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Just been looking at riftstatus and noticed almost all shards have had a resurgence in population te last few weeks ( yes i know some where moved to trial status)
NA Shards :
EU Shards :
Probably getting the dissatisfied SWTOR crowd trickling back in.
"I am not in a server with Gankers...THEY ARE IN A SERVER WITH ME!!!"
Ummm... Rift Lite???
Hell, even I logged in last night just for the halibut.
They closed (I'm sorry, made them "Trial servers", same diff), what, 14 servers (to be honest I forget the exact number, but something like that) just a week or two ago? It's not really surprising, nor realistically any indication of a population surge, that the remaining servers would see an increased population.
Yep its easily noticeable, my server is much more busy, and its not just Rift Lite, theres plenty of level 50 ppl coming back.
Maybe, but it might also be some good press or a marketting drive.
Whatever, more players good (fire bad).
Just the disappointed SWTOR players making their annual "new shiny worn off, bored of new shiny, back to my familiar games for like a month waiting for the next shiny".
Dont worry your games pop flux will return to normal in about a month.
Nothing to see here.
why is everyone so hostile about it haha
The population has been going up now on Rift Status for about 4-5 weeks. When the server merges happened. The closed serevrs stayed at 1 and all the others serevrs had substantial increases.
My guess is ToR has been doing Rift a lot of favors. Many disatisified ToR players have suddenly found Rift looking a lot prettier.
But this last weeks increase I bet is from Rift Lite. The previous increases since the end of Decemeber were all in addition to the trial servers. But this weeks increase I would bet is mainly from Rift Lite. If you look at the numbers you can see all the trial servers getting crazy bumps. i can;'t believe those are accurate. The rest of the servers are getting mild increases. I would imagine thats a lot of the lite people. I would not be surpised if Rift has actually dropped this last week. After 4-5 straight weeks of increases it would only make sense that a number of the new people will have not stuck and likely hav dwindled a little bit. Not mention 1.7 just came out which likely sparked a quick jump in players which will level out the next few weeks.
My guess is the next few weeks will show a decline as it levels out from the lite players, the returning 1.7 players and some of the ToR people move on. But I think its fair to say the population has stabilized the last few months and seems to be on a slow rise. Rift seems to have the model of EQ2 which is not surpising with Hartsman running the show. EQ2 bottomed out after a bad release and dropped down close to 100k subs then slowly rose back up to over 200k by adding lots of new content and improving the games rep. Rift has the same focus on gaining players by having a good rep. At some point I would expect the population to start to slowly rise like EQ2 did a couple years after release. As new games fail to meet hype Rift will always be an alternative for those that relaize the grass is seldom greener.
I played at launch for the first 2 months. I came back 2 weeks ago and signed on for 3 months sub. I am in a newly formed guild, most are returning players like me. but nice try. also, I hope you have enough sense to know, that a % of the RIFT lite players will come on board as regular active subs.
But keep thinking that people like you who popped on for a random night here or there are causing permanent spikes in player pops -- cant be that people are ACTUALLY returning to game and enjoying me.
Make some new videos already I like them.
Games doing good, burst from fail SW:TOR/WoW finaly loosing its shine.
Yeep Rift devs should senda a Thank you card to BIOware...
Wow. defensively hostile, much?
I'm not arguing that Rift "hasn't truly" had its population increase. LotRO, DDO, DCUO and others have had massive success by making their game more accessible... in both population and revenue. It would be a pretty bad Omen if there WASN'T a significant pop increase when opening a significant portion of your game for free.
"I hope you have enough sense to know" that.
Far as all the anti-TOR talk from others since your reply, it appears that many don't.
lol. That is 100% true in my case. I played Eve Online for a long-time (BoB was still active as BoB). Then bounced around after burnout and settled on an English conversion of a Korean MMO (Mabiongi). After a couple years of that I got tired of Nexon's attitude in miliking paying players and while letting the F2P cheaters and gold-farmer run wild... So, bounced around for a couple of months and settled on LOTRO for about 2 years before burn-out...
Started looking in November.. Oh, look, here comes SWTOR which is supposed to not only have all the MMO stuff, but they're adding great stories AND worthwhile companions...
JOKE!!!! Half-baked MMO at best. And the stories weren't even good. If the stories were I'd at least have played them all out. But they weren't. They were second-rate. Sure, full voice acting... But wooden, second-rate dialog is wooden, second-rate dialog.
So, I'm trying Rift. Not that Trion's making it easy. I have questions, but you're not allowed to post on the forum unless you buy the game. And after the massive fail of SWTOR... I'm really hesitent...
Or you could just ask in here :P.
Rift Lite should be enough for you to see the kind of gameplay and stuff, but they say the endgame is where it's at, with the Ember's Isle, Chronicles, Raids and stuff. You'll also get more better skills spells so gameplay might change a bit, but core combat should feel similar.
In any case, with 12€ you can get a sub with 40 gameplay days + 8GB USB pen here in Europe, I'd say it's a very sweet deal nonetheless.
I'm back to RIFT, after being so disappointed with SWTOR. Actually, SWTOR remembered me how awesome was Rift...
There was a free weekend a few weeks back, well timed to get former players who were maybe getting bored with SW:TOR. I actually jumped in for the first time since beta on that weekend, and was persuaded for the first time to buy the game.
The whole SWTor and Rift comparison makes me think of south park.
Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich lol
Best thing that came from TOR was Mercenaries. Everyone in the mmorpg community is just all of a sudden cool with saying "screw rp'rs" and both teams can inter mix in pvp.
ALSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THANK YOU TOR for proving that this bursty bullshit pvp is not popular anymore and people are ok with controlled damage in pvp. I actually enhoy Rift pvp now that pretty much every class has been put in check.
You know how bad it sucked for 8 straight months getting drilled in pvp gear due to being bursted down like I was tissue paper.
On my server more people are actually ocming from WOW than TOR. I'm surprised by how many are new to Rift in this latest influx.
Yes, there has definitely been an increase in activity. No, it has little to do wth Rift lite. Will it last? Who knows. Trion has to be happy though, after 9 months of decline they have had a month of increase.
You know... I have been playing SWTOR for few weeks and I keep telling myself that I miss Rift... Mostly because the world in Rift is more alive, with many occasion to start a group for a random zone event or a Rift. While in SWTOR, I quest alone and barely see anyone or rarely able to find a group despite being in a heavy populated server.
Let's hope in few months SWTOR will offer a bit more multiplayer stuff, because I really do like how they setup the quests and personal storylines. Until then it looks like I'll be back in Rift shortly.
Yep thats me.
TOR was so amazingly boring.
Enjoying RIFT, but i am drawn to the WvWvW of GW2 so i will more than likely depart when thats released.
Lolipops !
They may need to brace themselves for the tsunami coming.