. My wife plays a Counselar (sp?) and a Bounty Hunter. She feels the Jedi is so gastly boring its almost a chore to log her in. As with the Bounty Hunter, she can not wait to get playing again.. and i agree.
As for red lightsabers and such, pft. Just answer properly.. READ your stats and character sheet and story for god sake, and then you'll realize, you can get anything on either side depending on how you answer.
Go for it. I'm playing one as an alt, and surprisingly a light side agent doesn't feel awkward at all, and has made sense up to now. I've found the comments about your good-ish deeds from your superiors and the Sith quite fitting. Not to mention raised eyebrows from other players in multiplayer dialogue. Think of your character as a basically good person in a tough and cruel system. To me, it's actually been more engaging than playing a light side character on the Republic side.
I think one of the main draws of playing Empire is that we've never gotten this deep into its machinations in a game before. So we're getting to know quite a many things about it.
Though if I keep playing, I am going to roll a Republic character next. Probably Smuggler, and a light side one at that. I guess a dark side Trooper would be interesting, too...
From personal experience (from someone who was hoping to love the Smuggler the most)
-EMPIRE stories are simply better for the classes. I wasn't very impressed at all by the Republic class stories - most of them felt pretty boring.
-EMPIRE is much more flashy/appealing in their combat. Despite the classes being mirrors, Empire classes simply got better looking animations and even in most cases, gear.
-There was a general understanding from way before the game launched, that REPUBLIC would attract a bunch of glow-stick lovin', Clone Wars watchin' kiddies thus a lot of people said 'Empire is where the big boys go', making it less cool to be republic, drawing more people to Empire as friends wanted to play with friends etc
BOYCOTTING EA / ORIGIN going forward.
Me and my freinds are all Republic. I do agree that the Empire storys are more entertaining and they have the Bounty Hunter the lucky gits. But we on the Side of the Republic are much more handsome and charming and mature......That has to count for something right? Plus, by it's very nature the dark side of the Force is negative and self destructive and will just end up destroying its self. All we have to do is hang out.
you mean nobody wants brown robes and yellow light sabers?
now there is a shocker.
jedi in "sack of potato" brown robes with yellow light sabers. white plastic looking armor for trooper. 70s douche outfit for smuggler....
and they they wander why nobody wants to play republic.
forget the story man, we wanna look cool.
playing a badd ass lady killing trooper is fun
its great fun to annoy aric and the ex sith lady while chatting up every female npc
I am enjoying the republic trooper story line and the jedi knight one is ok outisde of beta I have yet to attempt empire.
Nah crystal colour is only based on your alignment. Evil republic players can have red crystals and good empire players can have green and blue crystals.