You know, I may not be a professional pastry chef, but I can still tell when an aforementioned professional pastry chef f*cked up and used salt instead of sugar. Same thing with MMO players who even though they have never created an MMO themselves, still know that being endlessly spawn camped in what is supposed to be a safe zone, for mad valor points to the campers, is not a fun nor balanced game mechanic. To my knowledge none of the people who work at this very site that gave SWTOR an 8.7 rating have ever worked to create an MMO either. Does that then mean that said 8.7 rating has no relevance what so ever? Of course not. Nice strawman argument though.
Bioware made a mistake, they admit this FACT and took steps to rectify the problem. Good for them. People can decide to keep supporting them or decide their money could be better spent elsewhere.
Either way their decision is not in the hands of a seemingly obsessed apologist such as yourself. And thank goodness for that, becuse if all they were capable of was spitting unconstructive abuse and venomous egotism like you do, instead of actually expressing any ideas of their own, they'd soon have no customers left.
I love it someone comments toward a harsh uneeded post with sarcasm, and all of a sudden they're an obsessed apologist.. Should we start calling the other side dramaqueens now?
The guy said nothing about whether they f'd up or not. We all know they effed up.
There are multiple threads on the issue, what makes this one so important compared to the rest? So we can now call Bioware Noobs? That deserves or needs another thread? It just had to be said, and such a comment is above sarcasm?
Heaven forbid there are people around who feel the issue has been blown way out of proportion.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
It seems that once bioware FIXED things yesterday the players found another all the whiners....this is also bioware's fault i presume??
In the old days the saying was "when its red, its dead!"......seems the new generation doesnt care about pvp anymore and its all about the rep and gear.
The video shows nothing about pvp, only PEOPLE (not the dev company) exploiting the system that wasnt made to be friends in.
Maybe if you pvp'rs like each other now we can take the open world pvp and bg's out of every game now?
thank u
They should just let the PvP side of things be....i dont think any one plays ToR for PvP ( or the ones that stayed after the free 30 days),ToRs obviously spent most of there resources on the pve end of things and should be consistent and keep focusing on it and not compromise the overall game by straddling the line between the 2.
You guys are still freaking out about valor? You don't even know what valor does, do you?
Here's a hint: not much. What matters is the bags. You don't spend valor on anything. Sure you need level 60 to use the battlemaster bags, but it doesn't take too much time to get valor 60. Once you have it, it's just a matter of getting the bags and getting lucky on what it drops.
Even if people were hacking their way to valor 60 I wouldn't care too much, it doesn't do a whole lot. I go toe to toe with battlemasters on a regular basis anyways. Its not as big if an advantage as you think.
There were a ton of battlemasters on my server way before any of this valor farm happened.
The whole point of the valor changes to Ilum was to make the valor grind much faster than it was, on Ilum.
It seems that once bioware FIXED things yesterday the players found another all the whiners....this is also bioware's fault i presume??
In the old days the saying was "when its red, its dead!"......seems the new generation doesnt care about pvp anymore and its all about the rep and gear.
The video shows nothing about pvp, only PEOPLE (not the dev company) exploiting the system that wasnt made to be friends in.
Maybe if you pvp'rs like each other now we can take the open world pvp and bg's out of every game now?
thank u
Diminishing returns would have solved this problem, guess that was too far out the box for the devs to think of.
Maybe they are working on it right now...give them a fiew days.
pvp always needs tweaking, but to shoot them for it ......sounds like modern pvp'rs are a bunch of dramaqueens to me.
Yeah... give them a few more days... then everyone on Empire side has max rank in Valor and then it doesn't even matter anymore.
They can just as well "axe" PVP from the game then, as all Empire can do from now on is build a campfire in Ilum and PVP against themselves in Warzones..... as no Republic player is gonna bother PVP'ing anymore.
Exactly Bioware is noob. You, i and everyone else are such experts. That is why i am sitting here complaining while they are actually engaged in making games.
You know, I may not be a professional pastry chef, but I can still tell when an aforementioned professional pastry chef f*cked up and used salt instead of sugar. Same thing with MMO players who even though they have never created an MMO themselves, still know that being endlessly spawn camped in what is supposed to be a safe zone, for mad valor points to the campers, is not a fun nor balanced game mechanic. To my knowledge none of the people who work at this very site that gave SWTOR an 8.7 rating have ever worked to create an MMO either. Does that then mean that said 8.7 rating has no relevance what so ever? Of course not. Nice strawman argument though.
