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First 20 levels as being Free to play with no playtime restrictions!!!
Rift following the WoW path once again.
Awesome note. now you can get your friends to play with you for free.
Rift team noted that players will be able to experience Terminus, Mathosia, Freemarch, Silverwood, and their faction's capital cities. In terms of PvP, players will be able to participate in the sub level 20 warfronts: the Black Garden and the Codex.
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
Cuz WoW was the first F2P evar ????..................right?
do you have to buy the light client? I used to play Rift but im not subscribing again so i was wondering if old players get the light client for free? maybe trying the game again i could change my mind and come back? i missed the free weekends so i dont know whats new in Rift right now. (being away for over 5 months)
hmmm Imagine it will work 99% like the wow free play thing...................... so as not to confuse their players
There is nothing wrong with Rift following the WoW standard. WoW has a great Trial system, and Trion adopted it. This sin't even thread worthy in my opinion.
Trion may follow some things WoW does, but they at least get them right. Can't say that about any other game that tries the same.
The Deep Web is sca-ry.
A smart move. Past level 20 the game is repetitive and boring as hell. Three more lackluster PvP maps, a dozen of dungeons with 100% AoEable trash and bosses who all use same old mechanics: kill adds first, don't stand in fire, run out/break LoS on massive AoE, stop attacking when X happens.
MMORPG genre is dead. Long live MMOCS (Massively Multiplayer Online Cash Shop).
Having gone into one raid, one time, and wiped 50 times one would think your opinion would be different. {mod edit}
Trial to 20 is a fantastic idea as the initial content lev 1-8 is bland. Getting towards 20 the classes start to ramp up and become much more entertaining. It also allows people to come in and join thier friends who are already playing and gives the existing base much more leverage to drag thier friends in ... Its just a trial!
Every person they get in for free might not stay, but if just 10% do its a winner.
You have no idea what you're talking about with Boss Mechanics and Raids in general for this game. No idea what-so-ever. Nice gereralization.
But lets also keep in mind that Warhammer did it first with the Endless Free Trial.
All die, so die well.
Blizzard...the company who has flourished copying the Warhammer Universe...this is what you should concern your simple mind with.
Please use the existing thread here: