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For thoses that have no played UL before or have. I am listing what I believe to be a general description of the focuses and a guess at the new focuses.
Old Focuses:
Gatekeeper - Your basic Fighter class. Does more damage with weapons and is able to use protective arts to resist offensive arts. Also able to "lock" portals. Also has the power to break "locks".
SoulMaster - Your basic Cleric class. Has healing arts and "repairing" arts for shields. Also has offensive arts like poison to slowly harm others and curse to cause other to fail at casting their arts.
Fatesender - Your basic Mage class. Has effect arts as in Blind, Paralyze, Scare, Stagger. Also has area effect damage and effect arts.
Dreamseer - Your basic Thief class. Has arts to make them invisable. Can pass thru "locked" portals. Also can damage others from afar with just a glance (blast).
New Focuses: (Some what guessing what these are going to be like.)
Dreamsmith - Able to forge items like weapons, armor, protective items. Starts at at making low "level" items and grows to later being able to make very powerful items.
Kabalists - Able to use all items regardless of focus. Also maybe able to use items that are higher "level" then them and able to use the items more times before they are destoryed. Unable to use arts or very limited in the way they can use arts.
Scholars - Arts advance faster then others. Arts may be more affective then what the normally are at that level. Unable to use items or very limited in the way they can use items. I.E. Not as affective, can only use ones that are 1/2 their current ability.
Advocates - ??? councilors and diplomats. I have no idea what this focus/class could possibly entail. Have any idea's? Post them!
Again this could be incorrect, but this is what I am guess so far. Also Dreamsmith, Kabalist, Scholar and Advocates maybe sub-classes.
Soon to be dreamer
Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez
"I'm not insane. I just have a vivid imagination!"
To see the classes,
So there!
As for the advocate, this is purely stipulation, then agian maybe lyra hasn't even fleshed out the classes completely yet, but maybe they get a bonus on arts that help dreamers advance like Train and their new mentoring art and sphere. I wonder if this game'll have the bequeath experience art.
Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez
Something intersting is how you unlock arts. You get an orbit, you get 2 points to drop into your stats, doing so ups the stats AND puts you in the requisit for gaining the art.
So in UL ward may have required orbit 20, but in reclamation, ward's cousin, Bind, may require you to have 40 willpower in order to learn it, just as an example. I don't REALLY know what it'll require. Also if any element is beyond your orbit+10 then you can't drop 2 points in it on an orbit, only 1, for dreamsoul its orbit+20 If you check over there it notes out how elemental values even tie in with the ability to use items. It also notes that if you advance the right way you unlock a focus template. THAT is your classes.
Also it notes in that with the arts, a lot require enough of an elemental that you NEED to focus primarily on that element to meet the requirements for the art.
So, with those facts that we know laid out there, what can we guess? Well, Getting one of the classic foci in this game would be an easy matter of hammering the elemental you desire. If you want to be a gatekeeper, you keep dropping points into will.
As for for the other foci, that's going to be tricky. I venture a scholar is going to be art heavy, so they'll require concentration on the four foci where most of the arts lay in return for neglecting dreamsoul a bit where more utility functions lay.
A kabalist, more geared towards using items for scrapping may have to just hammer dreamsoul primarily.
Lord knows how the other ones will tie in, perhaps getting basic item forging arts opens up dreamsmith.... curious.
At any rate one also wonders how the templates affect the char. One would presume it unlocks arts, but the art descriptions make it seem more like it makes it easier to get the elemental requirements for the arts. Perhaps, being a gatekeeper means you can drop 2 points into will until it reaches orbit+20, or perhaps it means you get a straight bonus to will. Or does it also mean you have more difficulty raising the other foci?
I will say this much, this entire system opens up a TON of configurability for foci. Not to mention it'll be hard to "mess up" a character in this game, with the looks of it. You'll eventually need some points in all foci, so points dropped anywhere will not be wasted in the end, from the looks of it. Though, lets presume you don't like fatesender arts one bit, you could divert points to other foci and bone up one arts in them.
Very very intersting, it seems rather well thought out to say the least.
Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez
Soon to be dreamer
Then agian, under that same reasoning you could be a FS/GK. I mean you could hammer all your advancement points in Lucidity AND willpower and be proficient in both, at the cost of being weaker in combat.
From what it looks like scholar is extreme art focus. They get to cast arts of all foci, the tradeoff is they are miserable at using items. Not to mention that if you are going to be a heavy caster, you'll be focusing on your 4 elements rather then dreamsoul, which is more related to utility arts. The character would become a classic "Mage" class of the other genre RPG's, they'd be easy to drop in straight combat, but downright VICIOUS if given a chance.
Imagine, a dreamer who can abjure, or Divest as it's now known, you of all your protective arts, and IMMEDIATELY follow up with blind and paralysis. Not only that, the damn bastard is keeping himself invisible, making him hard to pin down.
That is a scholar, now imagine if a Kabalist uses a vision alt and manages to pin down this scholar with a chakram. Now the kabalist may not have arts, but his chakrams are going to hit harder then a GK on steroids while the scholar is going to be left with a pea shooter to defend himself.
Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez
Khy, all of the classes are separate templates and you can only hold one template at a time. Therefore you could not be a Fatesender Dreamsmith. Although there is nothing to stop you from putting your points into Lucidity and gaining Lucidity arts in addition to being a Dreamsmith, you simply would not have the benefits of owning that template (none of the drawbacks either).
Does that makes sense?
Lyra Studios, LLC
Bear in mind the way the limits work right now, you get two points at level up, they only let you drop 1 point in something if its at or above your orbit+10. Dreamsoul is your orbit+20.
A dreamer starts with all foci at 10 and their dreamsoul at 20.
What this means is if you start hammering something at the start, you can keep it that way, unless work up some PP's and spend them, the max you can have any element is your orbit+11.
Regular UL char's do not go above any of those limits on ANY of their elementals. Non focus elements are roughly orbit/2 (round down) focus element is roughly orbit +10 and your dreamsoul is roughly orbit +15, either way UL characters have a higher poitn value then a reclamation character.
On that note expect base reclamation characters to be a tad weaker, elemental wise, then a UL char, though the mere value of those points is going to be meaningless until we see the cost of the arts.
An interesting aspect that Lyra-Stone mention is "benefits and disadvantages" as I brought up earlier. It definitely confirms it.
I'm going to venture, based off that knowledge that picking a focus gives you a bonus to the allied element, Gk to willpower, for example. And I'm going to venture to say that the disadvantage is going to be that your other elements are going to be lower.
Either way, a higher elemental rating then the average dreamer will not only mean you can cast allied arts more often, but it also means you LEARN those arts much sooner then the average dreamer as well. And if focusing causes your other elementals to suffer, then you'll learn arts from those elements slowly.
If that's the case, staying rounded may have its own advantages...
Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez
Soon to be dreamer
The more I think about it, the harder it is to decide on just one class. I definitely do not want to do a classic UL focus, I want to do something NEW and DIFFERENT. Of the four new foci, dreamsmith and kabalist are the most interesting to me. I just can't narrow my choices beyond that.
I wonder if the first gen players will get any help on figuring out how to get the templates active. Perhaps a lyran will notice our leaning in the various focal directions and icly offering to help us step up to a greater form. Or some such.
Oh well we'll see when we'll see.
Because only someone as deranged as me would have a rubber chicken Named Alfredo Sanchez