Bioware made a mistake, they admit this FACT and took steps to rectify the problem. Good for them. People can decide to keep supporting them or decide their money could be better spent elsewhere.
Either way their decision is not in the hands of a seemingly obsessed apologist such as yourself. And thank goodness for that, becuse if all they were capable of was spitting unconstructive abuse and venomous egotism like you do, instead of actually expressing any ideas of their own, they'd soon have no customers left.
guilty.....i realy dont pvp anymore since a fiew years.....its just that modern pvp'rs are such whiners these days.
That was my point....they will fix it....and they did yesterday it seems.
So release a game and then fix the exploits. Yeah I think DCU did the same thing. Didnt work out all that well with people...
i knew this comment was comming.....but watch the forums of upcomming games.....all you see is: GIMME THA GAME NOW! posts.
Maybe if the devs are not pressured by whole gaming community's the devs could actually finisch their game.
Only seen 2 companies saying; its done when its done.
The rest are all owned by others......cant blame the devs for shortcommings in the games imho.
Yes you can! The devs and the publishers decide when a game is released. Do you really think they are releasing a game because some fans want it to? Wake up man, games are released early because either they run out of money or the publishers pressure them to release early.
Are you guys saying that an MMO has bugs/exploits/loopholes?
I am shocked !!!!!!
Regardless of how good TOR is , just reading the posts of the people who hate it has been the great enteraintment.
There are bugs and then there are obvious design flaws. Not having diminishing returns and not be safe at spawn points are not bugs, exploits or whatever, it is just careless development where obvious things are not addressed.
Are you guys saying that an MMO has bugs/exploits/loopholes?
I am shocked !!!!!!
Regardless of how good TOR is , just reading the posts of the people who hate it has been the great enteraintment.
I've actually taken to sitting back with a cup of tea and laughing my butt off at some of these posters. Many have admitted to not even playing MMOs anymore and for some for several years now. Of the ones left, about half are making the same complaints about this game that other people complain about the games they in turn enjoy. It's almost like saying "I know my game sucks the same way but . . ." Anyways, back to my tea.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
It seems that once bioware FIXED things yesterday the players found another all the whiners....this is also bioware's fault i presume??
In the old days the saying was "when its red, its dead!"......seems the new generation doesnt care about pvp anymore and its all about the rep and gear.
The video shows nothing about pvp, only PEOPLE (not the dev company) exploiting the system that wasnt made to be friends in.
Maybe if you pvp'rs like each other now we can take the open world pvp and bg's out of every game now?
thank u
Diminishing returns would have solved this problem, guess that was too far out the box for the devs to think of.
Maybe they are working on it right now...give them a fiew days.
pvp always needs tweaking, but to shoot them for it ......sounds like modern pvp'rs are a bunch of dramaqueens to me.
Yeah... give them a few more days... then everyone on Empire side has max rank in Valor and then it doesn't even matter anymore.
They can just as well "axe" PVP from the game then, as all Empire can do from now on is build a campfire in Ilum and PVP against themselves in Warzones..... as no Republic player is gonna bother PVP'ing anymore.
Yes plz
i am pve roleplayer so pvp shouldnt even be in a game if it is not a sandbox....but thats just mho.
In themeparks pvp is nothing more then a rep one is afraid to die.....make it all full loot and see how your "HC" pvp'rs will leave the BG's like snow befour the sun......bunch of pussy's.
have you even seen the "pvp" movie where they just stand there close to each other and just kill the other faction every other turn......yeah you "pvp'rs" are real badasses.
@Dubyahite: It's ok for empire to farm republic and gain max valor rank, nothing big deal
@Dimmit77: It's normal to expect bugs/exploit/loopholes in mmo
Zzz...lame game with lame supporter. I came back to last few days to check on ToR and see if i wanna get it, then i see talk about Hi rez debacle which i didn't know much about but i do withness the massacre in illium, founder title fiasco, dissappearing cancel subription act, heavy censorship in forum, WSJ stock disaster preview and lame fanboy plugging leak in tortanic.
