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I can have patience when something was bugged which caused a massive gain in valor, which was never addressed or removed.
However, when they continue to ignore 40-60 people taking off gear, coordinating kill swapping in caves, {mod edit} teleport right back where they died, allowing for the other side to kill and repeating it all day until they achieve their goals it just goes to far.
What's worse is when people try to bring up the issue on the forums I hear they have been quickly deleted.
Just makes me really sad to see the game go down so fast when stuff like below is seen.
{mod edit - please don't link to specific exploits or detail how to do them}
which is why pvp needs to be less about gear grind and more about the skill. kill-trading's only in existence if people think they're getting something for it. amazes me how many people i've come across over the years who seem to want things so easy.
"walk me through this dungeon you're 20 levels too high to do and i'm 10 levels too low so i can get phat lootz and heaps big xp."
"let me kill you a bunch of times to get my phat pvp gearz and be, like, not a noob now."
it's one reason i maintain that gear never translates into skill and one reason i'd love a game to do away with both gear as a reward for raiding and gear as a reward for pvp.
to me, it's the same as having a running race. and, if you win a few races you can drive a car instead. soon, a few guys are driving past the runners, winning more races and congratulating each other for being pro.
this valor thing?
makes the pvp even more of a joke and swtor really doesn't need any more laughs.
Must explain the unplanned 3am Weekend maintenance.. I think at this point people caught exploiting issues that they know are unintended should be banned.
Screw all the cry babies saying "They are just playing the game they way the developers allow then to" An Expploiter is just as bad as a hacker and tho anyone suspected of hacking is usually perma-banned all the idiots who exploit get a slap on the wrist or nothing as punishment. Start temp banning people who find and knowingly exploit game mechanics and people might cut the exploiting bullshit out.
When they have to shut down servers for bulllshit pvp exploits on weekends that should be grounds for handing out temp bans. People are using game breaking features to get undeserving valor/gear so they should be held accountable.
Either way it's bad.
That being said, my server must be totally awesome because Ilum has become an all out war when I go there. Republic are still outnumbered, but they put up a good fight.
I don't see any kind of kill trading or stupid exploits. All I see when I've been there is PvP and it's starting to get kind of awesome.
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People are using {mod edit} instantly respawn where they died so others can farm them.. If they are still getting a shit load of Valor like before and using this bug to kill trade then yes they are still exploiting valor.
I'd say perma-bans are appropriate.
What server are you on, Dub? I've been taking my time levelling and putting off end game knowing there were issues. I'm excited to hear that Ilum is possibly working as intended finally. Can't wait to get there if it's so.
and how's that weekly maintenance rubbish? 6 hour shutdowns more often than i change socks.
WoW has had Weekly maintenance since it launched... Every game has weekly maintenance. Whats the point of your post?
No disrespect but every mmo ive have played has had weekly maintenance if not during the first few months of its release every week since its release in most cases. Having a Tuesday Maintenance over night when the majority of the people are in bed or working(aside from maybe second shifters who might not be happy about losing gaming hours) is far more acceptable then having to have weekend maintenance for bs reasons that dont effect most of the people playing.
It's systemic of a far bigger problem, pvp is garbage in SWTOR, it's just a horror show. Most people only pvp for the quests and the gear, if they had a choice, i'll bet illum and the warzones would be empty as none of it is enjoyable in the least.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
really? a weekly maintenance? that's so novel. you know, in all these years i've been mucking about in mmos, i've never noticed those weekly maintenance things. oh, hang on. yeah, i do! those are the shutdowns that happen on a tuesday, right? pretty much universally (though eve online has a novel solution which seems to require pretty much 10 minutes). perhaps i called it rubbish because they call every shutdown a "weekly" one. none of them lasting less than 4 hours. perhaps the comment was in relation to the regularity, hence the "more often than i change my socks" comment? this is, after all, the third this week.
in which case, i suggest you pull your head out of your wall socket and tell me what the point of YOUR post was.
Ya, half our server seems involved in valor trading now.....(server Fatman and the rebel guilds who started this are and ) I found these youtubes after tonight and I havent looked to see if they are the ones from our server or not (doesn't matter)
{mod edit - don't post exploits or how to videos}
Last night we started organizing raids to hunt them down on Ilum and kill the farmers that are hiding in caves now and making them run and switch intances.
Looks like the "new end game PvP" for us will be hunting them down nightly and ending their lazy farming. And FYI after we hunted them down and shut them down it was rumored they switched to Ilum2 so we did and ended up having open warefare with completely different groups of players competively....a couple hours later just before the servers were going down for maintanance the valor traders wear found again and they started pleading with a guild member for us to keep quiet and join them.
Im not going to argue with you because i dont understand wtf you are talking about. You replied to a post i made about an unplanned shut down with something about "Weekly Maintenance". When i replied asking why you answer at first with denying knowledge of any weekly maintenance then say "Oh you mean that Tuesday maintenance?" So again. I dont understand why Weekly shut downs were even brought up. All of this stuff about a weekly maintenance had absolutely nothing to do with this thread or my reply which was why i asked "What the point of your post was?"
