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Apparently some players are experiencing a distinct lack of a cancel subscription button on the official SWTOR website.
Bioware is saying it is due to some issues with certain browsers, and if you are having problems to call or try a different browser.
This is just getting pathetic....
Tin foil hat on or off, seriously.... wtf Bioware?
Coming from me, someone who is/was a Bioware / Star Wars / TOR fanboi... I'm becoming QUITE disillusioned.
Bioware u scared?
Call customer support? Or is that too logical?
Nah I'd rather go onto a forum that won't get me an answer and just vent my anger for a bunch of other angry people to read.
While it may be a real issue, I feel like 95% of "computer problems" are because the user is doing something wrong.
Makes me happy I bought a 60 day time card instead of setting up a subscription.
Hopefully in two months there will be enough improvements for me to want to purchase another 60 days, but thus far Bioware's post-launch management of this game has been laughable.
Perhaps we truely are spoiled to not expect such things, or perhaps this really is a total cluster.
You're letting yourself get trolled man. I had to switch credit cards but had a delay, so I cancelled my sub mid-month. No issues whatsoever. I resubbed today, now that I got my new card. There is no issue with the cancel button. I've heard this 'cancellation issue' with every mmo release in the last 5 years. It's an old troll, tbh.
Mine doesn't show a cancel buttom but neither does it say I am subscribed and the lack of a PayPal notification that I have been billed does seem to back it up.
One needs to take information provided by angry players (or sometimes people that merely want to troll) with a grain of salt, especially on the first month of a MMO.
Edit - I just clicked on "show your payment history" to really see my subscription and be able to remove credit card/paypal info, not that I am going to cancel but just to help you in case you want to.
As someone who works in IT trust me, I share that sympathy.
I only find this "funny" and news worthy as well as ironic due to today being the cut off point for the free month.
Again, happy I bought a time card instead.
I head the exact same complaints from other AAA mmo's. I really think it's the same folks that complain about this to skew the public against a game/company they are hating on.
Maybe Massively is being trolled?
Have you even tried calling Customer Support? Good luck calling an international number and hanging in wait for up to several hours. Subscribing would then be a much cheaper alternative lol.
People have been complaining about this on Twitter, also about the subscription to already start on the 19th (some even 18th), instead of the 20th!
As a well known Bioware/ Star Wars / TOR "fanboi" I'd hoped that the fact I was posting about this supposed "issue" would give some weight to the information, as I am not or would not be a TOR troll.
Though it is possible is being trolled and I am simply trolling the trolling?
I live in the US so not sure why it would be an international number, just another reason Amerikuh is the greatest country on the planet
[mod edit]Call CS or something, not that hard
IF this is true (note the "IF"), then I'd be inclined to think that EA/BW have simply lost it completely.
Maybe the pressure is too high...
Maybe the company is too big, and the command-chains too long...
Maybe the different departments don't talk to each other enough...
But this week seems to be turning into one continuous blunder...
Until I see proof otherwise, I suspect massively got trolled hard considering their 'source' was a bunch of users sending them the 'tip'. Sorry, but I have become truly suspect of game haters (not you BadSpock) who have nothing better to do than to stir things up on the community side to sway the popular opinion, even if it's completely false.
On the SW:ToR forums: (user is Fallen_Outcast)
If what he's saying is true, that's really horseshit that they'd not fix his problem until he got verbal with them.
I just think you guys should count how many times you use the words toll and hater. I hope you are not surpised if others are refering to you as fanboi because it is a law of physics, you know action reaction.
... and trolling is a misused term imho, because I perceive for example your post as extreamly unpleasant and not polite to all that have real problems with this issue.
The core of my response was that I logged into my swtor account with chrome, safari, firefox, ie and android smartphone and the cancel button has showed up just fine. The 'source' of this issue is supposed players who have shown no proof or screenshot. It's not just fanboyism (yes, I am a fanboy) but it's also called not believing everything I read on the interwebz until I see evidence. When (or if) that shows up, I'll agree that it sucks and I'm glad that there are alternate ways to cancel for folks that don't want to play.
Hopefully this is just a massive troll attempt, I'd be curious to see if any users who have or wish to cancel their subscription have witnessed this or not.
I guess I've just become cinical due to the "high profile" nature of the 1.1 patch failures.
Since I'm not max level yet (i'm an altaholic) I've loved 1.1 since Warzones are fun and more competitive on the republic side without all the 50's facerolling. Hopefully some of the level 50 issues will be resolved by the time I eventually get there LOL.
Yeah, I just want to see some screenshots of some missing cancel buttons before I believe this one. The overwhelming effort given by folks to trash this game has force me to be skeptical.
Enough paranoia, I think--It could be something as simple as a button relying on scripting (not an uncommon thing, as any NoScript user can tell you).
Bad Web Design isn't quite synonymous with nefarious plots.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Some people have only one web browser on their PC?
Just thought I'd call attention to the post on massively as there were not any posts on about this when I made the OP.
I have learned in my long history of MMO gaming to put my trust in time cards over subscriptions.
First of I am NOT cancelling but wanted to validate this claim for myself. I logged in using IE and amazingly there was a clearly labelled cancel button. Then I tried Firefox and oh lookie, a cancel button. Then I even tried safari.....uhm...ok., three for three, there was the same cancel button.
I am sure this is a problem for some few people doing something odd with a browser or something but the tin foil hats can come off. it appears to be an isolated issue.
Also, those of you who live by chat and don't talk to humans directly much anymore, a little hint. You can CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE to cancel too.
Right, we covered it all yesterday.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.