Well i guess i need to either forget about ToR or wait another few month.
PS : The only decent fans i've seen defending ToR is WickedJelly. Kudos for ur insight
Are you guys saying that an MMO has bugs/exploits/loopholes?
I am shocked !!!!!!
Regardless of how good TOR is , just reading the posts of the people who hate it has been the great enteraintment.
There are bugs and then there are obvious design flaws. Not having diminishing returns and not be safe at spawn points are not bugs, exploits or whatever, it is just careless development where obvious things are not addressed.
Regarding Valor gains, with the 1.1 update, players now receive a base reward of 20 Valor per unique enemy player defeated in a short time, and this base reward is modified by the number of objectives that the player’s faction owns. The gains are rate limited per player killed, encouraging players to attack unique players, not to pursue vendettas.
"Players can no longer enter the opposing faction’s safe base area, thus preventing players from continually "camping" the other faction's base."
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
@Dubyahite: It's ok for empire to farm republic and gain max valor rank, nothing big deal
@Dimmit77: It's normal to expect bugs/exploit/loopholes in mmo
Zzz...lame game with lame supporter. I came back to last few days to check on ToR and see if i wanna get it, then i see talk about Hi rez debacle which i didn't know much about but i do withness the massacre in illium, founder title fiasco, dissappearing cancel subription act, heavy censorship in forum, WSJ stock disaster preview and lame fanboy plugging leak in tortanic.
Well i guess i need to either forget about ToR or wait another few month.
Hey, I didn't say it was ok for Empire to farm Republic, what I'm trying to point out is that you guys are freaking out about the wrong thing. Thanks for misrepresenting what I said, but I guess I need to be a little clearer.
Valor is not as important as you make it sound. The gear doesn't come directly from valor. You can have all the valor in the world, but it won't really get you any gear.
The gear comes from bags. When talking about Ilum, the bags come from daily quests/weekly quests. These have nothing to do with valor. The quests are now completed by killing the opposite faction.
It is the quickest way to get some champion/battlemaster bags each day/week. So when you guys are screaming about valor farming, you're missing the point. It shows how little you understand of the actual game mechanics.
If I could go exploit my way to valor 60 right now, all I would get out of it is a Battlemaster title and the ability to open battlemaster bags. The only way to get battlemaster bags is by doing ilum dailies/weekly and doing the wz daily/weekly. You can get a total of 2 battlemaster bags off the daily each day, and 2 from the weekly I believe. Or you can choose to get champion bags if you're not high enough to get the battlemaster. They have a random chance (very low chance) to drop gear.
These people aren't farming valor as much as they are farming the quests.
Learn about the mechanics of the game before you complain about them. Thanks.
You know , like there is the option , like dude when you see an exploit and you keep dying , like you go in another zone instead of keep feeding the opposition .
ZOMG !!!!!!
I mean its an MMO not Lemmings..... Completely different games. I swear some of these posts is like reading the chat in a PUG raid .
Look at it this way. SWTOR is like a large cruiseliner. No, not the Titanic, but similar. It isn't sinking. It hasn't hit an iceburg. But the navigator is blind and deaf, and the wheelman has no arms.
SWTOR is a decent game, but the management right now is very poor. Bioware's community management is infamous as it is, and the TOR forums are living up to Bioware's standard. Praise them. Love them. Or they ban you. I won't be subscribing simply for the fact that the community is so divided, largely immature, and because well. I don't like Bioware in the first place. I got the game for free anyways. Yay Christmas.
You know , like there is the option , like dude when you see an exploit and you keep dying , like you go in another zone instead of keep feeding the opposition .
ZOMG !!!!!!
I mean its an MMO not Lemmings..... Completely different games. I swear some of these posts is like reading the chat in a PUG raid .
Keep going
To be fair, part of the problem was that there was no other place for them to spawn and Empire was all over the spawn point. On some servers they were getting killed as soon as they popped, then had to pop in the same place again. There wasn't enough time to quick travel or fleet pass out.
They eventually figured out that the only way out was to queue for a warzone and quit right away, or something like that. Point is that their characters were locked down in one place big time.
It may not have been an exploit, but it was definitely mass griefing.
