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Funcom has partnered with to bring our readers more information about one of the three societies in The Secret World. This time, the Illuminati are profiled. Keep reading about this most secretive group and then leave us your comments.
New players approached by the Illuminati are persuaded to join for their own good. They must show their worth by finding subtle clues which can lead them through the streets of New York to the Illuminati’s hidden headquarters.
Read more The Secret World: The Illuminati.
I made the personality test along with some friends.
3 of us turned out as Illuminati.
3 as Templars and 1 as Dragon.
I like how this game tells you a little about your friends like this. Well but it's not really as if I was surprised about the outcome lol
LOL do you have a token asian friend?
Personally, I got illuminati which totally figures given the other two options of either being a religious zealot or of east asian descent of which I am neither. But I'm cool with that
My wife and I both scored Dragon. LOL, I don't think she's asian, at least not the last time I turned on the lights.
LOL I know, i'm only joshin. I just can't help but view it that way considering how they present the Dragons as a faction. I also can't stop myself from saying "Dragon tank" in the voice of the unit from command & conquer: generals. But that's because I'm not all together sane. This little personality test has finally sparked some interest in this game for me, along with the the article featured in this thread. Maybe this game will be something to keep my eye on after all I was getting tired of only watching for planetside 2 updates since I couldn't care less about ToR or GW2. I may stand alone here, but I for one am tired of high fantasy elves and orcs and castles and keeps and swords/sabers (be they made of steel or light) and magic (be it elemental lightning or Midi-chlorians lightning) same old rehash.
Actually that's the very same thing my Illuminati friend said: "I'm sick of fantasy games - the only exception there is GW2"
Hmm and no my Dragon friend is a dutch girl. She likes to give in to the Dark Side lol
Clearly you totally missed out on what Templars and Dragons are....
I am going Templar, but damn this write up of how the action start for the Illuminati is much more fun than the templars. I am jealous!
I got Dragon in the test. I am chaos.
Then you have no idea what templars or dragon are.
Templars have nothing to do with religion. They are bassically conservatives/republicans of the world, based around authoritarian order, laws and traditions of the old.
Dragon have nothing to do with "asia" in particular. They are pretty much Anonymous with magic powers for the lack of better description. Embodiment of chaos. No real order or governing structure. No clearly defined philosophy or doctrine, just a mass of entirelly independent different individuals under a common goal.
Admiral Ackbar was here. Sorry I couldn't resist to do it. Awesome looking mission is awesome.
Hmmm.. so the thrid faction are now being presented. I guess that means they are not fare from done with the game.
Hmm, just hope that AoC still gets more love. Please implement the single server technology NAU!! :P
The Ultimate Breakdown
Ok, so short and sweet, the illuminati are the Camarilla from Vampire the Masquerade. Nice, but if I'm going to play that kind of court politics, I'd rather play Vampire.
The Dragon faction originated in Asia, but it's members need not any Asian root or link. No faction is tied to specific ethnicities, at all.
Just like no faction is about religion.
Illuminati here. I like the other two a lot as well, as each one has their own cool mystique: but something about the Illuminati rang true to me.
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this looks good!
If everyone was like these power hungry monsters, then we'd be lost. It's the templars path, to hold off the darkness, which allows the world to stay illuminated. Think on this before you commit yourself to a cause that will lead to your downfall.
Join the Templars!
i can't identify with any of the factions in the secret world..wouldn't want to be in the illuminati as it's full of rich kids with big inheritence and all the elite slime in society. templars are religious fanatics so that's a no too. I don't really know much about dragon but they don't sound too interesting red, team blue and team green, won't matter much what you pick, gameplay is the same.
"Train by day, Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day!"
I feel much the same, I'll probably go Dragon out of "lesser evil" (assuming I play after finding out what it's really like from beta and/or independent reviews).
Must be tough to play mmorpg if you aren't much for empathy, trying on someone/thing else's shoes or just plain ole roleplaying. But there's a wow meets sims-like mmo game coming out called Secret World, it's almost like real life so I'm thinking it should appeal to the player that wants to just play themselves and explore, craft, socialiaze or pve/pvp. Come to find out even those players are too Swedish to pick a faction to go with. ;P
I have a question, if this is present day meets magic and people have super powers, how many people out of a room would want to simply fly as a super power? /raiseshand
I would want either invisibility or mind control. for deviant reasons.
edit: i just watched the vids provided for all three factions. i stand by my original assessments of each. I see nothing presented in said trailers that even hints to something beyond the scope i originally assessed (i.e. crazy asians and religious zealots). it's an asian dude with asian music talking about asian principles and swords and proverbial wisdom along with sewing chaos (illuminati thrive in chaos, mind you, as chaos breeds confusion and lacks clarity for anyone to notice what's going on behind the scenes...) and knowing the true order of things (they know what the illuminati allow them to know). the templars (extreme historical reference btw to crusaders of the holy church, and assassin's creed...) church buildings, angels, crosses, mentioning faith, convictions, christian conservative republican values; essentially they are evangelicals. they want to bring order to the world but the order they bring is what the illuminati allows them to bring.
/ / / spoiler alert / / /
Taking that test, i really did believe the answers i picked. Like how public water is laced with substances that control the masses. that science is the answer. but i also wanted to put the puzzle together, and i choose justice, and elemental, and sensuality (lol i'm deviant), blueprints, and creepy people.
end spoilers. thanks for replying guys, you always make my day
I LoL'ed when I seen this... Exactly what their organization is about in real life ...
"oh, Dragons everywhere. Good i have my old good steyr AUG"