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I just cancelled subscription to SWTOR due to its remarkable resemblance to WOW which I played consistently for 5 years. I don't mind p2p or f2p with cash shop as long as it's fun and refreshing. I have been playing MMOs for 12 years and nearly anything bores me nowadays. However there were a few games I really enjoyed.
MMORPGs I have played(just the major ones):
WoW - played for over 5 years with amazing achievement and e-fame; not looking to go back though.
Ragnarok - spent my childhood years on this game. it had a good run but just too old and dead now.
Lotro - not a big fan of the lore. The lack of PVP really killed it for me.
Swtor - really just a wow clone with the same old mechanic and voiced quests.
Aion - another wow clone. Resubscribed a few times but never lasted a month each time.
Guild War - it was okay and unique.
Lineage - 1 of my first games. It was great, but I don't wanna get into anything grindy and hardcore as I'm waiting for D3/GW2.
DDUO - I had a blast when it was first released. Leveling and world pvp were great, but end game was lacking.
Eden Eternal - I was literally addicted to it but then got banned for making a racist joke lol! >.<
Atlantica online - can't believe I spent hundreds of dollars on this addicting game.
Dragon nest/Vindictus/rusty heart - felt like a single player game.
perfect world/forsaken world/allods - same wow mechanic and got old fast...
MMOs I have played and enjoyed:
Gunbound - oh the good ol days. I wish i were still in highschool.
Rakion - played and liked, it's plain old and not worth playing anymore however.
Worms - liked
Lost saga - had a blast and spent hundreds in cash shop. would like another game like this but perferbly not something so cash dependent.
gunz - liked, but filled with hackers
Currently I'm just playing single player games, bf3 and hon with my spare time. D3 beta is too short for me to get back into. I don't want another moba type game or more fps as i own all top of the line fps games. I just want something fun that I can jump right into. It doesn't have to be a mmorpg. MMO is fine - lost saga is a perfect example. I wonder if there's anything interesting left in the corner I've yet to discover.
Age of Conan has more dynamic combat system than WoW and its clones, while still being a quality title. With more realisitic graphics and gore.
It is free to play, but actually costs more than a monthly sub to access the relevent classes / content than it did previously, Although you can at least see if your comfortable with the game direction for free.
Also on a side note, as you like FPS and MOBA, try out monday night combat - a mix of both!
Hopefully these titles will present something new, but be accessable to to your tastes.