@Dubyahite: It's ok for empire to farm republic and gain max valor rank, nothing big deal
@Dimmit77: It's normal to expect bugs/exploit/loopholes in mmo
Zzz...lame game with lame supporter. I came back to last few days to check on ToR and see if i wanna get it, then i see talk about Hi rez debacle which i didn't know much about but i do withness the massacre in illium, founder title fiasco, dissappearing cancel subription act, heavy censorship in forum, WSJ stock disaster preview and lame fanboy plugging leak in tortanic.
Well i guess i need to either forget about ToR or wait another few month.
Hey, I didn't say it was ok for Empire to farm Republic, what I'm trying to point out is that you guys are freaking out about the wrong thing. Thanks for misrepresenting what I said, but I guess I need to be a little clearer.
Valor is not as important as you make it sound. The gear doesn't come directly from valor. You can have all the valor in the world, but it won't really get you any gear.
The gear comes from bags. When talking about Ilum, the bags come from daily quests/weekly quests. These have nothing to do with valor. The quests are now completed by killing the opposite faction.
It is the quickest way to get some champion/battlemaster bags each day/week. So when you guys are screaming about valor farming, you're missing the point. It shows how little you understand of the actual game mechanics.
If I could go exploit my way to valor 60 right now, all I would get out of it is a Battlemaster title and the ability to open battlemaster bags. The only way to get battlemaster bags is by doing ilum dailies/weekly and doing the wz daily/weekly. You can get a total of 2 battlemaster bags off the daily each day, and 2 from the weekly I believe. Or you can choose to get champion bags if you're not high enough to get the battlemaster. They have a random chance (very low chance) to drop gear.
These people aren't farming valor as much as they are farming the quests.
Learn about the mechanics of the game before you complain about them. Thanks.
DId i misinterpret you? (see those red highlight)
Well why don't you answer a simple question before questioning my understanding for the game mechanic
"Is valor important in the game"
Yes or No
No need to beat around the bush, a yes or no will sufice
Are you guys saying that an MMO has bugs/exploits/loopholes?
I am shocked !!!!!!
Regardless of how good TOR is , just reading the posts of the people who hate it has been the great enteraintment.
There are bugs and then there are obvious design flaws. Not having diminishing returns and not be safe at spawn points are not bugs, exploits or whatever, it is just careless development where obvious things are not addressed.
Regarding Valor gains, with the 1.1 update, players now receive a base reward of 20 Valor per unique enemy player defeated in a short time, and this base reward is modified by the number of objectives that the player’s faction owns. The gains are rate limited per player killed, encouraging players to attack unique players, not to pursue vendettas.
"Players can no longer enter the opposing faction’s safe base area, thus preventing players from continually "camping" the other faction's base."
And your point is? This patch was AFTER the game was released and we are talking about fixing obvious things before you release the game. That is what beta testing is for.
Are you guys saying that an MMO has bugs/exploits/loopholes?
I am shocked !!!!!!
Regardless of how good TOR is , just reading the posts of the people who hate it has been the great enteraintment.
There are bugs and then there are obvious design flaws. Not having diminishing returns and not be safe at spawn points are not bugs, exploits or whatever, it is just careless development where obvious things are not addressed.
Regarding Valor gains, with the 1.1 update, players now receive a base reward of 20 Valor per unique enemy player defeated in a short time, and this base reward is modified by the number of objectives that the player’s faction owns. The gains are rate limited per player killed, encouraging players to attack unique players, not to pursue vendettas.
"Players can no longer enter the opposing faction’s safe base area, thus preventing players from continually "camping" the other faction's base."
And your point is? This patch was AFTER the game was released and we are talking about fixing obvious things before you release the game. That is what beta testing is for.
yeah they made a prolly never EVER made a single mistake in your life?
@Dubyahite: It's ok for empire to farm republic and gain max valor rank, nothing big deal
@Dimmit77: It's normal to expect bugs/exploit/loopholes in mmo
Zzz...lame game with lame supporter. I came back to last few days to check on ToR and see if i wanna get it, then i see talk about Hi rez debacle which i didn't know much about but i do withness the massacre in illium, founder title fiasco, dissappearing cancel subription act, heavy censorship in forum, WSJ stock disaster preview and lame fanboy plugging leak in tortanic.
Well i guess i need to either forget about ToR or wait another few month.
