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OK, I know better to gush about a game this early on, and I make no definitive statements about Tera, but from the small amount of play tonight...
It's nice. Very nice.
Logged in flawlessly this time, and performance was tight. The combat seems easy to learn but a lot to master as you build up your skills
I also love the Korean art style and the world to me is stunning, as are the models which are beautifully animated. Far far better then in other new games (especially you-know-what).
The quest so far have been very generic 'Kill 10' affairs, but that has suited me while I learn the basics so no biggie.
All in all, very positive first go which has me hanging out for the full sneak peak.
I agree, I played a warrior and got to level 9, once you get a few skills it gets very fun. Level 9 enemies were hitting me for 1/3 health with their special abilites, I actually managed to die once.
This is seriously impressive for such low levels, especially when I think back to killing boars in WoW. I will just wait for the level 20 BAMs, I know theres 5 or so level 22-28 BAMs and I want to kill them all.
The graphics are very nice, the starting area is really pretty and beautiful but for those who like dark zones there is plenty of that too. Very positive first impression...
Not to mention I had 75fps with about 150 people on screen at the very beginning. I couldn't get 35fps in rift PVP, says a lot about the engine.
Looking forward to future tests.
yeah, really suprised how good the performance actually was...
From my understanding, the sneak peek has not been rescheduled and cb doesnt start till feb 10... how are you guys playing now?
Yeah I was able to play for about an hour and a half today, and I was amazed by how smooth it ran with so many players running around. However, I did notice that something was up with the gfx, they were kind of fuzzy-looking compared to the Korean client. Not sure if that was due to testing or what, but I hope performance doesn't suffer once the gfx are set back to their sharper settings.
They tweeted that they were bringing the servers online for a short 2 hour test...I imagine they will do the same thing tomorrow, so you may want to keep an eye out.
I noticed the graphics looked iffy and they haven't added the AA option yet. Still waiting on this as well.
For how long this event will be running?
They had a short 'functionality' test.
It's over now.
Keep an eye on!/TeraEurope for more info as soon as it's available.
Love how the thread saying it's a weeaboo pile of turd has 3x the views and this thread stating what we liked about the game has next to nothing...just goes to show you what people want to read.
Good to see that you all liked the game. Cant wait to try it my self.
I played Korea and loved only complaint would be that mobs are to easy. Even the bam's...when you are equal level, you can solo them. Hopefully they changed that on NA.
"You're either with us or against us"
Depends which ones really, some are super easy like basilisks but ones like Balrogs are a little intense.
Maybe they could just make them permanently enraged? Many look absolutely stunning when enraged and are much harder to fight.
lol yep.
Drama always gets more attention then positivity on these forums though. Business as usual
It is not that strange, there were a lot more people trying to log on this weekend, most didn´t know about yesterday at all.
I figured out that I had access about the same time they closed down the servers myself, and I spend a lot of time on the forum. It doesn´t help that Froggster never mailed me about the test either, keeping an eye on twitter all the time is much even for me.
yeah, I can understand the bad feeling about all that, it was an embarrassing mess for sure.
Have to say though Loke... It all kind of washed away when I logged in and tried the game. It exceeded my first impression expectations in terms of visuals and performance.
It looks like they will be holding the event this weekend though, so hopefully folks will log in and see for themselves
How did you guys manage to download the game?
I bought it off the site, and my account is sorted, but when I log into the client it says that my user is not active, but according to my account it is?!
I think it can only be DLed right now if you have a event or beta key... I'm not sure though. Have you applied your key yet?
Ves, yesterday while the servers were on I noticed that many objects don't cast a shadow. Is this just a Beta-thing or will it stay like that?
Not sure, will check quickly, according 2 my account on the site, it says active
Doesn't look like it needs me to do something like that, aarrrrrr :P I just wanna be rdy for the weekend
This is THE GREATEST mmorpg EVER MADE EVER in the history of ever made mmorpgs ever..EVER... till archeage
Apart from few non standard features TERA is a themepark at heart with usual 'kill x' quests. I played for few hours and the whole generic asian style really puts me off. I wil buy it for my wife because she like these kind of games but i will stick to The Secret World release for now and GW2 after that.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
I'm not sure tbh... I saw strong shadows around a lot myself, but I don't dispute what your saying. Bear in mind shadows should only be used where needed, and the whole area was very brightly lit due from above (if you looked up and around). I do get what your saying though
I took some SS... I will try to post them later.
Thats a fair stance to take.
If the art style of the game dosen't appeal to you there is no way you will enjoy it.
I am excited for GW2 as well