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[mod edit - keep it constructive]
So i entered today to see what's all about this game.
Well to tell u the truth it's not bad but it's nothing special as well.
The game is very bad optimzied at least at very high settings even with gtx 580 sli though it's not as bad as swtor.
Swtor still keeps the first rank at teh most unoptimized mmo along with rift.
There is no vsync option nor antialiasing and the game looks very blury and it's not crystal clear even on 1920x1080
Some classes are fun to play while others eg the sorcerer isn't something special.Spell effects are meh.
the warrior is a better option or any melee class and looks fun.
Music is good i liked it though dont expect to listen to awesome music scores of wow.
The game makes it a little hard to see were to kill enemies etc and there is nothing to show you the area the mobs are gathered to kill them.You have to find them by your self
All in all i dont think ill be playing this game i just spent 5 euro for the light edition to see how this game goes and to save some money and i will cancel.
This game will go free to play at least in one year.
I didn't think the beta started until tomorrow, or was there another sneak peak today?
TBh, I honestly have stopped reading right there.
Not because I mind you obviously not liking the game, thats fine, not every game is for everyone, but your way way too belligerent and angry and way to eager to tell others they are 'wrong'right off the bat.
If you want as many others as possible to read and understand your points, and I am assuming you have points, my advice is to learn how to voice them in a decent manner.
If you just get your kick out of internet fights and they make you feel like you are the important center of attention for a little bit, carry on like you are.
who is your internet provider OP?
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
today was a stress test, if you read the forums they clearly stated that.
also from watching videos on you tube, you were only allowed 1 character and were unable to delete it. so you lied right there about the classes.
I've got the straight edge.
The game was smooth as silk in my single GTX580, so I don't know what's wrong with your SLI setup.
Vsync is only useful if you're having artifacts when you're looking around, other than that it's not very useful. However, I agree that the lack of AA support in the sneak peek event was telling.
There were however people who claimed that they didn't get high level textures, or some other graphics related issues. Considering also the excuses behind not including the high quality textures in the NA version, it gives me suspicions that the game is arbitrary trying to auto adjust graphics quality regardless of options choices and that doesn't work that well for some people.
I was at work but I remember reading about that on the offical forums^^ nice catch.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
You could create one character per server, that means that you could check two classes in this sneak peak. I have no idea what the guy you quoted did though.
The current version does not include the highest resolution textures. We were doing some testing in alpha to see if we could maintain a high quality level with a smaller resolution. After testing we didn't feel it met our standard.
So what does that mean to you? It means we have a high resolution patch in testing. In all likely hood this will go live today or tomorrow and be an additional 7GB. There is a chance it fails testing (it does have other fixes included as well) and will not make it before this weekend . This means that this weekends closed beta test won't have the most badass settings possible in TERA. It still looks damn good but it will get better once this patch goes live.
We just wanted to be as transparent as possible so that you guys aren't playing super sleuth on screenshot comparison or client size comparison and wondering where the missing gb's are.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
I played the stress test and the game ran pretty damn smooth on my mobile graphics card. (GeForce GTX560M)
I had fun with the short time I could play. I played as a Popori Slayer.
The game looks beautiful and the combat was fun. I did not get a chance to try many of the skills as I only got to level 7.
But I found the simple dodging behind enemies to avoid attacks, getting behind them and slashing them was entertaining and it worked pretty fluidly.
I had this kind of sprint ability, which basically gives you boost in speed when you're out of combat. As soon as you enter combat, it triggers a 30 minute cooldown.
I found this to be a little odd, why a full 30 minute cooldown for an ability like that?
That means as soon as you get into combat, you have to wait a full 30 minutes to be able to get that little speed increase again.
The EU version is a bit over 20GB though and from my point of view the textures seemed high quality. If they can go even higher, then kudos to them, I'm sure my system can handle them
Just reading the first two lines, I can honestly say that OP is an angry WoW Fanboy who sees SWToR-Garbage, TERA, and upcoming mmo's drain his all loved population.
Even if im wrong, I can say 100% OP is a fegget. I think we all agree here.
You had two sprint abilities actually. One was a passive skill and one was an active ability, the one you're talking about. The passive skill fires up each time you're out of combat, similar to the way SW:TOR one works. The active skill i assume is for travelling, because you become susceptible to knockbacks and you lose it with the first knockback.
On top of that, you can drink a sprint potion.
Ah, I see. That makes more sense.
Thanks for clearing that up.
I should have paid a little more attention to what I had in my inventory, I am sure I had a bunch of potions there. Though I came in a little late into the stress test so I was kind of running through as much as possible.
I will probably check out the beta for this game. I saw you could buy a key for a fiver, which is not bad at all. I'm probably not going to start paying monthly though. I am kind of through with that.
In the na version today i could only make 1 character but i could delete them so i did end up looking at a couple of different classes .