Hey, I didn't say it was ok for Empire to farm Republic, what I'm trying to point out is that you guys are freaking out about the wrong thing. Thanks for misrepresenting what I said, but I guess I need to be a little clearer.
Valor is not as important as you make it sound. The gear doesn't come directly from valor. You can have all the valor in the world, but it won't really get you any gear.
The gear comes from bags. When talking about Ilum, the bags come from daily quests/weekly quests. These have nothing to do with valor. The quests are now completed by killing the opposite faction.
It is the quickest way to get some champion/battlemaster bags each day/week. So when you guys are screaming about valor farming, you're missing the point. It shows how little you understand of the actual game mechanics.
If I could go exploit my way to valor 60 right now, all I would get out of it is a Battlemaster title and the ability to open battlemaster bags. The only way to get battlemaster bags is by doing ilum dailies/weekly and doing the wz daily/weekly. You can get a total of 2 battlemaster bags off the daily each day, and 2 from the weekly I believe. Or you can choose to get champion bags if you're not high enough to get the battlemaster. They have a random chance (very low chance) to drop gear.
These people aren't farming valor as much as they are farming the quests.
Learn about the mechanics of the game before you complain about them. Thanks.
DId i misinterpret you? (see those red highlight)
Well why don't you answer a simple question before questioning my understanding for the game mechanic
"Is valor important in the game"
Yes or No
No need to beat around the bush, a yes or no will sufice
I'm not beating around the bush. It's also not as simple as a yes or no answer.
Is valor important? Yes. It opens up the battlemaster gear. Is it more important than dailies and weeklies? Absolutely not.
I'm saying it's not as important as you think it is. Yes you need valor 60 to open battlemaster bags, but that's all it really does for you. That's about the only advantage you get from it. Attaining valor 60 is not that hard through legitimate means, and during the time you are working up to it, you're gaining lots of pvp gear.
Once you have a good amount of champions gear, you're not really at some huge disadvantage compared to a valor 60. I've stomped plenty of battlemasters into the ground on my sorc, who is valor 30 something right now. I haven't even spent that much time in pvp and I'm valor 30. I would say it is trivial to reach valor 60.
You're still missing my point though, and you're still misunderstanding what people are farming on Ilum.
What you should be upset about is the daily/weekly quest farming. This is what people have been trading objectives and now kills for since they have been on Ilum. This is where the pvp gear comes from. The daily weekly rewards are the quickest/best pvp rewards in the game. Not valor. Valor gives you nothing.
But it's not really fixed now, because people got valor by exploiting. When THAT is fixed, then the problem will be fixed.
And you know, you might think titles like "Battlemaster" are stupid and meaningless, but I don't. I think they should be earned within the context of the game if you CARE about that game and it's future. Not cheated or exploited for.
Think about the game and the community you want to be a part of. Start off right and it will have a better chance of being right in the long run.
And your point is? This patch was AFTER the game was released and we are talking about fixing obvious things before you release the game. That is what beta testing is for.
yeah they made a prolly never EVER made a single mistake in your life?
Its fixed now, cant we just leave it at that?
No. This is not a "misstake" it is neglect. Anyone with half a brain, or played WAR or any MMORPG with PvP, would know these would be issues.
The fact that Bioware either did not know it, or did not care enough about it, cannot simply be chalked up to a misstake. If I go to a restaurant and get a bug in my soup, that is not a misstake that is pure neglect. Getting too much salt would be a misstake.
I love it someone comments toward a harsh uneeded post with sarcasm, and all of a sudden they're an obsessed apologist.. Should we start calling the other side dramaqueens now?
The guy said nothing about whether they f'd up or not. We all know they effed up.
There are multiple threads on the issue, what makes this one so important compared to the rest? So we can now call Bioware Noobs? That deserves or needs another thread? It just had to be said, and such a comment is above sarcasm?
Heaven forbid there are people around who feel the issue has been blown way out of proportion.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
i knew this comment was comming.....but watch the forums of upcomming games.....all you see is: GIMME THA GAME NOW! posts.
Maybe if the devs are not pressured by whole gaming community's the devs could actually finisch their game.
Only seen 2 companies saying; its done when its done.
The rest are all owned by others......cant blame the devs for shortcommings in the games imho.
