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Ok, so I'm in the closed beta and loving it so far. The issue came when a buddy called me to confirm lunch tommorw and my wife overheard me telling him how nice and good looking Tera was and that I would probably be beat tomorrow as I would be up all night on Tera....
Needless to say... My wife had a few questions as to just whom this "Tera" bitch was and what I was thinking. Worse 20 mins of my life trying to get her to understand it was a game... Lol I wish they could have named it something else...
Even worse when she finds out Tera is a 10 year old girl with bunny ears...
Women, can't live with em. can't shoot em. Also, never ever trust anything that bleeds for 40 years and doesn't die. Been there done that as i am on my 2nd marriage.
lol yeah i can see this happening :P
That was funny xD Not funny in your shoes though.
Try calling it Exiled Realm if its acronym will get you into trouble again in the future.
TERA = The Exiled Realm of Arborea
Yeah, it really rolls of your tongue.
I thought your wife would be pissed at you becase you would stay up all night playing the game instead of being with her, or becuase you're canceling a real lunch and meeting with your real friends in order to play video game.
My wife gets pissed at me when I play for too many hours. we're expecting our first girl to be born next week. I guess I'll have even less time to do my own stuff...
Hey, if you have a kiddo that sleeps a lot, like an infant should, you'll have plenty of time to screw around. However, you just have to be prepared not to do anything that you can't drop at a moments notice.
Congrats! ... and say goodbye to all night gaming sessions!
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true...
LOL! Made my day, thanks for sharing.
Really? Time for a new wife!
So are there a whole lot of trees in the game world? Or did they not know what they word meant over in Korea?
Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.
Yeah, it really rolls of your tongue.
Like the lolis.
You know what my first unpleasant experience was? My sense of humor getting the best of me:
*grin* Too funny. That made my day.
... Or because she notice that you play a female toon dressed in something that would make a pornstar blush...