Well, it certainly isn't the case that every game has weekly maintenance. There are games that don't even go offline during maintenance. The game simply resets. When patching it kicks everybody off, relog, download and apply patch and play. 4 or 6 hour downtimes are certainly not standard procedure across the board.
The idea that pvp in TOR is somehow an 'endgame' activity is laughable as it currently stands. Bioware has no idea what they are doing with pvp in this game in several fairly obvious, and also fairly catastrophic ways. Unfortunately the cat is out of the bag if you will. The real option they have is to take Ilum out of the game and rework the idea and the function of the planet entirely. Instead they keep trying to tweak a broken system, hoping to god they get it right before the pvp game is totally ruined by these types of exploits. To do this though requires them to admit that they failed, which they won't do. Pvp as it stands in TOR is laughable at best, and is only getting worse.
on a saturday? I guess they messed up something, perhaps the real weekly maintenance will happen next week? lol
I can agree with this and about a week ago I did see them apologize for Ilum and said they were gonna work on it......I didn't get the impression from that though that they were gonna re-design it but styrongly believe they need to because it's current design is a big joke PvP wise.
I didn't see them post an apology for it but really it's already too late. Because the pvp in TOR is largely gear centric and only a small portion skill based, the damage is already done. It really isn't any different then not catching an item or credit dupe and then not being able to do correct the problem. For anyone that's seen that happen in an MMO it will devastate the economy for months, if not years after the cheat is caught. The same problem now exists in TOR. The longer they allow it to continue, the longer it's going to take them to actually fix what's wrong with PvP. Unless they are willing to admit the problem and take drastic measures to fix the issues, the pvp game is going to suffer for a long long time to come. Unfortunately I've been around the MMO genre long enough to know that these kinds of problems are almost never fixed completely and the pvp in this game is going to limp along for a very long time.
Hmm... I am the least one who defends an EA game, but if 40-60 people on different factions coordinate something, then it is tough for GMs in most MMOs.
Sadly in this case it is a players´ problem in my opinion.
If they have the "In game metrics" to punish exploiters or people who take advantage of the game's mechanics, which they claim they do, then this should be an easy thing for them to fix.
They stated before they will meet out punishment on an individual scale.
As a super competitive person, i find this completely unacceptable. Unfortunately you can't patch a fix to stop this, you can only start banning people doing it. I'm sure there's already guilds leveling opposing faction alts so they can farm themselves.
So many terrible design decisions made with TOR.
This game has exploit holes so big you can fly a 747 through them.
How does this stop you from having fun? Are you mad because you have to "work" harder than someone else for the same thing? If you think its work then you shouldnt be playing the game in the first place. I have fun earning the things I use in a game if others want to cheat to aquire the same things its their lose in my opinion.
This old exploit? lol
This is an effect of people wanting open world PvP with a simple point system to gain gear. They have two options as I see it.
1.) Ban everybody who does it (lol good luck)
2.) Remove points gained from kills being used to buy gear.
Pretty simple lesson from WoW's honor system....
Simple point gain systems will always be exploitable like this, dunno why people keep asking for it...
This is one of the reasons I tend to avoid pvp in mmos. Seems like the cheaters always find a way to exploit it, especially when it is a gear based. 3 immediate actions Bioware needs to take at this point: 1-post a stern warning that continued exploits will result in permabans, 2-start handing out the permabans, 3-if it doesn't stop shut it down till they can figure out a better system.
The exploiters must have sad lives really if they are going to pay $15 a month to sit there and exploit a broken pvp system so they can rush to max stats and say 'oh look at me I'm l33t! I pwn all u noobs!'. What is even sadder is the longer BW sits on their behinds allowing this, the more casual players will turn off and unsub realizing the game is broken unless you want to cheat your way to the top. Complete fail that should be at the top of their priority list. If it isn't BW won't be in the mmorpg business very long.
Doesn't this happen in every game with PvP in it? Not to defend BioWare because they really should know better, but I remember similar controversies from much smaller games - in Fallen Earth early on there was a rash of faction kill trades in clans, and they took forever to implement fixes for it.
I think the one thing most devs forget is that if people can find a loophole to exploit, then they will exploit it. It's kind of contrary to designing a game for people to play, you also have to design a game that's watertight against the people who couldn't be bothered playing, who want all the rewards for as little effort as possible. The OP has the right idea, chase these guys down, force them to play the game as intended.
None of us knows what BioWare are doing in the background with their fancy-ass metrics, whether the banhammer will fall on the exploiters sooner rather than later (we can but hope), but the community on every server can help make it clear to this kind of lazy player that their behavior will not be tolerated. I've never been a leet PvP-er, but if someone from the opposite faction shows up near me, I will fight. At times, I've chased people down because the fact that someone a couple of levels higher than me will run away from me baffles me. Especially on a PvP server (I dunno, it's RP-PvP... you'd imagine faction pride would be stronger with the RP side bundled in). I don't mind having my butt handed to me repeatedly either, it's the only way to learn.
Kill-trading makes no sense to me, but then I play play, I can understand people being really ticked off about it.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
THIS is why TOR should have never had PvP, at least at launch, if not ever.
TOR is not meant for the PvP type. It was designed for KotOR fans (read:single player) and for BW fans (read:single player). Why they got away from this I don't understand. Not all MMO's need PvP. It just creates more hassle.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.