They should just let the PvP side of things be....i dont think any one plays ToR for PvP ( or the ones that stayed after the free 30 days),ToRs obviously spent most of there resources on the pve end of things and should be consistent and keep focusing on it and not compromise the overall game by straddling the line between the 2.
Here's a hint: not much. What matters is the bags. You don't spend valor on anything. Sure you need level 60 to use the battlemaster bags, but it doesn't take too much time to get valor 60. Once you have it, it's just a matter of getting the bags and getting lucky on what it drops.
Even if people were hacking their way to valor 60 I wouldn't care too much, it doesn't do a whole lot. I go toe to toe with battlemasters on a regular basis anyways. Its not as big if an advantage as you think.
There were a ton of battlemasters on my server way before any of this valor farm happened.
The whole point of the valor changes to Ilum was to make the valor grind much faster than it was, on Ilum.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
Yeah... give them a few more days... then everyone on Empire side has max rank in Valor and then it doesn't even matter anymore.
They can just as well "axe" PVP from the game then, as all Empire can do from now on is build a campfire in Ilum and PVP against themselves in Warzones..... as no Republic player is gonna bother PVP'ing anymore.
Are you guys saying that an MMO has bugs/exploits/loopholes?
I am shocked !!!!!!
Regardless of how good TOR is , just reading the posts of the people who hate it has been the great enteraintment.
Yes you can! The devs and the publishers decide when a game is released. Do you really think they are releasing a game because some fans want it to? Wake up man, games are released early because either they run out of money or the publishers pressure them to release early.
This misplaced blame on customers is plain wrong.
My gaming blog
There are bugs and then there are obvious design flaws. Not having diminishing returns and not be safe at spawn points are not bugs, exploits or whatever, it is just careless development where obvious things are not addressed.
My gaming blog
I've actually taken to sitting back with a cup of tea and laughing my butt off at some of these posters. Many have admitted to not even playing MMOs anymore and for some for several years now. Of the ones left, about half are making the same complaints about this game that other people complain about the games they in turn enjoy. It's almost like saying "I know my game sucks the same way but . . ." Anyways, back to my tea.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
Yes plz
i am pve roleplayer so pvp shouldnt even be in a game if it is not a sandbox....but thats just mho.
In themeparks pvp is nothing more then a rep one is afraid to die.....make it all full loot and see how your "HC" pvp'rs will leave the BG's like snow befour the sun......bunch of pussy's.
have you even seen the "pvp" movie where they just stand there close to each other and just kill the other faction every other turn......yeah you "pvp'rs" are real badasses.
So far what i'm seeing from fans today are
@Slampig : It's ok for games company to f**k ups
@Dubyahite: It's ok for empire to farm republic and gain max valor rank, nothing big deal
@Dimmit77: It's normal to expect bugs/exploit/loopholes in mmo
Zzz...lame game with lame supporter. I came back to last few days to check on ToR and see if i wanna get it, then i see talk about Hi rez debacle which i didn't know much about but i do withness the massacre in illium, founder title fiasco, dissappearing cancel subription act, heavy censorship in forum, WSJ stock disaster preview and lame fanboy plugging leak in tortanic.
Well i guess i need to either forget about ToR or wait another few month.
PS : The only decent fans i've seen defending ToR is WickedJelly. Kudos for ur insight
Regarding Valor gains, with the 1.1 update, players now receive a base reward of 20 Valor per unique enemy player defeated in a short time, and this base reward is modified by the number of objectives that the player’s faction owns. The gains are rate limited per player killed, encouraging players to attack unique players, not to pursue vendettas.
"Players can no longer enter the opposing faction’s safe base area, thus preventing players from continually "camping" the other faction's base."
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Oh, did they do that again?
That's another thing they've taken over from Warhammer then.
Hey, I didn't say it was ok for Empire to farm Republic, what I'm trying to point out is that you guys are freaking out about the wrong thing. Thanks for misrepresenting what I said, but I guess I need to be a little clearer.
Valor is not as important as you make it sound. The gear doesn't come directly from valor. You can have all the valor in the world, but it won't really get you any gear.
The gear comes from bags. When talking about Ilum, the bags come from daily quests/weekly quests. These have nothing to do with valor. The quests are now completed by killing the opposite faction.
