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Star wars is just like the other MMOs.......

This game juat like all other major MMOs be it wow,Eq,etc. have met the same fate at launch. this is the first week/month. people need to learn this and have patience. there will be alot of downtime, there will be alot of bugs, and there will be alot of unforseen fixes everyday. Anyone who whines about this has never played a MMO during its release or have just started playing WoW orEq like games recently and switched to try this. it is getting out of hand after reading nearly every post on this forum. each topic says the same thing about bugs this and downtime that. please wait it out or stop your sub and come back in april or so. Vanilla WOW didnt have 70% or so of what it has now (interface items, pvp, etc.). it took time after launch to implement these things. i hope this post gets stickyed so people can stop saying the samething in every post. just put your two cents here and leave it here. thnk you. TOR is a great new game comparitively.
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