It is the quickest way to get some champion/battlemaster bags each day/week. So when you guys are screaming about valor farming, you're missing the point. It shows how little you understand of the actual game mechanics.
If I could go exploit my way to valor 60 right now, all I would get out of it is a Battlemaster title and the ability to open battlemaster bags. The only way to get battlemaster bags is by doing ilum dailies/weekly and doing the wz daily/weekly. You can get a total of 2 battlemaster bags off the daily each day, and 2 from the weekly I believe. Or you can choose to get champion bags if you're not high enough to get the battlemaster. They have a random chance (very low chance) to drop gear.
These people aren't farming valor as much as they are farming the quests.
Learn about the mechanics of the game before you complain about them. Thanks.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
You know , like there is the option , like dude when you see an exploit and you keep dying , like you go in another zone instead of keep feeding the opposition .
ZOMG !!!!!!
I mean its an MMO not Lemmings..... Completely different games. I swear some of these posts is like reading the chat in a PUG raid .
Keep going
Look at it this way. SWTOR is like a large cruiseliner. No, not the Titanic, but similar. It isn't sinking. It hasn't hit an iceburg. But the navigator is blind and deaf, and the wheelman has no arms.
SWTOR is a decent game, but the management right now is very poor. Bioware's community management is infamous as it is, and the TOR forums are living up to Bioware's standard. Praise them. Love them. Or they ban you. I won't be subscribing simply for the fact that the community is so divided, largely immature, and because well. I don't like Bioware in the first place. I got the game for free anyways. Yay Christmas.
End of line.
To be fair, part of the problem was that there was no other place for them to spawn and Empire was all over the spawn point. On some servers they were getting killed as soon as they popped, then had to pop in the same place again. There wasn't enough time to quick travel or fleet pass out.
They eventually figured out that the only way out was to queue for a warzone and quit right away, or something like that. Point is that their characters were locked down in one place big time.
It may not have been an exploit, but it was definitely mass griefing.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
DId i misinterpret you? (see those red highlight)
Well why don't you answer a simple question before questioning my understanding for the game mechanic
"Is valor important in the game"
Yes or No
No need to beat around the bush, a yes or no will sufice
And your point is? This patch was AFTER the game was released and we are talking about fixing obvious things before you release the game. That is what beta testing is for.
My gaming blog
yeah they made a prolly never EVER made a single mistake in your life?
Its fixed now, cant we just leave it at that?
I'm not beating around the bush. It's also not as simple as a yes or no answer.
Is valor important? Yes. It opens up the battlemaster gear. Is it more important than dailies and weeklies? Absolutely not.
I'm saying it's not as important as you think it is. Yes you need valor 60 to open battlemaster bags, but that's all it really does for you. That's about the only advantage you get from it. Attaining valor 60 is not that hard through legitimate means, and during the time you are working up to it, you're gaining lots of pvp gear.
Once you have a good amount of champions gear, you're not really at some huge disadvantage compared to a valor 60. I've stomped plenty of battlemasters into the ground on my sorc, who is valor 30 something right now. I haven't even spent that much time in pvp and I'm valor 30. I would say it is trivial to reach valor 60.
You're still missing my point though, and you're still misunderstanding what people are farming on Ilum.
What you should be upset about is the daily/weekly quest farming. This is what people have been trading objectives and now kills for since they have been on Ilum. This is where the pvp gear comes from. The daily weekly rewards are the quickest/best pvp rewards in the game. Not valor. Valor gives you nothing.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
But it's not really fixed now, because people got valor by exploiting. When THAT is fixed, then the problem will be fixed.
And you know, you might think titles like "Battlemaster" are stupid and meaningless, but I don't. I think they should be earned within the context of the game if you CARE about that game and it's future. Not cheated or exploited for.
Think about the game and the community you want to be a part of. Start off right and it will have a better chance of being right in the long run.
No. This is not a "misstake" it is neglect. Anyone with half a brain, or played WAR or any MMORPG with PvP, would know these would be issues.
The fact that Bioware either did not know it, or did not care enough about it, cannot simply be chalked up to a misstake. If I go to a restaurant and get a bug in my soup, that is not a misstake that is pure neglect. Getting too much salt would be a misstake.
My gaming blog